Melenchon's sharp increase is worrying and if more Hamon and other left leaning voters decide to back that guy could be catastrophic. In the Wikipedia page of French election polls it shows even Melenchon beats Le must suck to be her
@LA se Karachi
The campaign has now officially ended.
To respect the tranquility of voters at the time of their choice, clear provisions are provided by law to prevent any disruptive event in the last 48 hours before the vote. The campaign stops this Friday at midnight in metropolitan France. It stopped Thursday at midnight in the the overseas territories where the voting will take place this saturday. (Sunday for metropolitan France)
Under a decree from March 2001, the National Commission for the Control of the Electoral Campaign imposes on the candidates to cease any campaign action and any act of propaganda to Electoral purpose ... everywhere on the territory of the Republic.
They are not allowed to hold any public meetings anymore,nore distribute leaflets or send electoral emails,anything that has character of electoral propaganda. It also calls on them to freeze the content of their websites and no longer make any updates of them til the closing of the last polling stations.
The National Commission for the Control of the Electoral Campaign for the Presidential Election reminds the media that it is no longer possible to broadcast interviews of candidates or their supporters in the print or audiovisual press on Saturday 22 and Sunday, April 23, 2017.
No polling, no partial results, no estimate of the results can be published on saturday 22 and sunday 23 April before 8 pm.
The law also forbids from now til sunday at 8pm for any polls to be conducted,published or commented. Exit polls are also forbidden.