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Founder of China : Cantonese - Hakka

Although many people in HK still can't get rid of that colonial mentality, but i am confident that the younger generation will start to recognize PRC more than the older generation.

And i didn't hear about the diseases brought from Hong Kong to India, if so, you have blamed Britain, since they were responsible to bring those foreign diseases to India.

These fanime and rat diseases originated and spread from Hong Kong but the british with ships brought it to India.

Political impact in colonial India

Directions for searchers, Pune plague of 1897
Plague came to British India in 1896, most likely from Hong Kong where the epidemic had been festering since 1894. Over the next thirty years, the country would lose 12.5 million people to the disease. Almost all cases werebubonic, with only a very small percentage changing to pneumonic plague.(Orent, p. 185) The disease was initially seen in port cities, beginning with Bombay (now Mumbai), but later emerged in Pune, Kolkata, and Karachi (now inPakistan). By 1899, the outbreak spread to smaller communities and rural areas in many regions of India. Overall, the impact of plague epidemics was greatest in western and northern India—in the provinces then designated as Bombay, Punjab, and the United Provinces—while eastern and southern India were not as badly affected.
Although many people in HK still can't get rid of that colonial mentality, but i am confident that the younger generation will start to recognize PRC more than the older generation.

And i didn't hear about the diseases brought from Hong Kong to India, if so, you have blamed Britain, since they were responsible to bring those foreign diseases to India.

That is true. It is mostly the older generation in HK that has this problem.

The younger generation are growing up in HK that is a part of the PRC, so they don't have that kind of problematic mentality that the older generation has.
Are Ningbonese even a Chinese sub-ethnic group? they are just people from Ningbong. What you mean is Wu people.

Perharps Hakka have inferior complex or other have inferior complex that is why they need to claim significant historical figures

It's just like how other Indians are jealous of Brahmin, Gujarati, Punjabis historical figures and make claims

Some non-bramin made a stupid claim that the first prime minster had was their figure with bs claims because they feel the need that to claim someone important will give them some meaning to existence and boost their self-esteem.

Shanghai was the richest city before communist revolution. Yangtze River Delta includes southern Jiangsu, Shanghai and Zhejiang province where Ninbgo is located, and speak "Wu" dialect. This region has always been the richest region since Southern Song Dynasty when they fled Mongol in the north and Shanghai was a tiny fishing village in the delta area 150 years ago. Basically for past 500 years, all scholars, scientists, and in modern days, members of China Academy of Science and Academy of Social Science, all dominated by people of this region. I am mighty proud.

Cantonese became well known after 1949 when mainland China was closed to the outside world and Hong Kong basically dominated all trading from China to the rest of world, along with its people and dialect.

BTW, I am from Ningbo. I can understand Shanghai dialect perfectly but just wont be able to speak like natives.

In a nutshell, people of Yangtze River Delta, including Shanghai, southern Jiangsu and Zhejiang are called "Wu" people and speak "Wu" dialect, and "wu" should be pronounced like "gn" in our dialect. This region used to be "Wu" Kingdom and back 2000 years ago, Zhejiang was "Yue" Kingdom, I hope Viets wont claim us!
That is true. It is mostly the older generation in HK that has this problem.

The younger generation are growing up in HK that is a part of the PRC, so they don't have that kind of problematic mentality that the older generation has.

However their racist attitude are still prevelant even though many are friendly

Why are these threads started?

Our country is called People's republic of CHINA, in Chinese it is Zhong Guo, middle kingdom, in Taiwan it is the Republic of China.

We are called Chinese, Zhong Guo Ren.

We are not the people's republic of Han, the people of Han. Or any other group.

All within our borders with our citizenship are CHINESE. These petty differences mean nothing.
Shanghai was the richest city before communist revolution. Yangtze River Delta includes southern Jiangsu, Shanghai and Zhejiang province where Ninbgo is located, and speak "Wu" dialect. This region has always been the richest region since Southern Song Dynasty when they fled Mongol in the north and Shanghai was a tiny fishing village in the delta area 150 years ago. Basically for past 500 years, all scholars, scientists, and in modern days, members of China Academy of Science and Academy of Social Science, all dominated by people of this region. I am mighty proud.

