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Four explosions in Quetta

Words can not condole the wounds of the families of these innocent humans, being continuously attacked just because of association with a certain school of thought.

Quetta council demands Army be handed over to city

Extremist bomb attacks killed 126 people in one of Pakistan's deadliest days for years, raising concerns Friday about rising violence in the nuclear-armed country ahead of general elections.

Two suicide bombers killed 92 people and wounded 121 after they targeted a crowded snooker club in the southwestern city of Quetta Thursday, in an area dominated by Shiite Muslims from the Hazara ethnic minority.

Extremist Sunni militant group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi claimed responsibility for what was the worst ever sectarian attack on Shiites, who account for around 20 percent of Pakistan's 180 million population.

Hundreds of Shiites staged a sit-in at the devastated snooker hall on Friday, refusing to bury loved ones until the army takes responsibility for security in Quetta from paramilitary and police officers.

The government in Baluchistan province, which is also fighting a separatist insurgency, announced three days of mourning, but the protesters squatted on the road alongside around 30 bodies draped in shrouds and placed in coffins.

It was the deadliest attack in Pakistan since suicide bombers killed 98 people outside a police training centre in the northwest in 2011 -- an attack claimed by the Pakistani Taliban.

Meanwhile, unidentified men fired rockets on NATO containers carrying goods for international troops operating in Afghanistan, killing one person and destroying at least five vehicles in the Hazar Ganji area on the outskirts of Quetta on Friday.

"A group of at least 12 unidentified men attacked the terminal and fired rockets, which triggered a massive fire and gutted five out of 10 containers parked there," senior local police official Hamid Shakeel told AFP.

He said that the attackers escaped after also shooting dead an employee at a nearby petrol pump.

A local police official Noor Bukhsh Mengal also confirmed the incident.

Earlier Thursday, a bomb detonated under a security force vehicle in a crowded part of Quetta, killing 11 people and wounding dozens.

A bomb at a religious gathering in the northwestern Swat valley killed 22 people and wounded more than 80, the deadliest incident in the district since the army in 2009 fought off a two-year Taliban insurgency.

US State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said Friday: "We join Ambassador Richard Olson in offering the families of those killed in these brutal attacks in Quetta, in Swat, in Karachi, more than a hundred people dead over the last 24 hours -- we offer those families our deepest condolences and wish the injured a speedy recovery.

"We obviously stand with the people of Pakistan in strongly condemning these senseless and inhumane acts. And more broadly, we remain concerned about extremist violence of any kind in Pakistan and remain committed to working with the government of Pakistan to combat terror."

At the snooker club, the first bomber struck inside the building then, 10 minutes later, an attacker in a car blew himself up as police, media workers and rescue teams rushed to the site, said police officer Mir Zubair Mehmood.

"The death toll is now 92," said police official Hamid Shakeel.

Lashkar-e-Jhangvi claimed responsibility in telephone calls to local journalists. The group has links to Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, and was involved in the kidnap and beheading of reporter Daniel Pearl in January 2002.

Who supported BLA..get over this insecurity first. I was just saying this attack was committed by LeJ and all you could do was blame BLA as if they did this when there is no evidence and leave out LeJ who were the actual culprits. To defeat an enemy you have to identify who you are fighting first. You pakistanis are confused at the first step. But hey is Pakistanis killing pakistanis. At the end of the day they are not my people and other than hoping this would end there is nothing I could do.

LeJ operate with support of Baluch Terrorist organizations in Baluchistan

The Balochistan provincial capital of Quetta is still in a state of shock today, after massive twin bombings at a pool hall left 125 dead and an estimated 200 others wounded in a Shi’ite neighborhood.

The Lashkar-e Jhangvi (LeJ) is the latest to the table claiming responsibility for the attacks today, and this might well make sense, as the group has been behind a number of attacks on Shi’ites, particularly in Balochistan, in recent years. The LeJ was founded in 1996 and named after Haq Jhangvi, a Sunni cleric who spent his career railing against Shi’ites and was eventually assassinated by a Shi’ite faction.

But they aren’t the only ones claiming credit, as the United Baluch Army also took credit yesterday, almost immediately after the attack happened. The group is one of several secessionist factions fighting in Balochistan.

The Pakistani government has responded to the attacks by announcing that the paramilitary Frontier Corps is being given full police powers in the city, including authorization to carry out any search operations and detentions they please. The FC’s history of heavy-handedness in Balochistan could provoke more violence from secessionist groups, particularly with many still seething at their Christmas attacks
Two Groups Each Claims Credit for Pakistan Bombings that Killed 125 -- News from Antiwar.com
wonder if people recall the slain ISI colonel Imam, he in one of his video "confessions" while under custody of terrorists, mentioned lashker Jaghvi al Alami (international army of Jhangvi) as his captors, he was later slain on a video shot many times on the face, back , chest and head.

