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Four explosions in Quetta

PML-N to table motion over Quetta blasts
Chaudhry Nisar, meanwhile, condemned Thursday’s killing of innocent people in Quetta. “There can be no such example of terrorism and barbarism. We fully share the grief of the victim families … and raise our voice against such open injustice,” he said in a statement.


Chaudhry Nisar said the indifference of the federal and provincial governments over this tragic incident is highly condemnable, which did not bother even to visit the site and listen to the protesters but left them at the mercy of the situation.
He said the PML-N would table a motion in the National Assembly over the Quetta incident and demand the federal government expose the hidden hands behind this heinous crime and take those to task involved in it.
He also expressed grief over the death of journalists during the coverage of the blasts in Quetta and demanded the federal government ensure protection of life and property of its citizens.
@irfanbloach and what is army doing to fight and stop this? I see Chief Justice, Asma Jahangir and civilian govt won't let them. Take a note from US. Drones are illegal. Execution without trial are illegal. Terrorist held without proof are illegal. But in order to safeguard it self from this scourge we can see the drone are still happening, killing of terrorists without trial are still going on and Guantanamo is still operating.

We will pakistan get its act together?

I got no answer to that.
ts beyond security forces control. to stop the killing needs the political will and leadership
to educate the masses that listen you bigoted morons, while you have the right to cry a river over killings in Burma and Palestine...

give the minorities the right to exist as human beings as creation of God.

our justice system is a failure, the judge who convicted the killer of Soleman Taseer had to leave country with his family for the fear of his life. is it not disgusting? where the judge is hiding his face and Malik Ishaq of Laskher Jhangvi in the court is saying his name and stating the names of his family members saying that there is no place to escape for people who confront Jaskher Jhangvi.
why should these killers stop killing? do these protests mean much to them? our News channels are already moving on with other stories.
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I got no answer to that.
ts beyond security forces control. to stop the killing needs the political will and leadership
to educate the masses that listen you bigoted morons, while you have the right to cry a river over killings in Burma and Palestine...

give the minorities the right to exist as human beings as creation of God.

our justice system is a failure, the judge who convicted the killer of Soleman Taseer had to leave country with his family for the fear of his life. is it not disgusting? where the judge is hiding his face and Malik Ishaq of Laskher Jhangvi in the court is saying his name and stating the names of his family members saying that there is no place to escape for people who confront Jaskher Jhangvi.
why should these killers stop killing? do these protests mean much to them? our News channels are already moving on with other stories.

Where do we go from here & why wasn't this nearly as extreme as it was pre 9'11 ! What happened to have ignited all of this & why weren't we able to preempt it ?

I remember my youth (the '90s) to be a calm & peaceful time ! Where did we go so wrong that in a matter of years we ended up with a situation that doesn't seems to be subsiding ?
For the bold part, why so ?

his hatred for General Musharraf

when the gas mask covered AK 47 wielding students of Lal Masjid were arrested by the military and brought to the courts, CJ took special notice and its said that they while in court premises promised to turn the country into blood (they made Ghazi force works same as TTP) , they were allowed to walk free due to lack of evidence (lack of will) , the killers of police cadets also walked free from our courts , list goes on.. maybe I will have to ask the judges and lawyers who were offering prayers for Osama during court time in court premises about why they choose to be soft on terrorists who confess themselves or are caught red handed
Where do we go from here & why wasn't this nearly as extreme as it was pre 9'11 ! What happened to have ignited all of this & why weren't we able to preempt it ?

I remember my youth (the '90s) to be a calm & peaceful time ! Where did we go so wrong that in a matter of years we ended up with a situation that doesn't seems to be subsiding ?

the puss was boiling up slowly under our society
ask the minorities how peaceful it was really.

a Lance Naik of frontier force used to work as a guard for us and was from Parachinar unfortunately for him he was a shia and had seen many of his family members met a violent death. that sovereign part of Pakistan has had been under siege of sectarian terrorists for decades and the people of that god forsaken place had to get food and other livelihood from Afghanistan

thats just one example, it was peaceful for the rest of us. our polio teams were not being slaughtered, our soldiers were not being beheaded, our girl schools were safe and our sufi shrines were not being bombed. it just happens that with 911 the same sectarian terrorists decided that all of Pakistanis were murtad and deserved death.
his hatred for General Musharraf

when the gas mask covered AK 47 wielding students of Lal Masjid were arrested by the military and brought to the courts, CJ took special notice and its said that they while in court premises promised to turn the country into blood (they made Ghazi force works same as TTP) , they were allowed to walk free due to lack of evidence (lack of will) , the killers of police cadets also walked free from our courts , list goes on.. maybe I will have to ask the judges and lawyers who were offering prayers for Osama during court time in court premises about why they choose to be soft on terrorists who confess themselves or are caught red handed

Sorry for offtopic, but pls understand our frustration when we have to rely on pakistan's court systems for punishing mass murders of indians.

