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Forty-eight dead, 150 injured in Karachi's Shia area bomb attack

@Hyperion So let me get this straight- you have unaccounted for and large sums of money being funneled into the nation through various roots, you have a force of militants that knows how to exploit the naivete of the people. These groups seem to have some sort of political protection, no? I mean the Sharif's are really close to the SAers. How will the army step into this mess and solve it, this can't continue for long- with the army pulling up the government's slack. And yaara even the PA did collude with some extremist groups- they did enable a lot of the funding networks- that sort of contact can lead to reverse infiltration. There could be elements even within the forces that might have been influenced, or is that out of the question. How does the DPC (difae-Pakistan council) figure into this- lots of ex army and ex militant fellows aspiring for political legitimacy there.
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Dude same is happening with us. When I say Saudi sponsored, it doesn't always mean that it's being done with the tacit support of KSA where they know where the **** it's ending up. (This I say with the new King ONLY, he is a pretty decent guy.... Don't bring the one before him.... he boils my blood)

Last I had access to a very special report, it went something like this:

1. Certain people travelled to the Kingdom and met some rich sheikhs there, and requested from them funds for say, maintenance of "X" number of mosques and XYZ small stuff. They were provided legit funds. Now the problem here is, you can NOT track the REAL usage of these funds.

2. Same people run small collection networks in KSA, same logic, where mid-level people are targeted and funds are collected.

Now the above is for KSA only, and after the new king took power. So it's ALMOST under control.

Qatar and UAE on the other hand, YOU DON'T want to know wtf is going on..... :angry:

He boils both our bloods not just you, that bastard have done more damage to KSA than any other place. I still celebrate the day of his passing annulay.

Well, you can't expect us to monitor each and every single dollar coming out of our country now can you? A friend of my uncle transferred 1 Milion dollars to Malysia and exactly about 30 minutes later Mabhith GMCs and Jeebs came and took him away for questioning and interrogation as to what is the reason for the transfer of this large sum. The guy was just transferring company investments.
You can't expect us to do more than that now can you?

You guys need a Similar system.
Dude the benefactors of Nawaz Sharif and gang in KSA was the "OLD" king, not the new one. However, they still have contacts with some very unsavory characters there and in the Gulf. Besides, PMLN is a spent political force, don't mind them.

Difa-e-Pakistan is a joke, forget it.

Army, yes you are right, LeT was an off-shoot that was supported by some within the hierarchy, however, trust me, not the case anymore. Furthermore, the new breed coming up the ranks is HIGHLY educated, RICH, resourceful and are witnesses to history, these people are ruthless and secularists, watch out for them. I say 5 years maximum and first stars will be awarded to them and then we go a very different path from the one we have been on for the past five decades.

@Hyperion So let me get this straight- you have unaccounted for and large sums of money being funneled into the nation through various roots, you have a force of militants that knows how to exploit the naivete of the people. These groups seem to have some sort of political protection, no? I mean the Sharif's are really close to the SAers. How will the army step into this mess and solve it, this can't continue for long- with the army pulling up the government's slack. And yaara even the PA did collude with some extremist groups- they did enable a lot of the funding networks- that sort of contact can lead to reverse infiltration. There could be elements even within the forces that might have been influenced, or is that out of the question. How does the DPC (difae-Pakistan council) figure into this- lots of ex army and ex militant fellows aspiring for political legitimacy there.
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Dude the benefactors of Nawaz Sharif and gang in KSA was the "OLD" king, not the new one. However, they still have contacts with some very unsavory characters there and in the Gulf. Besides, PMLN is a spent political force, don't mind them.

Difa-e-Pakistan is a joke, forget it.

Army, yes you are right, LeT was an off-shoot that was supported by some within the hierarchy, however, trust me, not the case anymore. Furthermore, the new breed coming up the ranks is HIGHLY educated, RICH, resourceful and are witnesses to history, these people are ruthless and secularists, watch out for them. I say 5 years maximum and first stars will be awarded to them and then we go a very different path from the one we have been on for the past five decades.

God bless the Internet, I don't think in human history there was a bigger educational institute than the world wide web.

Seems that an equilibrium of mentality and education is happening in the world where Internet generation young people seem to be highly more educated, resourceful and capable than their previous counterparts.
Dude the benefactors of Nawaz Sharif and gang in KSA was the "OLD" king, not the new one. However, they still have contacts with some very unsavory characters there and in the Gulf. Besides, PMLN is a spent political force, don't mind them.

Difa-e-Pakistan is a joke, forget it.

Army, yes you are right, LeT was an off-shoot that was supported by some within the hierarchy, however, trust me, not the case anymore. Furthermore, the new breed coming up the ranks is HIGHLY educated, RICH, resourceful and are witnesses to history, these people are ruthless and secularists, watch out for them. I say 5 years maximum and first stars will be awarded to them and then we go a very different path from the one we have been on for the past five decades.

