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France owns 14 African countries

Pretty sure it is.
Nah, if it would happen now, the Americans would have blasted all Afghans and not ensure that they double in amount of people during their "reign".
There would have been nothing what Afghans could have done against it. 🙃
Ah, I forgot, Taliban defeated the US militarly. 🤣
You're the one who actually mentioned Christianity. Just now.

The British had other fascinations,lad. When you have this approach between French and British colonialism,then you're obviously biased. And the Indo-Pakistanis who nag all the time about France,but say nothing about Britain...well,that's like a colonial syndrome. As if they love their former liege.
You brought up Muslims. However, nobody brought up Christians.

Christianity originated in Palestine. There cannot be Christians without Christianity.

France was a medieval Crusader Christian state. Is that why they like to collect skulls and bones of the natives.
You brought up Muslims. However, nobody brought up Christians.

Christianity originated in Palestine. There cannot be Christians without Christianity.
I said Pakistanis and other Muslims on this forum are stuck nagging about the French all the time,while hardly ever nagging about the British. THAT'S what I said.

France was a medieval Crusader Christian state. Is that why they like to collect skulls and bones of the natives.
What the f does one have to do with the other? First of all,there were A LOT of crusader States. Second,not every Frenchman noble or peasant,collected "skulls" and "bones" of natives.

You've got things mixed up in your mind.
Who's raping? French soldiers raping black women? French soldiers killing innocent people in Africa? Are you that naive?

Get over that narration. Africans are destroying themselves. Remember Rwanda? Ivory Coast? Sierra Leone? Nigeria? CFR?

Western colonialism should be completely liquidated!

These histories should not be revised by the colonialists or their descendants.

The descendants of those genocides criminals are still constantly slandering China.
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I said Pakistanis and other Muslims on this forum are stuck nagging about the French all the time,while hardly ever nagging about the British. THAT'S what I said.

What the f does one have to do with the other? First of all,there were A LOT of crusader States. Second,not every Frenchman noble or peasant,collected "skulls" and "bones" of natives.

You've got things mixed up in your mind.
Not mixed up. You are unbothered by the notion of displaying skulls of natives in museums as trophies. You overlook and justify racism, cruelty, tyranny, murder, oppression and atrocities upon lesser developed humans, calling them "interests". But, you hate it and get outraged if even a small fraction of that happens to your kind. Got it.
Fake massacres? Come again?

First of all,the Western Europeans colonized Africa. Not just Africa.

Did they do terrible things? In many cases yes. At least they worked these countries into something though. The majority of them.

Have you heard of Rhodesia? Watch:

A lot of infastructure and public works were build by the "evil white colonists",that most of you here hate. In Algeria,in Libya,in Somalia and elsewhere.

What did the Ottomans do? They conquered,enslaved,butchered when they wanted and left what? Some mosques,some bridges and some hamams.

So instead of nagging as if you're still under the British rule,why don't you do something to make your country better?
And if you despise the Westerners so much Titanium,get out of Denmark and go back to the subcontinent.

Have you noticed how African countries collapsed after they started being ruled by their own black people?

Dictators,warlords,corrupted politicians,gangs,civil wars,no central planning,few laws. That's why Africa is the biggest example of the Third World.

From your post,you seem to be the one triggered actually :P

You nag about Westerners,yet you live in America. So you're part of the oppression,right? You're paying taxes to the Americans who enslave the world.
hold on....

what are you trying to say...

when you have zero iota of the history of this continent and use youtube or other right wing conspiracy channels to get your information; you are bound to stereotype.

First, Francophone is a special case - France never left their colonies and imposed a top down structure. Mali is the first one to wake out of their slumber. They were designed to rule to Paris including CFA single currency which was imposed from the 70s; far before even Greece adopted the Euro.

Before you start checking us, Greece suffers for a far more malencoly state of corrupt affairs that will make many african countries pale.

If African countries trade with each other considering the natural resources they have , they can turn rich All they need to do is kick out west and corruption

Enough of western inflicted wars and arming the rebels

Not only the west but also the chinese who are trying to pillage our continent.

There are many groups already - SADCC is there plus revised East African Union. The biggest issue we face are the chinese with their incesant loans and dumping of their 3rd rated products which destroyed a lot of our industries. Thankfully our late president gave them hell and cancelled a lot of projects and took out a lot of corrupt officials who were in bed with them.

Neither Red China or Western are our friends; we are standing up on our own.
when you have zero iota of the history of this continent and use youtube or other right wing conspiracy channels to get your information; you are bound to stereotype.
Who said I'm watching "right wing conspiracy channels"? I only posted an old video about Rhodesia which is pretty darn accurate historically. And you're talking about France.

