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France starts ban on full-face veil

^^ :lol: No offence bro, but if you are going to question to his language skills at least make use of spell-check?

It is about showing your face. If the other two also cover people faces in normal situation, the should be banned as well.

First of all, this burqa ban is not about secularism, since the Sikh turban or Jewish yarmulka are not being banned in public.

Secondly, it's not about preventing terrorism since raincoats are not being banned, and a terrorist is far more likely to use a raincoat than a burqa. This is Paris, not Peshawar. The last thing a terrorist wants is to stand out from the crowd, and a figure in a burqa will stand out far more than someone in a raincoat.

Thirdly, it is not about security identification since we are talking about all public places, not banks or restricted areas. If people can walk around in a helmet or with one of those nose and face covering masks which became popular during the SARS epidemic, then why single out the burqa?

Fourthly, and most emphatically, this is not about women's rights. These people couldn't care less about Muslims, male or female, and stigmatizing the people you claim to be saving does not fool anyone.

So, ultimately, it comes down to a personal choice that people don't like the look of the burqa. Personally, I don't like it either, but then again, I don't like punk hairstyles or excessive tattoos. Certainly, the French public have the right to outlaw certain dress codes, just like women can't walk around in a bikini in Muslim countries, but the reasons for the ban need to be acknowledged forthright instead of hiding behind the false claims I mentioned above.
I am labelled as Falun Gong again? Those idiots are the ones that I despise the most.

As for you, aren't you the idiot who bring IQ into discussion every time?

Pakistan is a muslim country and nothing we can do about it. However, in secular countries, we do support such ban. Take that ugly medieval thing off.

Every time I see that, I feel really disgusted how such medieval thing still exists.

I feel sorry for u........ :hitwall:

Dont post crap if u have nothin to say......... :argh:
Yeah actually i saw a video of a muslim woman who did just that.

If they want to stand out wearing that day in and day out in normal situation, nothing stops them so far. Well, aren't they make themselves the idiots in public day light???
What kind of normal people dress like that medieval crap??? If you like that that much, why don't you dress like that all day?

In secular countries, how many times will your kids be ridiculed if you ask your kids wearing that full facial covered clothes??? People will just think you are nuts.

I feel sorry for u........ :hitwall:

Dont post crap if u have nothin to say......... :argh:
I feel sorry for u........ :hitwall:

Dont post crap if u have nothin to say......... :argh:

You should feel sorry for yourself and your country. Why can not Pakistani deal with those islam fundamentalists/terrorists and pay more attention to build your country???

It seems that praying to GOD day in and day out will make Pakistan great.

When muslim countries become so increasingly intolerant towards those non-muslims, they cry a river when secular countries just ask them to obey the laws. Why don't you ask yourself whether your religion have handled the matter better and treated other people fairly???

In west, there are also similar religious stupid people who think the same way, as if praying to GOD will save the needs to go to hospital. However, there are just way too fewer such nuts.

If you GOD is really that great, ask GOD not to send the flood/earthquake to torture you day in and day out. Ask GOD to cleanse your government. Ask GOD to help you manufacture and produce more products to make more money to pay off your debts. Ask GOD to make you a better person, not just day-dream to kick the butt of Indians or Jewish people. To be honest, I really do not see you have any chance to do that.

If you are in the west, I think you just need get the heck out of there since you have so much hatred against the west. Do not use anything you get there. Do not use any technology products invented by the west and do not watch any TV/movies produced in the west. Throw away your cellphones as well. I know you like your medieval craps, right???

You should go back wherever you come from. After that, your comments may have some truth in that. Now you are just a real hypocrite.

Furthermore, shouldn't you cry a river to your GOD why GOD is so unfair to make your country, your people so poor and the west so powerful, so rich?

Even in rich muslim countries, the most money are at the hand several thousand of kings, princes and corrupted political officials? Why don't you ask your GOD about such unfairness?

Why don't your GOD come down to save you from this miserable world???
You should feel sorry for yourself and your country. Why can not Pakistani deal with those islam fundamentalists/terrorists and pay more attention to build your country???

It seems that praying to GOD day in and day out will make Pakistan great.

In west, there are also similar religious stupid people who think the same way, as if praying to GOD will save the needs to go to hospital. However, there are just way too fewer such nuts.

If you GOD is really that great, ask GOD not to send the flood/earthquake to torture you day in and day out. Ask GOD to cleanse your government. Ask GOD to help you manufacture and produce more products to make more money to pay off your debts. Ask GOD to make you a better person, not just day-dream to kick the butt of Indians or Jewish people. To be honest, I really do not see you have any chance to do that.