I do understand yours.
I got no answer to that.
ts beyond security forces control. to stop the killing needs the political will and leadership
to educate the masses that listen you bigoted morons, while you have the right to cry a river over killings in Burma and Palestine...

give the minorities the right to exist as human beings as creation of God.

our justice system is a failure, the judge who convicted the killer of Soleman Taseer had to leave country with his family for the fear of his life. is it not disgusting? where the judge is hiding his face and Malik Ishaq of Laskher Jhangvi in the court is saying his name and stating the names of his family members saying that there is no place to escape for people who confront Jaskher Jhangvi.
why should these killers stop killing? do these protests mean much to them? our News channels are already moving on with other stories.

Question here is, is the army willing to do what's necessary to battle this scourge. Do they have the character to walk on the path of fire? Can they annhilate this evil on their own terms and get their hands dirty and bloody in the process?
Desperate times call for desperate measures.

All the ills of Pakistani society you mentioned aren't unknown to anyone. But you do believe that no society is perfect right? You know in the US of A there are over a dozen white supremacist groups? The aryan brotherhood, swastikas and hitler tattooed bunch, satan worshipers, the kind of stuff hatred they spew about other races..... They are on record of saying such things on mainstream media, watch any show like Gangland or Lockout etc

They wouldn't flinch before killing Jews, homosexuals, and I'm talking about massive amount of damage. They do their occasional hit and run in isolated target but never such huge gathering despite their hatred. Two things that prevent them 1) there's no outside source to finance them and thus exploit them 2) law enforcement agencies will swoop down like hawks on them and round them up and finish them.

These hate preachers in Pak, they are few but very influential. That's who needs to be combated not the entire society. Because the other one is a battle you will never win. These hate preachers are the ones who are being exploited by foreign agencies to unleash maximum damage on us.

Even today on twitter some retired Indian army officer said in response to their two dead soldiers, we need to exploit Pakistans weaknesses, fund hate groups and unleash havoc. You have Indian members here saying transfer millions of dollars to ttp and bla and let them do the work. Knowing fully the majority of these groups targets are civilians. Because that's "badass" to them.

So the million dollar question here is, if Pak forces and intelligence service can't compete in this game with India then why don't they just opt out? Indian agencies are ok with killing Pak civilians, that's known, so what can we do to protect these poor people who have done nobody any harm?
ALL BS no Proof, no logic, no truth whatsoever

Did you care to read UN Security councils resolution on kashmir????

Did you care to see my post #541 and the below content? Let me repost it. Also, there is no BS here. I told you, I can personally introduce you to a friend who's aunt was raped by 9 Indian soldiers in Kashmir. They crossed the border somehow, went to UN and through some humanitarian process came to the US. There is a Kashmiri population area in KS and in NY. You should go talk to those refugees there and find out the truth. This is open terrorism being done for decades by the Indian military in uniform, supported and muted by the strong Indian lobby in the US and elsewhere. But if something happens to one of you guys, you cry 'wold' for years on tv. You should also be held accountable for killing millions of Kashmiri women, Children and Men in cold blood!

Here's how you treat Christians and Kashmiris in your democratically terrorist India:


Where God Weeps: Orissa, India - YouTube

Massacre of Christians in India - YouTube

Human Rights Violation in Occupied Kashmir!!! - YouTube

Rights violation: Over 2,000 found buried in Kashmir's unmarked graves - YouTube

HRW criticized India for HR violations in Kashmir - YouTube

United States concern over human rights violation in India - US state department's report - YouTube
Where do we go from here & why wasn't this nearly as extreme as it was pre 9'11 ! What happened to have ignited all of this & why weren't we able to preempt it ?

I remember my youth (the '90s) to be a calm & peaceful time ! Where did we go so wrong that in a matter of years we ended up with a situation that doesn't seems to be subsiding ?

Not sure if yours was a rhetorical question, but the answer to my mind is very simple.

It's almost like an equation: When one nation incites covert violence beyond a certain point inside a neighbouring state, blowback is almost certain, and almost always significantly out of proportion to the original 'investment'.

I remember growing up how India interfered with Sri Lanka, how we supported the LTTE. Despite our pious denials, we were actively fomenting insurrection in that country. One of my maternal uncles, an IPS officer, was running an LTTE trai ing camp in Tamil Nadu back in the day (or so he claimed).