Cantonese became well known after 1949 when mainland China was closed to the outside world and Hong Kong basically dominated all trading from China to the rest of world, along with its people and dialect.

BTW, I am from Ningbo. I can understand Shanghai dialect perfectly but just wont be able to speak like natives.

The capital city of India is delhi and this is city ruled by Brahmin we have the highest standard of living among all Indian groups this is because we are the highest society. I also read world famous trading port city was in Guangzhou? they even won the Asia football club.

By the way, how come such a important group of people like yourselves in China don't have your own preservation of culture, dialect? in India if you are in the top class you get to have your own language movies, entertainment, music, cinema, dramas.
Although many people in HK still can't get rid of that colonial mentality, but i am confident that the younger generation will start to recognize PRC more than the older generation.

And i didn't hear about the diseases brought from Hong Kong to India, if so, you have blamed Britain, since they were responsible to bring those foreign diseases to India.

Yeah I realized how stupid Hong Kong people are. They still say they want to be back with British while for Indian/Pakistan this was a huge humiliation we lost millions of life to fanime also because of Hong Kong who brought diseases which killed 100 million of Indians. They are losers who look down on non-white people. They made fun of my skin color and my language.

If you ask how Indians, Africans, Iraqi, Pakistani and even other Europeans and middle eastern groups how they feel about being under British rule they will tell you to go hell. 

Actually it's not because of colonial mentality, Hong Kongers are still very traditional compared to Singapore Chinese, but that they do not trust the old hardline communist, especially after Cultural Revolution. Still remember the red scare that caused HK property to crash in the 60's, and wily Lee Ka Shing snatched up the prime property at record low prices.
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Actually it's not because of colonial mentality, Hong Kongers are still very traditional compared to Singapore Chinese, but that they do not trust the old hardline communist, especially after Cultural Revolution. Still remember the red scare that caused HK property to crash in the 60's, and wily Lee Ka Shing snatched up the prime property at record low prices.

Hong Kong people bullying Indians/Pakistani minorities. Such attitude had not change because the HK racist media allows it.

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Actually it's not because of colonial mentality, Hong Kongers are still very traditional compared to Singapore Chinese, but that they do not trust the old hardline communist, especially after Cultural Revolution. Still remember the red scare that caused HK property to crash in the 60's, and wily Lee Ka Shing snatched up the prime property at record low prices.

During the Cultural Revolution, many left-wing groups in HK were actually pretty ethusiastic.

Of course, many right-wing factions in HK would call them the trojan horse of CPC.



The capital city of India is delhi and this is city ruled by Brahmin we have the highest standard of living among all Indian groups this is because we are the highest society. I also read world famous trading port city was in Guangzhou? they even won the Asia football club.

By the way, how come such a important group of people like yourselves in China don't have your own preservation of culture, dialect? in India if you are in the top class you get to have your own language movies, entertainment, music, cinema, dramas.

Because we are not a caste based society like india's that divide and discriminate.
Because we are not a caste based society that divide and discriminate.

Tell me why than this happens often....even among all my families who lived Hong Kong who all understands cantonese had experienced discrimination, they listened to the Hong Kong people in bus and trains making fun of their skin color?

I once sat next to a Hong Kong guy and he immediately started laughing at me
That is true. It is mostly the older generation in HK that has this problem.

The younger generation are growing up in HK that is a part of the PRC, so they don't have that kind of problematic mentality that the older generation has.

The grandpa generation of HK is ok, it is mainly the problem of those people born from 1940-1970s.

Since these people grew up during the golden age of HK's economy, of course they are the most pro-British one.

While the grandpa generation grew up when the British colonizers were still extremely racist towards the people from its colonies, of course they can't forget how being mistreated by those British colonizers.
Tell me why than this happens often....even among all my families who lived Hong Kong who all understands cantonese had experienced discrimination, they listened to the Hong Kong people in bus and trains making fun of their skin color?

I once sat next to a Hong Kong guy and he immediately started laughing at me

You cannot compare India's caste system with China, we don't have one. Our elites do not have their own music, drama......like your Brahmins.

If you're talking about racism, that has nothing to do with caste system. I'm not from HK, I'm not aware of any racism there. Ask Chinese Dragon.

Maybe you have a funny face, so he laughed :rofl:
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