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France to recognize Palestinian state in September: official


Apr 17, 2010
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RAMALLAH, March 5 (Xinhua) -- A senior Palestinian official said Saturday that he had received a promise from France that it will in September recognize a Palestinian state on the territories occupied by Israel in 1967.

Palestinian negotiator Nabil Shaath, who wrapped up a visit to Paris on Saturday, told Xinhua that France has reiterated that it will recognize the Palestinian state in September.

"France postpones its recognition of a Palestinian state because it is exerting efforts to convince the entire European countries to recognize the state," Shaath said.

He noted that France is leading an initiative in the European Union (EU) which aims at activating the EU in sponsoring the peace process and adopting an initiative based on recognizing the state of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital.

"The initiative also aims at requesting from Israel to be committed to the international peace reference," Shaath said, adding that there are positive British signal to promote the office on the Palestinian territories to a higher diplomatic office.

After the peace talks were suspended on Oct. 2 due to Israel's rejection to halt settlement activities, the Palestinians threatened to use other diplomatic options, mainly asking the world's recognition of a Palestinian state.

"The problem is not our problem, the problem is with Israel. The political changes in the Arab world won't affect the Palestinian leadership, the contrary, it will empower the Palestinian determination to continue their popular struggle against the occupation," Shaath said.

France to recognize Palestinian state in September: official
Well its obvious the Muslim Pupet leaders are falling and soon ppl will demand justic
Thats kinda naive... Palestine won`t come to existence unless Israel says it does...
No one can make Israel, the only one that needs to recognize Palestine make them recognize it unless the demands of the Jewish nation are met.
Stop deluding yourselves, please... It is so pathetic to see people just talking nonsense.
Thats kinda naive... Palestine won`t come to existence unless Israel says it does...
No one can make Israel, the only one that needs to recognize Palestine make them recognize it unless the demands of the Jewish nation are met.
Stop deluding yourselves, please... It is so pathetic to see people just talking nonsense.

Actually, it does matter. France/EU recognition of the Palestinian state is huge. Other countries will follow. I think the Palestinian people know they have a certain window to achieve statehood while Obama is still in office. Recognition of Palestinian statehood will bring with it a host of diplomatic and political benefits to the Palestinian people. I would actually say the opposite of your statement is true. It no longer matters if Israel recognizes Palestine because everyone knows they've made the conditions impossible for the Palestinians to meet. In fact, I'm really surprised the 3rd Intifada hasn't started yet, but it will.
Thats kinda naive... Palestine won`t come to existence unless Israel says it does...
No one can make Israel, the only one that needs to recognize Palestine make them recognize it unless the demands of the Jewish nation are met.
Stop deluding yourselves, please... It is so pathetic to see people just talking nonsense.

So now Israel rules the world? Or it's allies?...

I sincerely hope these recognitions of the Palestinian state go through. If Israeli's can start a state, so can Palestinians, as far as i'm concerned.

It'll certainly be an "all hands on deck" time for the Israeli lobby trying to stop it..
Palestinians need to have their state in Palestine. Israel needs to return land and kick out the settlers.
I do agree on palestinian stat before jewish captured the lands in 1967..
yes i do agree..
because i think jewish state has the right to exist..
but the way they have been dealing with the palestinians..
my hate towards jewish state is so big...
Actually, it does matter. France/EU recognition of the Palestinian state is huge. Other countries will follow. I think the Palestinian people know they have a certain window to achieve statehood while Obama is still in office. Recognition of Palestinian statehood will bring with it a host of diplomatic and political benefits to the Palestinian people. I would actually say the opposite of your statement is true. It no longer matters if Israel recognizes Palestine because everyone knows they've made the conditions impossible for the Palestinians to meet. In fact, I'm really surprised the 3rd Intifada hasn't started yet, but it will.
US would veto it, if President Obama chooses not to Veto it then Israel would have to make a difficult choice, and it doesn`t involve Palestine.
If the 3rd Intifada would have started they wouldn`t have gained so much Sympathy and recognitions, so that would be very moronic of them.
And thirdly, making Palestine a recognized State would make it Occupying land that Israel claims its own, which would mean bad things. For the palestinians mostly, but for Israel as well. No one can make Israel concede anything without a war, and Israel as you probably know, does not lose.
who cares united nation is bullshit.
now or later.. jews cannot stand over 1billion muslims nowadays and in future... no matter how advanced they are.. and arab world is becoming more and more powerfull each year.
i dont see bright future for jews anyway.
i just want that this generation palestinians have now peace and its own state and life.
:unsure: Why did France recognize Palestine? Despise the Free Lunch, What is the purpose of France?
The day Palestine comes into exisitence will start the coutn down for Israeli demise as the whole of muslims world will have a plattform to concentrate on. I think end of times are near!

I and many Arabs dont hate israel for being jewish..they hate it for being brutal and deceptive!
To please OPEC.

:coffee: Ridiculous reasons. What are the benefits of OPEC to the French?
France is the representative of the EU, I guess that Israel has damaged the interests of the EU in recent times. France to put pressure on Israel.
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