The end result, despite our efforts to keep control? Involvement in a dirty little war in which IA lost more than 1000 soldiers killed. An assassinated Prime Minister.

Pakistan has had it much worse, in terms of the depth of its covert involvement in Afghanistan, and India (J&K, Punjab). Unlike India/ SL there's not even the relative buffer of an Ocean in between the two countries. And the blowback is magnified that many more times compared to India/ LTTE.

It is almost axiomatic: the dogs of war you unleash will turn on you.

And in terms of timing 9-11 was just a trigger; the raw materials were already present and Pakistani society would probably have found another trigger maybe a few years later.
Did you care to see my post #541 and the below content? Let me repost it. Also, there is no BS here. I told you, I can personally introduce you to a friend who's aunt was raped by 9 Indian soldiers in Kashmir. They crossed the border somehow, went to UN and through some humanitarian process came to the US. There is a Kashmiri population area in KS and in NY. You should go talk to those refugees there and find out the truth. This is open terrorism being done for decades by the Indian military in uniform, supported and muted by the strong Indian lobby in the US and elsewhere. But if something happens to one of you guys, you cry 'wold' for years on tv. You should also be held accountable for killing millions of Kashmiri women, Children and Men in cold blood!

It is evident how your rhetoric reeks of anti India sentiment, you are not the first one and wont be lat one here, hence cant take you seriously. Especially when you are blinded by your pakistani passions to see only one side of the picture. I can see how you consistently dodge the UN security councils resolution. As far as human rights are concerned, My ex-girlfriend, kashimiri pandit family, father and uncle killed, brothers arm chopped off by terrorists you indirectly sympathize with. Please do go and investigate the death toll of civilians caused by terrorists emanating from pakistan. As far as human rights violations by armed forces are concerned, I highly condemn them if they have occurred, but then If asymmetric warfare is imposed by state sponsored terrorism, there will be deployment and as an effect there will be loss of civil liberties.
Sorry for offtopic, but pls understand our frustration when we have to rely on pakistan's court systems for punishing mass murders of indians.

I do understand yours.

that frustration is mutual.

it has dawned on the Pak Military that covert/ blackops in each other's country would keep us in the turmoil for ever, politicians dont know jack they are just riding the band wagon and claiming to have brought up confidence building measures, when 70% of their assets and investments are abroad then why should they care much about what would happen after a similar Mumbai (all major attacks on Pakistan of equal magnitude)

Balochistan is a strange one, it has the ethnic element of unrest within some Baloch tribes & then against other ethnic groups that are equally ethnic to this part but dont identify themselves as Baloch. and then there is this imported Punjabi taliban element that has proven itself far more lethal than the conventional terrorists because it has not given up its primary target, i.e the shias so while they used to kill say 10 to 15 shias after every 2 or three months and it wont make it more than a single column news, as the WoT chaos happened they ceased the chance and have started killing at a much larger scale.

the killing might move to DI khan now, the gateway to Waziristan. that might be a prelude to Pak Army's expected operation in that part of the country. DI khan also has the shia population that has the same "affectionate" attention from these groups like the Hazara do. only thing that saves them that they look like the rest of the people and dont have distinct Hazara features.

what does it have to do with your comment? well I am highlighting a fact of "terror DOES pay" in Pakistan, because either our courts find it more important to dig up old ISI cases, bully the local commissioner or take a suo motto action on the local samosa seller (no kidding check out CJ's previous years engagements). dealing with the terrorists can wait.

like one of our members mentioned, we do have the capacity to put a noose on these pests but would we? thats a question. when we had to we caught Ramzi Ahmed yousaf, Amel Kansi and KSM and handed them over to the Yanks.

forgive me to say that and please dont be offended, I dont think Hafiz Saeed is your real man for Mumbai tragedy, I hate the b@stard dont get me wrong, he is a troll at best. the real culprit is someone else is it someone within our Military establishment? I dont know and I dont like to think so but if thats the case then this cartoon by one of your guys fits very well.

Question here is, is the army willing to do what's necessary to battle this scourge. Do they have the character to walk on the path of fire? Can they annhilate this evil on their own terms and get their hands dirty and bloody in the process?
Desperate times call for desperate measures.

