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Four soldiers martyred in LoC attack: ISPR


No valid information is out to make any statements from the Pakistani side.

No valid information is out to make any statements from the Pakistani side.

Dear Web,

How will you get any valid information from anywhere ? It would very embarrassing for headlines for eg as below

Kashmiri Freedom Fighters Ambush Pakistan Army Patrol and kill 4.

After all the PA has said that the Indians did not fire and to kill 4 armed soldiers and injure a couple of more can only be the handiwork of well trained freedom fighters especially in an area where infilteration takes place as per the Indians. If Mehsud had done the same I wonder if your reaction would be so guarded ?

Even if information is not available why no sympathy has been expressed for the dead soldiers ?

The double standards are quite evident.

No one is accusing the US of supporting terrorists despite the fact that it supported rebel groups that overthrew governments in Latin America, despite the fact that the parties it supported committed atrocities against civilians.

No one is accusing the US of terrorism for its support of rebels in Afghanistan, or the India for supporting the Mukti Bahini (which also committed atrocities) in East Pakistan.

If Pakistan has been a terrorism sponsoring state, then so has the US and India.

With respect to Stealths' claim - how many countries in the world have Pakistan blacklisted as a state sponsor of terrorism?

Back to my original point, whether someone wants to agree with the second sentence in my last post or not is not the issue. The issue is that the usage of such inflammatory language derails threads, and the debate over "terrorism or freedom struggle" makes its way onto almost every thread.

This thread is a perfect example of that. If people just cannot restrict their language, then expect posts to be deleted.

We are trying to share a wide range of opinions and ideas and too many times it gets dragged down into this nonsense.

Therefore, for the purposes of maintaining some semblance of quality in the debate, references to militants or insurgents should suffice.
The blasted jihadis are against humanity and those who support them are asking for oblvion.

The Pak Army wil smash them and the India Army are too willing to do so!
The blasted jihadis are against humanity and those who support them are asking for oblvion.

The Pak Army wil smash them and the India Army are too willing to do so!

That would lead to a civil war if the Pakistan Army tries to disarm their kashmiri freedom fighters forcefully.

IMO the only solution of this long standing problem is to have Kashmir as a buffer state between India and Pakistan. The country I live, there are loads of Kashmiris but they never called themselves as Pakistanis..they always call themselves as Kashmirirs.

even if they do manage to get independence from India do you think they will stick with Pakistan. I have serious doubts about that. I am sorry to say but they are not a trustworthy people at all.
IMO the only solution of this long standing problem is to have Kashmir as a buffer state between India and Pakistan. The country I live, there are loads of Kashmiris but they never called themselves as Pakistanis..they always call themselves as Kashmirirs.

even if they do manage to get independence from India do you think they will stick with Pakistan. I have serious doubts about that. I am sorry to say but they are not a trustworthy people at all.

I think India and Pakistan would happily agree if all the rivers didnot originate in kashmir.

Thats the real problem.

However you are right. I have yet to see a kashmiri call himself Pakistani or Indian.

You'll see a few of both.

The trend in Kashmiris is that they call themselves Kashmiris first as that highlights their right to call themselves anything of their choosing.

My mom still calls herself Kashmiri instead of Punjabi when you'd ask her about ethnicity. Kashmiris are renowned beautyful, healthy, rich and pride their honorable traditions. They mix excellent with the punjabis but emphasis on their true identity.

Ultimately the first thing that should happen is to allow Kashmir to be free! Independent.

Then whatever they choose is upto them. Most probably they'd choose to remain free and that's the best solution for India and Pak. A neutral state with friendly relations controlling the water supply.
AGAIN I am amused. When 11 FC men died in the border areas members here we so angry that some of them wanted to Bomb US targets. That thread ran into pages in a matter of minutes however here I dont see any sympathy from the members here for the 4 army soldiers killed ?

Not even one condolence message ?

I guess its not right if the US accidentally kills FC men but its okay if the militants from Indian point of view or freedom fighters from Pakistan point of view do the same with soldiers of the Pakistan Army.

May the brave souls of the soldiers killed rest in peace.

Militants and India both are enemies. They are supposed to kill us and we're supposed to kill them.

America is an ally, these same 11 people you killed must've stood in harms way and killed more Al Qaeda than anyone else. You killed people who fought for YOU. OR are you (Nato chums) already conceding being our enemy?
Militants and India both are enemies. They are supposed to kill us and we're supposed to kill them.

America is an ally, these same 11 people you killed must've stood in harms way and killed more Al Qaeda than anyone else. You killed people who fought for YOU. OR are you (Nato chums) already conceding being our enemy?

Dear AA,

Point taken but firstly please note UK is all for a peace deal with the Pakistan Taliban unlike the US. However we wish a peace deal which is transparent and easy to enforce.

As regards the FC incident I would like you to rewind back to the incident where are large no of FC men just laid down the arms rather than fight their kidnappers so in this incident to they could have been fighting the US in bed with the Taliban and hence the swift and deadly response from the US.

Lastly the US has offered a joint inquiry into the incident which may expose some uncomfortable questions on the FC role in this incident whereas the PA is going all out to bury the incident of the ambush of their patrol by the militants in Kashmir. I don't see the same outrage from members here as I saw in the FC incident. You are one of the few who dared to comment here and hats of to you sir for that.

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