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France to recognize Palestinian state in September: official

Problem is that Palestinians dont recognize themselves as a state. And Hamas does not recognize the legitimicy of Palestinian Authorities at all.

The day Palestine comes into exisitence will start the coutn down for Israeli demise as the whole of muslims world will have a plattform to concentrate on. I think end of times are near!
Palestinian state de facto already exists, actually even two of them (one in Gaza and one in West Bank).

I and many Arabs dont hate israel for being jewish..they hate it for being brutal and deceptive!
Arabs killed each other by hundreds of thousands and dont give a damn about it.
Palestinians want their statehood, but Israel wants to choke them from all angels. Though Israeli members try to pretend in discussions and on this forum that they are angels directly from heaven. On PDF majority of the users are familiar with history of Palestine, annexation of land, history of Jerusalem and building of settlements.
The day Palestine comes into exisitence will start the coutn down for Israeli demise as the whole of muslims world will have a plattform to concentrate on. I think end of times are near!

I and many Arabs dont hate israel for being jewish..they hate it for being brutal and deceptive!

Well you are our cousins after all... i honestly don`t hate you, dislike you sure, but don`t hate you.
You know we have druze who are also Arabs that we consider Brothers and then we have you. Think of it this way, Arabs like you are the type of cousins that are always jealous of us, enjoys beating their wives and constantly tries to stab us in the back and then ask for mercy.
Druze on the other hand are the cool type of cousins, even though you are cousins it feels like you are brothers, you always got your each others back, you go clubbing together and you help each score chicks. :azn:
Now why can`t you follow the example of the Druze? Wouldn`t you like to score hot chicks together rather then marry 7 year old kiddies? ;)
We are not Arabs and definately not cousins. Though Islam can be followed and practiced by any human irregardless of race or color.

Domestic violence is a common thing and Israel, US or Europe are no different.

Domestic Violence
Palestinians want their statehood, but Israel wants to choke them from all angels. Though Israeli members try to pretend in discussions and on this forum that they are angels directly from heaven. On PDF majority of the users are familiar with history of Palestine, annexation of land, history of Jerusalem and building of settlements.
Israel offered a state to Palestinians several times. They refused.
Well France already have their forces in UAE , in case you have not noted they moved their army base in UAE, and if you follow colonization patterns of 1800 you will see nations like France and Britain always go in with the notion of trading and then they build a base and after any uprising they colonize the country / region.

So what France now is doing is they build a base in UAE, close to oil reserves , and they are just patiently building trust with local powers looking for an opportunity to colonize they could care less about any thing else its just a political move

Just like how they lied to Pakisan about Nuclear cooperation , so Pakistan would not object to a french airbase near gawadar port (uae)
We are not Arabs and definately not cousins. Though Islam can be followed and practiced by any human irregardless of race or color.

Domestic violence is a common thing and Israel, US or Europe are no different.

Domestic Violence

My bad i thought he was a Saudi Arab living in Pak but i guess he is a Pak living in Saudi Arabia.
Still, the funny analogy stands with regards to Arabs in general and by extension to Muslims in general, since they are distant cousins by faith. :agree:
Israel offered a state to Palestinians several times. They refused.

They can only refuse that. If they accept that, they will be seen as a traitor in many countries. That is not just the issue of Israel and Palestine.

Yes, Israel is not afraid of war, but they are not afraid of war too, the result is that peace will never come.
So, If want peace, Israel needs to communicate with all Arab countries, change its tough stance. Let your neighbors need you Exist, your neighbors will accept you Exist.
But what happens cross, for example, Israel did agree and Palestine were to come to existence and Arabs then demanded more? Or for example Palestine turns to a new Gaza? Non stop violence and rockets because they want more now that they achieved a state?
But what happens cross, for example, Israel did agree and Palestine were to come to existence and Arabs then demanded more? Or for example Palestine turns to a new Gaza? Non stop violence and rockets because they want more now that they achieved a state?

You should let Arab civilians need Israel's help, then they will accept you Exist.
Force can not solve all the problems.
I`m not sure what that means cross... Like i said, what if after getting everything they asked for they A)Turn to be another Gaza and Attack Israel or B) Demand more and more? What then?
Russia recoginzed Palestine in Jan 14 2011, other countries (i.e France) will follow it.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev recognized Palestine as an independent state during a visit to Jericho.

Medvedev said since 1988 Moscow has recognized the need for a Palestinian state during his visit Tuesday to the Palestinian city. He said everyone including Israel will benefit from its establishment, Ynetnews.com said Wednesday.

“The Russian position hasn’t changed, as I’ve told the president,” Medvedev said. “Russia made its choice long ago, at the end of the ’80s. We supported and will support the inalienable right of the Palestinian people to create its own state, which is independent, territorially integral and with a capital in East Jerusalem,” The Jerusalem Post quoted Medvedev as telling a news conference.
I`m not sure what that means cross... Like i said, what if after getting everything they asked for they A)Turn to be another Gaza and Attack Israel or B) Demand more and more? What then?

:coffee: Let them need you.
For example, investment, education, construction, aid...
They need us now, they needed us Yesterday, and they needed us Decades ago.... Doesn`t mean they are were and will accept any form of help from "The occupation" even when said occupation ends.
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