All the ills of Pakistani society you mentioned aren't unknown to anyone. But you do believe that no society is perfect right? You know in the US of A there are over a dozen white supremacist groups? The aryan brotherhood, swastikas and hitler tattooed bunch, satan worshipers, the kind of stuff hatred they spew about other races..... They are on record of saying such things on mainstream media, watch any show like Gangland or Lockout etc

I recall Imran Khan and now I must quote him

he says that West has all such groups who have very vile thoughts but they keep their thoughts to internet and talking. we on the other hand have groups who have local and foreign aid from Arabs who have turned into a sectarian beast that is killing Pakistani civilians.

one says why do markets sell some stuff thats bad for health? or why violent or exploitative movies are made? well there is a market and people buy them. so if you change the buying habit and preferences then these things will die away.
someone like yourself or me is actually fully aware of these terrorists who is sheltering them, feeding them cleaning their clothes and hiding them? he overhears their plans but holds one of the terrorists very dear and chooses to keep quiet.
that person wont speak up on the call of Zardari or Nawaz Sherif for sure. would Imran be able to make a change? well Allah knows best.
It is evident how your rhetoric reeks of anti India sentiment, you are not the first one and wont be lat one here, hence cant take you seriously. Especially when you are blinded by your pakistani passions to see only one side of the picture. I can see how you consistently dodge the UN security councils resolution. As far as human rights are concerned, My ex-girlfriend, kashimiri pandit family, father and uncle killed, brothers arm chopped off by terrorists you indirectly sympathize with. Please do go and investigate the death toll of civilians caused by terrorists emanating from pakistan. As far as human rights violations by armed forces are concerned, I highly condemn them if they have occurred, but then If asymmetric warfare is imposed by state sponsored terrorism, there will be deployment and as an effect there will be loss of civil liberties.

When you guys don't have answers, you resort to 'hate and rhetoric for India' crap. I've had the pleasure to post a LOT of stuff about Pakistan as well. I like to speak of the truth. If that hurts you, I am sorry.

Show me ONE proof that the number of Indians killed through Pakistani terrorist attacks are close to, equal to or more than the number of Christians and Muslims killed within India by Hindus.....the fact is, the numbers don't even come close !!! So in your own country, you've given the majority of fundamental Hindus a license to kill and it's used till date frequently. On the other hand, if Pakistani terrorists (STILL ARE AND WILL ALWAYS BE TERRORIST IF THEY KILLED CIVILIANS), take out a few people, you guys bombard the internet with 'Pakistani Terrorists'.....when will you focus on the internal Hindu terrorists? I've posted plenty of details in my previous posts. SO instead of changing or distracting the topic, tell me ALL of you condemn the Hindu terrorists activities just like you do for Pakistan. THEN we'll have a topic to discuss. You can't close your eyes from one terrorist who's a hindu as he's one of your brethren and keep bitching about the other one when your guy's causing more deaths within your own country. SAME goes for the Pakistanis too. So I am awaiting the Indian community to denounce the killings of Christians, Muslims, their Churches, Mosques, their homes, communities, destruction of their businesses, etc, etc!
When you guys don't have answers, you resort to 'hate and rhetoric for India' crap. I've had the pleasure to post a LOT of stuff about Pakistan as well. I like to speak of the truth. If that hurts you, I am sorry.
Show me ONE proof that the number of Indians killed through Pakistani terrorist attacks are close to, equal to or more than the number of Christians and Muslims killed within India by Hindus.....the fact is, the numbers don't even come close !!! So in your own country, you've given the majority of fundamental Hindus a license to kill and it's used till date frequently. On the other hand, if Pakistani terrorists (STILL ARE AND WILL ALWAYS BE TERRORIST IF THEY KILLED CIVILIANS), take out a few people, you guys bombard the internet with 'Pakistani Terrorists'.....when will you focus on the internal Hindu terrorists? I've posted plenty of details in my previous posts. SO instead of changing or distracting the topic, tell me ALL of you condemn the Hindu terrorists activities just like you do for Pakistan. THEN we'll have a topic to discuss. You can't close your eyes from one terrorist who's a hindu as he's one of your brethren and keep bitching about the other one when your guy's causing more deaths within your own country. SAME goes for the Pakistanis too. So I am awaiting the Indian community to denounce the killings of Christians, Muslims, their Churches, Mosques, their homes, communities, destruction of their businesses, etc, etc!
Dude last year 1450 Shias killed. This year started with 100+ Shias. I am not counting other deaths by TTP which includes other communities, Army personnals.

In Gujrat 3000 Muslims were killed but 850 Hindus also got killed. Do you want me to give you stats ?

Fatalities in Terrorist Violence in Pakistan 2003-2013

Kindly read this.

Total Fatalities in Terrorist attacks from 2003-2013.

Civilians - 15213
Security Personal - 4826
Terrorists - 25233

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