If you are in the west, I think you just need get the heck out of there since you have so much hatred against the west. Do not use anything you get there. Do not use any technology products invented by the west and do not watch any TV/movies produced in the west. Throw away your cellphones as well. I know you like your medieval craps, right???

You should go back wherever you come from. After that, your comments may have some truth in that. Now you are just a real hypocrite.

Furthermore, shouldn't you cry a river to your GOD why GOD is so unfair to make your country, your people so poor and the west so powerful, so rich?

Even in rich muslim countries, the most money are at the hand several thousand of kings, princes and corrupted political officials? Why don't you ask your GOD about such unfairness?

Why don't your GOD come down to save you from this miserable world???

Yeah we r evil ppl ..our God doesnt help us...... n we want to stay this way.

But ur no better thn a terrorist either...... U want to enforce ur narrow thinking just like them....... u dnt know anything abt tolerance or being polite.
It is better to help yourselves than delving into religious matter day in and day out. Haven't you ever wondered why muslim countries are so backward for such a long time even though it used to have glory time???

You blame west exploitations and invasions?

Well, China has been invaded many times and have suffered much more than you do. China today is on its way to the top.

India has been invaded for a long time. Well India has developed greatly.

Enforce narrow thinking?

Well, what an excuse. When China stopped the brutal practice of foot-binding not that long ago, it is one of the great emancipations towards women.

Getting rid of those medieval craps against women will be a starting point to emancipate women and get them equal rights they deserve.

Well, you may say some muslim women still prefer that crap. True. When China government made it illegal to force women to have foot-binding. Some men jumped out saying that there were also some women who said they prefer foot-binding as well, since they say it was a cultural thing. :)

60 years later, I won't be surprised if another nut comes out saying that she/he wants foot-binding to be back. There are fools everywhere and all the time.

The reason China, west and those fast developing countries develop so fast is that we have way too fewer so fools in our countries.

Yeah we r evil ppl ..our God doesnt help us...... n we want to stay this way.

But ur no better thn a terrorist either...... U want to enforce ur narrow thinking just like them....... u dnt know anything abt tolerance or being polite.
It is better to help yourselves than delving into religious matter day in and day out. Haven't you ever wondered why muslim countries are so backward for such a long time even though it used to have glory time???

You blame west exploitations and invasions?

Well, China has been invaded many times and have suffered much more than you do. China today is on its way to the top.

India has been invaded for a long time. Well India has developed greatly.

Enforce narrow thinking?

Well, what an excuse. When China stopped the brutal practice of foot-binding not that long ago, it is one of the great emancipations towards women.

Getting rid of those medieval craps against women will be a starting point to emancipate women and get them equal rights they deserve.

Well, you may say some muslim women still prefer that crap. True. When China government made it illegal to force women to have foot-binding. There were also some women who said they prefer foot-binding as well, since they say it was a cultural thing. :)

Many in my family wear hijab all of them with their own choice.......... Tell me how it is medieval? unlike footbinding it doesnt hurt u or break ur bones does it? While its all according to our religion.... then who the hell r u t rant abt it? r the muslims in france or usa forcing ur women to wear it?
NO..........Ur women r free to dress however they like...... wear a bikini or jeans...... we dnt care.

LIVE N LET LIVE......... No law gives u the right to abuse my freedom of lifestyle....... So remain in ur limits.........Otherwise u n the terrorists r no different...........both trying to push their own crap on others.
You still do not understand it.

European countries are founded by Christian faith. Even though they are subtle on this issue with all of those human rights craps, the fundamental message is that they do not like that type of clothing and they view it a symbol of repressing women.

You are an outsider and your religion is an outsider. French people are the first to tell you that they do not like that crap and they set up the law to ask you to take it off. You refuse? Then go to prison enjoying the life there.

I bet more western countries will follow that as well. Well, wearing it does not hurt me physically. However, it does hurt me by giving me much insecurity when I am around people with such crap.

As I have stated clearly: you do not like it, get out of France and go home. Or see whether French cares when you never go there.

Many in my family wear hijab all of them with their own choice.......... Tell me how it is medieval? unlike footbinding it doesnt hurt u or break ur bones does it? While its all according to our religion.... then who the hell r u t rant abt it? r the muslims in france or usa forcing ur women to wear it?
NO..........Ur women r free to dress however they like...... wear a bikini or jeans...... we dnt care.

LIVE N LET LIVE......... No law gives u the right to abuse my freedom of lifestyle....... So remain in ur limits.........Otherwise u n the terrorists r no different...........both trying to push their own crap on others.
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