Colonel Imam was the name given by Afghan Mujahideen of Soviet war as a mark of respect to ISI officer for his contribution in managing the insurgency.

they are not just anti shia but anti state and anti Pakistan as well
ISLAMABAD: Maj Gen Obaidullah Khan, Inspector General of Frontier Corps (FC), Balochistan, has suggested a grand dialogue to resolve the problems of Balochistan.

In an interview with The News, he said the recent bombings in Balochistan were driven from sectarianism, a problem threatening the entire country and not one specific region.

He said it was not simply a law and order issue so all politicians, intellectuals and religious leaders should sit together and start a dialogue.

He regretted that nobody thinks of dialogue. During Muharram, the Frontier Corps called clerics of all schools of thought and they said they were not involved in sectarianism as they pray together and marry with all sects but some ‘outsiders’ are creating this crisis.

He said the FC has been given police powers enabling them to track and arrest terrorists and those involved in serious crimes.

He said the Frontier Corps, commissioner and other authorities were talking to the grieving families to bury their dead which they had not so far in protest against the terrorist attacks and the state’s failure to protect them.

FC chief suggests grand dialogue on Balochistan - thenews.com.pk
QUETTA: The city wore a gloomy look as the provincial capital mourned its 118 dead, who were targeted in Thursday’s multiple blasts at Alamdar Road.

In protest, they refused to bury the dead on Friday, and staged a sit-in, demanding that the government protect them from barrage of bombings and shootings.

They took more than 50 bodies to the main Rehmat Khan Chowk at the Alamdar Road, saying that they will not bury them until the government improved security in the city. The protesters burnt tyres and blocked the road.

The protesters shouted slogans against the provincial government and held it responsible for the killings. The demonstrators demanded of the government to step down in the larger interest of the province as it had failed miserably to maintain law and order in Balochistan.

They vowed to continue protest till the provincial government steps down and the city is handed over to the army.

Meanwhile, A complete shutter-down strike was observed in the provincial capital to condemn the bombings on the call of the Anjuman-e-Tajiran Balochistan, endorsed by nearly all politico-nationalists parties.

All markets and business centres at Liaquat Bazaar, Prince Road, Jinnah Road, Shahra-e-Iqbal, Mission Road, Shawak Sha Road, Masjid Road, Alamdar Road and Abdul Sattar Road remained closed throughout the day.

Traffic was thin on the city’s roads compared to routine. Heavy contingents of the police and law enforcement agencies were deployed to maintain law and order. However, no unpleasant incident was reported.

Blast victim heirs demand army in Quetta - thenews.com.pk
Cheif Minister of Balochistan is enjoying holidays in Dubai, Governor says he is unable, 55 ministers are unavailable. Retard Malik is busy in handling Qadri and fortifying Islamabad. Than they say why Army interfere? :hitwall:
PM orders delegation of policing powers to FC in Quetta

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf on Saturday issued directives to delegate policing powers to the Frontier Corps (FC) in Quetta, DawnNews reported.

The premier issued the directives after a meeting with Interior Minister Rehman Malik.

The FC has been directed to assist the Balochistan government in maintaining peace and controlling the law and order situation in the province in the wake of the multiple bombings that have claimed the lives of over 100 people.

Furthermore, the prime minister directed Information Minister Qamar Zaman Kaira to immediately leave for Quetta in order to monitor the situation in the provincial capital.

Prime Minister Ashraf has moreover announced compensation of rupees one million for the heirs of each victim killed in the bombings and rupees 100,000 for each person injured in the explosions.

He moreover ordered that C-130s be sent to Quetta in order to shift the wounded to Karachi for medical treatment.

The premier has moreover directed Chief Minister Balochistan Aslam Raisani, who is currently abroad, to return to the country without further delay.
PM orders delegation of policing powers to FC in Quetta | Pakistan | DAWN.COM
ISLAMABAD: Maj Gen Obaidullah Khan, Inspector General of Frontier Corps (FC), Balochistan, has suggested a grand dialogue to resolve the problems of Balochistan.

dialogue with the killers of tens of thousands of people who have a single line argument. death to all shias...

oh sorry he meant dialogue with BLA who say
death to all Punjabis and its a duty of every Baloch to kill at least one Punjabi in his life time

he is right, secterianism is a country wide issue, its an insult for TTP & its affiliates to think they can only kill shias in Quetta. they do that repeatedly on the roads leading to Gilgit sakadu and Parachinar where the passengers are marched out and executed on spot. and the killers also believe in the age old maxim of
"women and children first"

they have executed pregnant women and impaled their unborn babies in their attacks on shia passengers in Parachinar.
I wonder what kind of dialogue the FG guy is suggesting here.. seems like a suggestion to dialogue with the Mongol horde who are only there to raise the whole city and slay every living soul.

our justice system is a failure it has even let go the terrorists that are caught in the act at the scene due to "lack of evidence"
the same free judiciary let go all terrorists that took part in the massacre of the police cadets in lahore few years back. and they also freed all Lal masjid inmates who were involved in the killing of the police ranger and fought and killed the SSG members.

