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French attacks could inspire next generation of terrorists: Expert

just read this somewhere on net.

<< Psalm 121 >>
Behold, He who keeps Israel
Will neither slumber nor sleep.

The LORD is your keeper;
The LORD is your shade on your right hand.

The sun will not smite you by day,
Nor the moon by night.

The LORD will protect you from all evil;
He will keep your soul.

The LORD will guard your going out and your coming in
From this time forth and forever.
Can you tell us more? For example, did both Jewish and Muslim leaders pledge to root out militancy in their communities, working with French law enforcement officials and schools?
No this is not possible.
Islam said to be one but indeed this is not one. People don't like salafists (i mean most muslims here). But what can do the muslim authorities?
in Lyon they attacked many times the Mosque of Lyon because it was "too modern": they cry that they can force France to become muslim and being "salafist" muslim of course.

Religion here cannot do much. There is the state who cares about actions .

Anyway i was only sad about one event: UOIF organization didn't stop the invitation from extremists after the Merah murders. It is not the first time this organization sometimes acts bad.
Good point almost nobody cares about them.
In France people are first French. Religion is faith which doesn't divide the French in communauties. This is a good point but the consequence of it is that there is no real organization with an acceptable number of muslims : most muslims just don't care , do their prayers , respect their religion but they don't enter in any communautary system.

as you could see these army men killed who were muslims: their parents said :
"they were first French army men and he killed army men. Being muslim or not has no importance for serving army"

I don't think French system is perfect but i guess that the talibans we get in Iran which are in a minority in our country leading our country by violence, cheating and lies.... is outnumbered by people who want to consider this as a fact:
before being persian or muslims or azeri, first you are Iranian

the leaders who use an ideology for manipulation of people are nothing else than fascists
you can see some good exemples in this forum ;)
There were these two mosques bombings in France where Muslim clerics and worshippers lost their lives just prior to these killings!!!
No one seems to remember!!!
Double standards or hypocrisy!!!
How is that related to what the young man did my dear, nothing justify the killing of innocents and specially little children.
People who are spreading hate in the name of religion like that imam are a danger to Islam and humanity as a whole.
By reading your post my dear it seems you also subscribe to this sort of belief, you people are only encouraging stereotyping of muslims by your behaviour in your adopted country.
Merah's first victims were Muslim soldiers. The French were first looking for a white supremacist like Norway's Breivik. It wasn't until they looked at the forensics that they realized the killer could be Muslim, too. Perhaps investigations into other terror attacks on Muslim targets will make more progress now?

What about the last link(false flag) in post #13, it can be a possibility too.
just read this somewhere on net.


Anyone can claim he is Israel, so he is protected by the lord himself!

Banou Israel the original Jews who believed in the teachings of the prophet Moussa(Moses)a.s were a tribe from Arabia, and even then not all of them followed the path of the LORD, some choose to worship the Golden bull or cow instead! This shows their closeness to Hinduism somehow.

There are many other things said about them by the Lord himself in all the old scriptures and they are not all positive neither good concerning them.

No hatred, just the truth and nothing but the truth.
How is that related to what the young man did my dear, nothing justify the killing of innocents and specially little children.
People who are spreading hate in the name of religion like that imam are a danger to Islam and humanity as a whole.
By reading your post my dear it seems you also subscribe to this sort of belief, you people are only encouraging stereotyping of muslims by your behaviour in your adopted country.

Not at all dear, I am just asking why there is a double standard when it come to Muslims, and concerning the little innocent children, it is obviously appalling (everywhere including India and Israel where thousands of innocent Muslim children have been murdered).

Stereotyping concern Hindus not Muslims, open your eyes my dear and see how many Canadians and westerners in general are converting to Islam or at least sympathising with its doctrines.

the words Justice and Islam goes hand in hand, and no arrogance can beat it , surely not yours since you jump to conclusions like a monkey and overlook the truth and facts.
Not at all dear, I am just asking why there is a double standard when it come to Muslims, and concerning the little innocent children, it is obviously appalling (everywhere including India and Israel where thousands of innocent Muslim children have been murdered).
Thanks for the reply brother but i don't know who brainwashed you into thinking that mulims are prosecuted in India we have been able to create a multicultural society which we Indians are proud of.
We had 3 muslim president's since Independense the last one was Dr APJ Abdul Kalam who is also called the missile man of India, go Google about it if you want. Our entertainment industry is dominated by many muslim actor's.
Yes i agree there have been inter religion conflict, but no society is perfect mate.
If you dont believe i invite you to come to India once in your lifetime i assure you dear it will be life changing experience for you .

Stereotyping concern Hindus not Muslims, open your eyes my dear and see how many Canadians and westerners in general are converting to Islam or at least sympathising with its doctrines.
I am pleased to know people are converting to Islam good for them every man has the right to follow his/her belief.

the words Justice and Islam goes hand in hand, and no arrogance can beat it , surely not yours since you jump to conclusions like a monkey and overlook the truth and facts.
Please dear do not mix religion with politics it has dangerous affect, religion only becomes a tool by man to preach hatred among his fellow human being.
I like India very much, but I can not tell you that I like all Indians on the same footings(nothing to do with Muslim Indians, just Indians in general).
But I am a truth seeker and Muslims in India are treated very badly, lower than the lower casts as you call them , since you do have this cast system, which is contradictory to Muslim teachings of equality, hence the huge conflict and slaughtering of Hindus and Muslims in India, springing from a wide base of ignorance fed by poverty and ignited by hate politics.
There are obviously some imminent Muslims in India, and that is a positive point, you saw yourself what they could and can bring to India's well being.

Not only common people are converting to Islam, many are professionals or scientists, it is a clear indication that Islam has a Universal attraction due to its simplicity and yet completeness.

There is no indication of mixing religion and politics in my previous post(Man does't need religion to propagate hatred, anything will do, mostly lack of strong religious beliefs)
I was answering a Zionist on a personal attack;
Even if one does not approve of the murder of innocents regardless of their origins , you can still be accused of religious fanaticism, It is clear to everyone to see how Zionists react and think, you have to sympathise with Jews alone, or else..no wonder they are and were hated and kicked out since the beginning of time and throughout human civilisations.
If you are going to treat people badly and think, that your future is secured, then think again. There is a thing called ''Karma''. The earlier these so-called ''Western Peaceful'' nations realize this, the better.
karma is working,
Look at the crime rate in the US, that surpasses all their military losses ten or even a hundred folds annually, Europe doesn't fare better!

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