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France's Military Is All Over Africa

haha! what an answer ! ;)

Don't trust this Frenchman; @Gabriel92 once promised me that he'd introduce me to a beautiful French lady. I stood there in the rain holding some freshly cut tulips waiting for that Heavenly French Nymph to walk over to me and what do you know an hour later Gabriel walked out of the Restaurant with the same lady, asked for the car keys and pretended as if I wasn't his Brother but his chauffeur ! :o:

He even gave me a tip ! :mad:
Don't trust this Frenchman; @Gabriel92 once promised me that he'd introduce me to a beautiful French lady. I stood there in the rain holding some freshly cut tulips waiting for that Heavenly French Nymph to walk over to me and what do you know an hour later Gabriel walked out of the Restaurant with the same lady, asked for the car keys and pretended as if I wasn't his Brother but his chauffeur ! :o:

He even gave me a tip ! :mad:

armstrong wants a "sister" in every port. :lol:
Don't trust this Frenchman; @Gabriel92 once promised me that he'd introduce me to a beautiful French lady. I stood there in the rain holding some freshly cut tulips waiting for that Heavenly French Nymph to walk over to me and what do you know an hour later Gabriel walked out of the Restaurant with the same lady, asked for the car keys and pretended as if I wasn't his Brother but his chauffeur ! :o:

He even gave me a tip ! :mad:

Fact 1 : Do not (NEVER) trust a Frenchman.
Fact 2 : Find a Japanese girl.
@Nihonjin1051 :P
As one of my professors once put it, the story and secret of French decolonialism in Africa is that - with the exception of Algeria - the French never really left.
Fact 1 : Do not (NEVER) trust a Frenchman.
Fact 2 : Find a Japanese girl.
@Nihonjin1051 :P

Bwahahahahaha! peut-il gerer une fille japonaise? :lol:

Desole ! mon francais est "prosaique" :(:(


As one of my professors once put it, the story and secret of French decolonialism in Africa is that - with the exception of Algeria - the French never really left.


Reminds me of the glorious stories of the Imperial 'Old Guard' during the Napoleonic Wars. Wherever the Eagle of France arrived, the enemies of France buckled...!

Britain gave independence to its colonies and withdrew its forces while France still has forces in its former colonies and don't want to give up its influence and nterferes in their internal affairs.
Agree, France will never intervene in any African country that isn't its colony, else it will have to deal(seek permission/cooperation) from us and the United states first. :p:

Well I don't want to dwell too much into France policies in its African colonial subjects, since all members here who have been following my comments here already know my stand on this. So no essay anymore on this.lool

But I will say all Pakistanis, Indians, Chinese, Arabs, Muslims members on here who always tend to cry/whine about the U.S/U.K 'Anglo Saxon imperialists' , why is it that they hardly ever point a finger at France? Lool seems every countries out there always pick on the Anglo Saxon U.S/U.K. to be honest we are still better off, since the U.K doesn't control/have troops in all its former African colonies the way France still does. I'm I right? @Nihonjin1051 , @ChineseTiger1986 , @Chinese-Dragon , @Falcon29 , @Beidou2020 , @senheiser , @Keel , @ :D:enjoy:

Let me ask you this -- Mike -- its not really France 'intervening' in said countries, more so said countries asking France to help on their behalf. What can a responsible country do? Ignore their requests?

Britain gave independence to its colonies and withdrew its forces while France still has forces in its former colonies and don't want to give up its influence and nterferes in their internal affairs.

French involvement in Africa is a necessity due to the humanitarian issues in the continent. Contrasting to British and American involvement in the middle east -- per se in Iraq -- the French have largely remained observant , until recently. During the Rwanda Genocide where over 1 million Tutsis were killed -- the French have realized the importance in intervening in cases of such genocidal spectacles. The same situation was apparent in C.A.R, hence the French assistance, which, by the way, was supported by the vast majority of the C.A.R citizenry.

French presence there was not in the name of nation building , but to support the democratically elected government and to remove terrorists who seized power and initiated a communal conflict.
Congo/Zaire, Rwanda and Burundi all of them is not part of French colonies in Africa. The worst of it all of them is ex- Belgium colony in African
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