Before you start checking us, Greece suffers for a far more malencoly state of corrupt affairs that will make many african countries pale.
Really? Are you serious? 😂

A few weeks ago,I randomly found this channel on youtube. A spanish guy who started from Northwest Africa on a Honda bike all alone to go all the way to South Africa. His videos are great. They are very interesting to watch.

You can see a lot more of the corruption in the authorities of other African countries in many other of his videos.
Who said I'm watching "right wing conspiracy channels"? I only posted an old video about Rhodesia which is pretty darn accurate historically. And you're talking about France.

Really? Are you serious? 😂

A few weeks ago,I randomly found this channel on youtube. A spanish guy who started from Northwest Africa on a Honda bike all alone to go all the way to South Africa. His videos are great. They are very interesting to watch.

You can see a lot more of the corruption in the authorities of other African countries in many other of his videos.

listen to me.... if you are really that interested, please come and visit.

Of course, this is a HUGE continent.... WEST AFRICA -> NIGERIA is a shithole of corruption. everyone can tell you this.

Nigeria is not representative of the rest of Africa; they are the most hated criminals shenzis...

thank you. I am not interested in trading youtubes like these wumao yellow lizard maradchods.

Come and visit entire eastern african, right down to southern africa.
Not mixed up. You are unbothered by the notion of displaying skulls of natives in museums as trophies. You overlook and justify racism, cruelty, tyranny, murder, oppression and atrocities upon lesser developed humans, calling them "interests". But, you hate it and get outraged if even a small fraction of that happens to your kind. Got it.
What makes you say I'm unbothered by it?

It's the 21st century and you portray the French presence in Africa,as it was in the 18th and 19th century.

That's what makes it absurd. You also completely ignore the fact that black Africans have been butchering....LITERALLY butchering each other for decades. White man bad,but black man good when black man genocide?

You keep silent about black atrocities,but hey "white man bad".

listen to me.... if you are really that interested, please come and visit.

Of course, this is a HUGE continent.... WEST AFRICA -> NIGERIA is a shithole of corruption. everyone can tell you this.

Nigeria is not representative of the rest of Africa; they are the most hated criminals shenzis...

thank you. I am not interested in trading youtubes like these wumao yellow lizard maradchods.

Come and visit entire eastern african, right down to southern africa.
My black brader,it's not just Nigeria. It's so many countries!



Screenshot_2023-05-09 Map Highlights Environmental and Natural Resource Crimes in Africa - The...png
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The French are protecting their interests. What are the Africans doing? Why aren't they kicking them out? The white man left and for 50 years they rule their countries nor prosper. They are full of corruption and a tribal mindset. And then it's the "evil French" you guys blame.

Like so many muslim countries who blame the Yahood,when they don't do anything to promote their own interests,but fight each other for the leadership.

What did France's Sarkozy do when Muammar Gaddafi spoke for a United States of Africa and the Gold Dinar ? Sarkozy saw to it that Muammar was assassinated by putting a French agent in that lynch crowd of Al Qaeda and "Muslim"Brotherhood which dragged Muammar.

What about Che Guevara in Congo and the NATO war against native Communism in Southern Africa ?

Who rapes and kills? Are you talking about 300-400 years ago?

Algeria's struggle for independence from the 1950s to 60s, for example.
What did France's Sarkozy do when Muammar Gaddafi spoke for a United States of Africa and the Gold Dinar ? Sarkozy saw to it that Muammar was assassinated by putting a French agent in that crowd which dragged Muammar.
I disagree of course with their meddling in Libya.

Algeria's struggle for independence from the 1950s to 60s, for example.
And you guys care more about France's role in Algeria,rather than Britain's role anywhere,especially in the British Raj.

That's what I've noticed since I joined this forum. It's always "Algeria,Algeria! France in Algeria",but hardly ever "gora Englishman put down rebellion".
What makes you say I'm unbothered by it?

It's the 21st century and you portray the French presence in Africa,as it was in the 18th and 19th century.
You are definitely non-chalant about it. What if France displayed skulls and bones of Europeans defending themselves from a French occupation from a century or two ago. Such a museum would have been shut down pronto.
You are definitely non-chalant about it. What if France displayed skulls and bones of Europeans defending themselves from a French occupation from a century or two ago. Such a museum would have been shut down pronto.
You're like a broken record singing about skulls and bones again and again.
This is direct control. France exploits these people, siphoning their wealth. Several have their real GDPs stagnant for decades.

Wow! This is how France runs their economy. And then turn up their noses on Africans too.....

and this poster says it all....deporting Africans from France while the French exploit West Africa.

You're like a broken record singing about skulls and bones again and again.
Yes, of course, they are just African skulls and bones, not of your grandpa or of any Europeans. Imagine it in a Turkish museum, then it wouldn't be so casual.
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