That's all within the forces but what about the political class- are you telling me they'll remain as ineffective and depraved as they are now? Yaara its a real shocker when we people see any political class trumping ours in corruption and maleficence. So then what is the future of democracy in Pakistan? The army can't go about running cereal making enterprises- stemming domestic terrorism- and then defending the border. They're getting stretched dangerously thin, no?
So I have an Indian Muslim friend, IT guy, very bright, very ambitious - anyways, this is from last year if I remember correctly, He was in Arabia for a business meeting - the meeting went well, the Friday he went to offer prayers before playing back, he said the imam in his Qutba asked for help for the "Afghan Brothers" (Talib), he said he saw with own eyes people giving cash, checks, some even valuables from their homes -- now can the Saudi authorities clamp down on every mosque and Imam, well that presupposes that they actually want to --- I'm convinced that people in Arabia, not just the govt, simply do not realize that in the places they spend money, people hate them, because the people have to deal with the real consequences.

Of course some don't care if hy are hated, to them it's confirmation that they are doing the right thing, but this monster needs enemies, when it cannot find enemies abroad, it will find them at home - that should be sobering.
Lala, they are clamping down with the new king in power. Trust me. You wouldn't find a bigger hater than me... :omghaha:

So I have an Indian Muslim friend, IT guy, very bright, very ambitious - anyways, this is from last year if I remember correctly, He was in Arabia for a business meeting - the meeting went well, the Friday he went to offer prayers before playing back, he said the imam in his Qutba asked for help for the "Afghan Brothers" (Talib), he said he saw with own eyes people giving cash, checks, some even valuables from their homes -- now can the Saudi authorities clamp down on every mosque and Imam, well that presupposes that they actually want to --- I'm convinced that people in Arabia, not just the govt, simply do not realize that in the places they spend money, people hate them, because the people have to deal with the real consequences.

Of course some don't care if hy are hated, to them it's confirmation that they are doing the right thing, but this monster needs enemies, when it cannot find enemies abroad, it will find them at home - that should be sobering.
The new Army will bring the change from within. The political set-up at the moment is way to powerless and helpless. They are genuinely scared of these people. Trust me.

That's all within the forces but what about the political class- are you telling me they'll remain as ineffective and depraved as they are now? Yaara its a real shocker when we people see any political class trumping ours in corruption and maleficence. So then what is the future of democracy in Pakistan? The army can't go about running cereal making enterprises- stemming domestic terrorism- and then defending the border. They're getting stretched dangerously thin, no?

@muse & @Mosamania, why do you guys hate each other so much? I also hate, however, I hate ideologies not people... I seriously don't get both of you. :undecided:
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The new Army will bring the change from within. The political set-up at the moment is way to powerless and helpless. They are genuinely scared of these people. Trust me.

And what will be the stance of this new military leadership towards India- is there even the remotest chance of a real re-orientation in the existing viewpoint?
Status-quo with step reduction in hostilities, and if you are asking about nukes at each other? They will be aimed there for a long time to come. It will take one more generation after prosperity that they'll be re-aimed somewhere else. Btw, nukes don't scare me at all, as they will never be used, at least on each other.

And what will be the stance of this new military leadership towards India- is there even the remotest chance of a real re-orientation in the existing viewpoint?
Lala, they are clamping down with the new king in power. Trust me. You wouldn't find a bigger hater than me... :omghaha:

I don't think it a question of trusting you or not - results speak for themselves. See the clamp down you suggest, cannot be other than superficial, because certain very influential so called "Royals" are involved in this, to them it's an act of piety as much as it is self interest.

So, because this is a question of "ideology", Wahabi ideology to be specific, that is to say that this ideology needs and see enemies, it is delusional to think that an elderly monarch with one leg in the grave, will be able to turn back this ideology, especially since it is tied to their foreign policy itself, here think Libya, Bahrain, Iraq and Syria
Status-quo with step reduction in hostilities, and if you are asking about nukes at each other? They will be aimed there for a long time to come. It will take one more generation after prosperity that they'll be re-aimed somewhere else. Btw, nukes don't scare me at all, as they will never be used, at least on each other.

The nukes don't scare me either yaara- any smart Indian with real insight will tell you that our only grouse was that orgs like LET were exploiting the nuclear umbrella knowing full well that no matter how far they pushed us we'd not be able to take any firm action on their base of operations on Pakistani soil (you know all of that and which specific region I'm referring to better than most here) - it was like the ultimate insurance chip for such orgs.

If the oxygen for these groups is completely cut out (although I guess even the JuD is capable of tapping into the non sanctioned and informal funding network that you had referred to earlier) then the fact that nukes have already made general hostilities very costly and very risky will actually make them a welcome element- as macabre as the last bit sounds.
25 Sunnis Died ANd 25 Shia! Is it still a shia genocide??
@muse & @Mosamania, why do you guys hate each other so much? I also hate, however, I hate ideologies not people... I seriously don't get both of you. :undecided:

I have zero hate for maso - I simply outline what and how Wahabi ideology functions, that is to say seeking and making enemies - some object they this ideology has been exposed and that's their problem
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The new Army will bring the change from within. The political set-up at the moment is way to powerless and helpless. They are genuinely scared of these people. Trust me.

@muse & @Mosamania, why do you guys hate each other so much? I also hate, however, I hate ideologies not people... I seriously don't get both of you. :undecided:

He doesn't hate ideologies, he is just a racist hater. The difference between you and him is that you are a "Truth seeker" muse is a "Hatemonger" . I highly respect truth seekers to the greatest extent, they are knowledge searchers. Hatemonger like muse here only seek to spread hate regardless of truth, and these people I despise.
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