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France knife attack: Two men armed with knives 'take hostages in Normandy church'

You want him to leave evl colonial Britain and go back to Pakistan?:rofl:Will never happen dude. I will the sty in Britain nd enjoy his life here while criticising how evil we are. That's how many Islamic sympathisers here do. :D

Yep, I was born here

Pay taxes, live my life, etc etc

Im not bothered about fixing the mistakes of others, nor wasting my time

There are many reasons for the increase in radicalization,
Yes sometimes there are recruiters, and preachers and brainwashing

Mostly though, its just anger, and REVENGE

Its almost nonsensical that when a bomb goes off in Paris, westerners even non french ones will identify with the french and demand action from jail without trial, permanent incarceration, bombing of cities and towns and country's and sod the civilians or damage


Simply cant get their heads around the fact that if western foreign policy destroys countries, kills millions, causes misery and chaos that some people will identify with the killed Syrians, Iraqis, etc and demand REVENGE

they want revenge they see people they identify with killed and murdered by drone and plane and say why should western civilians not feel the fear and slaughtercand sod the consequences

Maybe western nations should of thought more carefully about the consequences of a colonial mindset and foreign policy in the 21st century
Where action in far distant lands has consequences here

For my part, I was young when the iraq war broke out
I protested
I complained
I marched
I warned
I tried to explain the stupidity and what the fall out might be, the anger it would cause

They did not listen to me and they did not listen to the muslim community

So **** ya!!
I told you so
We told you so

There is nothing I can do

Europe and England will simply have to destroy its nation, end the rules and laws built over centuries to protect the people

I have homes here and abroad, same with money and when it gets too shit here i will go, but not before:agree::lol:
Yep, I was born here

Pay taxes, live my life, etc etc

Im not bothered about fixing the mistakes of others, nor wasting my time

There are many reasons for the increase in radicalization,
Yes sometimes there are recruiters, and preachers and brainwashing

Mostly though, its just anger, and REVENGE

Its almost nonsensical that when a bomb goes off in Paris, westerners even non french ones will identify with the french and demand action from jail without trial, permanent incarceration, bombing of cities and towns and country's and sod the civilians or damage


Simply cant get their heads around the fact that if western foreign policy destroys countries, kills millions, causes misery and chaos that some people will identify with the killed Syrians, Iraqis, etc and demand REVENGE

they want revenge they see people they identify with killed and murdered by drone and plane and say why should western civilians not feel the fear and slaughtercand sod the consequences

Maybe western nations should of thought more carefully about the consequences of a colonial mindset and foreign policy in the 21st century
Where action in far distant lands has consequences here

For my part, I was young when the iraq war broke out
I protested
I complained
I marched
I warned
I tried to explain the stupidity and what the fall out might be, the anger it would cause

They did not listen to me and they did not listen to the muslim community

So **** ya!!
I told you so
We told you so

There is nothing I can do

Europe and England will simply have to destroy its nation, end the rules and laws built over centuries to protect the people

I have homes here and abroad, same with money and when it gets too shit here i will go, but not before:agree::lol:

Bla bla bla......you are saying nothing new that we haven't heard already from many other Islamists sympathisers. Lol.

Doesn't matter if you were born here not. Have you ever thought about why your parents fled their holy peaceful Pakistan?lol. Have you ever thought about why you(ike most) dont want to return back there?lool
You should count yourself as one of the very tiny few LUCKY ONES whose parents made it here .many of your home country men will kill to be in your position. :agree:

Anyway, it's not too late, you can still right the wrongs your parents did , you can leave our evil colonial country and go back to your home country Pakistan. The only way to help your county of origin is to go back there and help contribute to its growth/prosperity. Staying in Evil Britain and using your keyboard to bash us will never help Pakistan or your muslin ummah countries. :lol:

I don't know who you think you are fooling. :rofl:
Imagine an America without.......

.... European colonialists?

There would be more of this


Much more of them


We wouldn't have had this


What happened in Harlem ?:usflag:

There was an outbreak of mass hysteria where people started violently shaking back in Feb, 2013 for not apparent reason.

Bla bla bla......you are saying nothing new that we haven't heard already from many other Islamists sympathisers. Lol.

Doesn't matter if you were born here not. Have you ever thought about why your parents fled their holy peaceful Pakistan?lol. Have you ever thought about why you(ike most) dont want to return back there?lool
You should count yourself as one of the very tiny few LUCKY ONES whose parents made it here .many of your home country men will kill to be in your position. :agree:

Anyway, it's not too late, you can still right the wrongs your parents did , you can leave our evil colonial country and go back to your home country Pakistan. The only way to help your county of origin is to go back there and help contribute to its growth/prosperity. Staying in Evil Britain and using your keyboard to bash us will never help Pakistan or your muslin ummah countries. :lol:

I don't know who you think you are fooling. :rofl:

Nope, im perfect happy to use and get as much out of life as possible and when the U.K and Europe goes down hill and becomes a shit beyond words I will think about moving :-)
We should not forget one thing.
We had worse terrorism all over europe in the 70th. Europe is betetr than anytime before. The difference now is internet and social media that bring around evrything.

What we witness is the final downfall of the middle eastern world. Europe will shield it away. It wont be pretty but we will have to abadon some of our values duing this process. We will have to watch their suffereing and be done with it.

Maybe after that process something new and better can start in the middle east.
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