you want to hold dialogue with a self confessed killer of 70 people? Malik Ishaq? who in court in front of the judge has bragged that he was raided shia families and killed all members of the family himself. he gets full protocol by PMLn government and reports to Sipah Sahabah front organisation chief who has re-branded his organisation as Ahal Sunnat wal Jamat.
what else do you expect from someone who feels so immune and even enjoys a hero status among our radical population??

the transformation of ordinary sunni Muslims in to mindless savages of TTP is frightening, I have seen members of my own family turning into radicals who actually openly justify that killing although only few decades back they would go with me even to a shrine or not justify the attacks on shia's so openly.

lets hold dialogue with the killers eh? slow down the pace? kill some Ahmedis , Christians as well to be politically correct and not appear too much biased towards shias? and oh yea, resume the attacks on moderate Sunnis as its been a while since sunni Sufi shrines have been attacked?

decisions decisions,must be hard mind work for these terrorists on who to kill first. and then its to deal with the Government as well which will come with a pathetic package which is peanuts to what is collected from robberies, ransom, extortion & financial aid from Salafi Arab brothers and radicalized local population.

we all will die one day but mark my word I wont be here for long but if these posts remain in the web space then readers of the future will see that I made sense when I said that Pakistan's enemies shouldnt waste money on their MKI's, Rafales and Agnis.. these sectarian terrorist will do the job for them free of charge and much better than any of their blackops can ever possibly imagine.

Turn in grave with pain Quaid e Azam, sorry mate you were a shia and you gave us a country... but someone has to pay for the anger these fanatics had against the creation of Pakistan.
LeJ operate with support of Baluch Terrorist organizations in Baluchistan

Two Groups Each Claims Credit for Pakistan Bombings that Killed 125 -- News from Antiwar.com

If I recall correctly the United Baloch Army or whatever took responsibility of the blast earlier that day at Bacha Khan chowk which targeted the FC checkpost NOT for the blasts targeting the Shia Hazaras. I'm not saying you cant condemn the two..they are against your state for whatever reason and condemn them all you want..but the killing of Shias is purely the work of LeJ.

Some confused soul just mixed up these two separate incidents.
Cheif Minister of Balochistan is enjoying holidays in Dubai, Governor says he is unable, 55 ministers are unavailable. Retard Malik is busy in handling Qadri and fortifying Islamabad. Than they say why Army interfere? :hitwall:

Trust me its a trap. Army going in there will create further mess. This internal affair belongs to the Police only. .Already Pakistan is facing heat from Indian border and Afghan Border. We should try to play it out smart with our Army.

By definition, an Army is known to protect their country's borders. They should do as it says. Meaning what specifically needs to happen is beefing up security on Afghanistan and India border. Since our Navy is also a force of external affairs, perhaps a couple of ships should be stationed in Arabian Sea to keep an eye on NATO's role. The moment we follow the logic behind our group's job, there will be a clear view of who is trying to smuggle in deadly weapons or sending spy agents. No weapons in the country would mean no violence ! It gets as simple as that.
Chief of Jafria Alliance Abbas Kameli says there is just one same group involved in killing Shias and Sunnis in Pakistan. He says No hurdle for Pakistan Army now to takeover Quetta.

Trust me its a trap. Army going in there will create further mess. This internal affair belongs to the Police only. .Already Pakistan is facing heat from Indian border and Afghan Border. We should try to play it out smart with our Army.

By definition, an Army is known to protect their country's borders. They should do as it says. Meaning what specifically needs to happen is beefing up security on Afghanistan and India border. Since our Navy is also a force of external affairs, perhaps a couple of ships should be stationed in Arabian Sea to keep an eye on NATO's role. The moment we follow the logic behind our group's job, there will be a clear view of who is trying to smuggle in deadly weapons or sending spy agents. No weapons in the country would mean no violence ! It gets as simple as that.

No dude, a bomb defused today as well. 1-2 more incidents like this will give the long awaited excuse so, called gods of humanity to intervene. Baluchistan's govt. needs to be dismissed and Governor rule implemented immediately.
Watch this video. Media didn't even covered Quetta blasts. They were showing it as 3rd, 4th news. All focused on Long March.

You are not concerned about your own people, why would be the rest of the world ?

@Emmie, this is the difference between Indian media and Pakistan Media. Of course Indian media go over-emotional and over do but they cover major part of the news all around our country.

I don't think Indian media is some type of role model but it is responsible to some extent. Not much but still enough.

You are right, Pakistani media is more interested in long march, even LOC incidents are merely news for them.. But what I have been pointing out is not about coverage or negligence, what merely I have trying to explain to you is sensationalism and contortion of the facts.
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You are right, Pakistani media is more interested in long march, even LOC incidents are merely news for them.. But what I have been pointing out is not about coverage or negligence, what merely I have trying to explain to you is sensationalism and contortion of the facts.
Yaar its a business. Indian media has dialed down. May be they got some instruction from the ministry.

At least people with some sense of diplomacy and rationality trying to diffuse the situation.
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