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Forty-eight dead, 150 injured in Karachi's Shia area bomb attack

To give you riddence from your ignorance...these terms are invented by Americans,not Pakistanis...
They were the ones who tricked Pakistan and pressurised Pakistan into releasing the 'good taliban' from prisons.

well thats wrong , watch "double cross Pakistan" America wanted to talk with taliban which wrere ready to surrender but Pakistani army didn't wanted to taliban surrender .

Pakistan used muj. against India long time and you are telling us that ..... it's only taliban and it's only created and sustained by pak army to control Afghanistan .
Apologizes in advance but i don't get it what were youtrying to say?...did you mean americans used the word bad taliban and good taliban, and we don't have such people here?
I would say we need to stop moaning about past and stop blaming.....tell me what actikns have been taken against the terrorist leadership and not the small timers
No they dont have it in USA on the streets of Texas..But they do use these statements while sat in American Embassy Islamabad...from Afghanistan and from their Diplomatic channels...and been doing so for years.

Pakistan doe not have a free hand in dealing with Taliban and other factors instigationg terrorism..Too much American intervention exists..

Taliban are not our enemy, says Joe Biden as US to negotiate deal to end Afghanistan war | Mail Online
White House shifts Afghanistan strategy towards talks with Taliban | World news | The Guardian
Taliban peace talks flounder
Hamid Karzai to press Pakistan to release more Taliban - Telegraph
Oh for god sake, its US, KSA, UAE, India, Timbaktu fault ? For once put all the blame on all section of Govt. Security agencies and Army.

They tricked you, so this is their fault, who got tricked ? Clean mess within your country. All the extremists, corrupt politicians, police, in security forces etc.

Why your enemies are able to use your weakness ? Face them, bash them but do some work within your own country which you have control of.

No point krait, we won't listen, we will just blame and blame, we won't look what we are doing.....why can't these people understand if someone tricks them then it will be their fault for falling into the trap, you cant blame the fraudsters
You and many like you try to milk the situation and vent your spleen posing as a sympathizer....

Another perpetual moron jumps in.
I wonder who unbans you....

There is no 'milking the situation' here ...these are seeds you have sown in past 3 decades coming to blossom ...us and all victims of once Pakistani based/sponsored terrorism can only hope, that you take defeat this Frankenstein's monster and hopefully learn an invaluable lesson for the future.
No they dont have it in USA on the streets of Texas..But they do use these statements while sat in American Embassy Islamabad...from Afghanistan and from their Diplomatic channels...and been doing so for years.

Pakistan doe not have a free hand in dealing with Taliban and other factors instigationg terrorism..Too much American intervention exists..

Taliban are not our enemy, says Joe Biden as US to negotiate deal to end Afghanistan war | Mail Online

Americans used excuse to escape from Afghanistan , pak army poured talibanis from other side constantly which made them paranoid . you ISI started proxy war with America with the help of taliban , you made them to negotiate with taliban it was your inside job .......................... and america had no more interest in fighting with them
Americans used excuse to escape from Afghanistan , pak army poured talibanis from other side constantly which made them paranoid . you ISI started proxy war with America with the help of taliban , you made them to negotiate with taliban it was your inside job .......................... and america had no more interest in fighting with them

Pakistan isnt earning a dime from the opium crop harvest of Afghanistan..USA is making the billions..Now go figure who's vested interest in there in Playing this never ending game of confusion.
@Safriz, on the serious note, what you suggest should be the strategy now so that we can tackle the situation for the tactical advantage and not strategically
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Oh for god sake, its US, KSA, UAE, India, Timbaktu fault ? For once put all the blame on all section of Govt. Security agencies and Army.

They tricked you, so this is their fault, who got tricked ? Clean mess within your country. All the extremists, corrupt politicians, police, in security forces etc.

Why your enemies are able to use your weakness ? Face them, bash them but do some work within your own country which you have control of.

@KRAIT; Why are putting forth "hard options"? Why not stick to "soft options"?
Hard Beds and Soft Battles are always easier to manage!
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Pakistan isnt earning a dime from the opium crop harvest of Afghanistan..USA is making the billions..Now go figure who's vested interest in there in Playing this never ending game of confusion.

well i don't know how USA making billions but I am sure they lost trillions , they lost soldier , their economy got stabbed , they poured money inside Afghanistan to develop it , but still Afghan hate them because they are non-Muslims ,so far it's been disaster for them .
Oh for god sake, its US, KSA, UAE, India, Timbaktu fault ? For once put all the blame on all section of Govt. Security agencies and Army.

They tricked you, so this is their fault, who got tricked ? Clean mess within your country. All the extremists, corrupt politicians, police, in security forces etc.

Why your enemies are able to use your weakness ? Face them, bash them but do some work within your own country which you have control of.

I can guarantee you that our mega stupid Pakistanis will vote again for the same PPP..

Whatever Musharraf did..he had it all under control...

Since Zardari's rule all is out of control and is set to go further down hill...

But like i said...Pakistanis will vote for the same failed government again.

well i don't know how USA making billions but I am sure they lost trillions , they lost soldier , their economy got stabbed , they poured money inside Afghanistan to develop it , but still Afghan hate them because they are non-Muslims ,so far it's been disaster for them .

oh no....
i love your innocence...
People are getting so overjoyed with this...
So having some pleasure is their right...

don't think about us , think about you and your country , don't you have still blind mullah ideology ? think about it.
How stupid american are?
They sacrificed their own people and economy to develop a country 10,000 miles away..

Yup that makes sense..

@Safriz, on the serious note, what you suggest should be the strategy now so that we can tackle the situation for the tactical advantage and not strategically

Go vote for PPP again and go to hell again...

You cannt pay somebody 4-5000 Rupiah a month and then bully them and ask them to go lay down their lives..You do need to support your army,and other law enforcement agencies,and blame political leadership only.
Pakistani peoples own hate against army is to blame....Conditions are worse than 65 year history of Pakistan and Martial law had long been imposed to save these deaths..
But you people so love democrazy .. now enjoy it.
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