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Four Indians among 15 dead as Taliban bombers attack Kabul

The attitude you're talking about relating to US and Indian citizens is only when they are targetted in a certain region (i.e. Afghanistan), not when they are targetted in US or india.

i think Australia is a bit more dangerous for indian nowdays, i reckon :lol:
The attitude you're talking about relating to US and Indian citizens is only when they are targetted in a certain region (i.e. Afghanistan), not when they are targetted in US or india.

If I ask myself that : A person being killed by a bomb blast in kabul is different then a person being killed in peshawar and pune then my mind goes numb and I just cant figure out what the difference can be. People dragging the dead and labelling them as RAW agents etc are wrong and their behaviour needs to be condemed, no matter if the dead were in Afghanistan or India or Pakistan
1.everything here is speculation. Could be, or couldn't be. Were they really tabla players? :rolleyes:

2.where are those US or Indian citizens? They are in a warzone. Did they not make those indian sign a waiver before travelling to Afghanistan? It isn't exactly Hawaii or Buenos Aires!!
whenever civilians are killed, it is condemnable. Across the board. When civilians (assuming they are civilians) opt to travel to dangerous places, they should also assume some responsibility.

3.As I said earlier, why should any extra sympathy or kleenex be given to indian?

4.By now we know that india is using our troubled northern neighbour as a base to wage anti-Pakistan activity. We can keep exchanging posts on this subject, but don't start crying when you send people into a warzone and they happen to become a statistic.

5.Follow the rules of the forum. Otherwise, you are fine. You indian should also not expect everyone to agree with you --as this is a Pakistani defence forum.

6.Speaking of which --- you will capitalize the P in Pakistan next time. I don't want to see you make this mistake again.

1. Yes everything is speculation and that is the same damn reason its appalling when people drag the dead into their speculation.

2. Alright now , so Mr. Abu sample this:

As I see pakistan is facing an internal war and if I have an opinion that the whole of pakistan is currently a war zone then any person killed by TTP etc should not be a matter of any concern.

We can digress a thread whose purpose was to homage to those who were dead into a thread as to how pakistan is fighting a war and how they can they be ISI agents/police etc who were killed. If any poor civilian was killed then well in war such collateral damage can occur.

Sounds stupid . Doesnt it? Same way the theory you are purposing is plain stupid.

3. I am just appalled by double standards of some people & I dont care if they belong to pakistan or India or China. I am writing this post in this thread because the level to which some members have stooped makes me question their mindset.

4. Firstly your govt hasnt given any proofs and we can debate on whether India is supporting terrorists or not some other day. Btw pakistan's involvement in Kashmir is well documented and unquestionable. I wonder why pakistani members start a thread everytime a blast happens in Peshawar or Karachi or Lahore... People are in the war zone and they should dwell on them being killed. They are a mere statistic.

Read the above and introspect how pathetic what you have written sounds.

5. I dont want anyone to agree with me but I am entitled to have an opinion and my opinion is that if a member regardless of nationality symphathises with the dead of his state while throwing stones at the dead of another then its hypocrisy and double standards and I am only expressing that. Furthermore dont give me the crap is its a pakistani forum or an Indian one. That defence wont work as if its a pakistani forum then any other nationalities(except friends of your nation) shouldnt be allowed to post here.

6. You really made me feel pity on what you demand of me.

Tell you what:

Go and edit every post that you have made in your life across different forums and use India with I capital ,Indians with I capital and so on and so forth,whereever you havent used it as such. The post that I am replying to doesnt respect my country in the same way that you want me to respect yours. When you can use all small case in India then I can use all small case in pakistan. Dont try to act as if you are on a moral high ground regarding this.

Lastly you give respect, you get respect . Everything else is bogus.

On another note : Read my post on this thread
and see how I have use Pakistan everytime there has been a mention of it.
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If I ask myself that : A person being killed by a bomb blast in kabul is different then a person being killed in peshawar and pune then my mind goes numb and I just cant figure out what the difference can be. People dragging the dead and labelling them as RAW agents etc are wrong and their behaviour needs to be condemed, no matter if the dead were in Afghanistan or India or Pakistan

You have to realize this. Foreigners working in a war-torn country such as Afghanistan always go there for some assignments. They are not touring there. As such, it very much plausible that they were RAW agents. You cannot discount that possibility. Now to us Pakistanis, RAW agents being killed is similar to LeT being killed for you indians, if not even worse than that. You can disagree that RAW is involved in supporting terrorists, however we believe they are. So you have to keep that in mind. You're showing a subjective view from an indian perspective. We show ours from a Pakistani perspective. That's why, if these were RAW agents, then this was a good attack from our perspective.
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You're showing a subjective view from an indian perspective. We show ours from a Pakistani perspective.

My perspective is not bounded by my nationality. I am not showing any view from Indian perspective. I am merely sharing my perspective as a human being with humanity forming my core.

If they were RAW agents or not will be proved in given duration of time but for members ( in this case pakistani) to disregard the death of a fellow human being is shameful. Rather then just paying the condolences people start to stone the dead.

If there is any fear or respect of God in your mind then tell me how justified is it to allay allegations on the dead of being RAW agents and celebrating their deaths...

Aaaahhh Thooooo... on such attitude
Tell me this. If LeT members are killed, how will you treat their death? I doubt you will be sad and paying condolences. You'll probably be happy about it. People who kill other people and their death is not something you become sad about.

Also one more thing, it's highly unlikely that if they were RAW then it will be publicly proven. If they were RAW, then they would have been undercover and no one would know about their identities. Only one knowing about their deaths would be RAW, who would keep their identities confidential.
The attitude you're talking about relating to US and Indian citizens is only when they are targetted in a certain region (i.e. Afghanistan), not when they are targetted in US or india.

Last time i checked, pune was in india.
Tell me this. If LeT members are killed, how will you treat their death? I doubt you will be sad and paying condolences. You'll probably be happy about it. People who kill other people and their death is not something you become sad about.

Also one more thing, it's highly unlikely that if they were RAW then it will be publicly proven. If they were RAW, then they would have been undercover and no one would know about their identities. Only one knowing about their deaths would be RAW, who would keep their identities confidential.

Boss, if it can't be proven, atleast be civil. The same logic can be extended to ANY terrorist attack and i can write good riddance for the 3-4 people killed in peshawar y'day because i think there were ISI agents plotting against india, its not going anywhere.

In any case, we'll get our chance.
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Boss, if it can't be proven, atleast be civil. The same logic can be extended to ANY terrorist attack and i can write good riddance for the 3-4 people killed in peshawar y'day because i think there were ISI agents plotting against india, its not going anywhere.

In any case, we'll get our chance.

Apples and oranges comparison in terms of the situation. It's proven as far as we are concerned. But if you want to believe that, go ahead.
Did i read two Indian soldiers were amongst the casualties ?, keeping in mind this was some guest house and not the Indian mission, it goes to prove that it's not just the Indian civilians thronging Afghanistan but the military presence is well in evidence.

There definitely is an Indian military presense in Afg as a part of counsulate protection detail and the units guarding some of the in progress infrastructure projects..And that has been known and confirmed since months..
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