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Former UP Shia Waqf Board chief Waseem Rizvi converts to Hinduism

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Now, he is regretting, and is in depression..
He is an attention seeker, exploiting religion for personal or political benefit.

Purpose of religion is accountability under God, for that he needs belief in God [Tawheed and Taqwa].
Now, he is regretting, and is in depression..

Regret what to switching over to Hinduism? I'm sorry but once you leave your out and can't come in especially someone who can think properly, etc., he should just enjoy flinging cow dung. Now if he was mentally retarded there would be exceptions, but his case is different he's using religion for political points he has no faith in heart.
Now, he is regretting, and is in depression..
One has to be born and raised in such a filthy way of life to actually be able to bear, maintain, and practice it. Most converts to any religion whether it is Hinduism or Islam end up leaving after a few months for a reason, Hindus are some of the most toxic, hateful, insecure, and bigoted lot out there. They are not much notches below typical Islamists.
He is an attention seeker, exploiting religion for personal or political benefit.
That's the point of the institution which is religion to begin with, to exploit others.
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Most converts to any religion whether it is Hinduism or Islam end up leaving after a few months for a reason, Hindus are some of the most toxic, hateful, insecure, and bigoted lot out there. They are not much notches below typical Islamists.
when he was denigrating Islam bharatis loved him because like tarek fatty he had an islamic name. after conversion he lost his utility because now they regard him as just another untouchable hindu, even though no longer a Mleccha but still not the same as them
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tarek fatty he had an islamic name when he was denigrating Islam. after conversion he lost his utility because they regard him just as another untouchable hindu, even though no longer a Mleccha but still not the same as them
Tarek Fatah is an opportunist, he never did nor will he ever convert to Hinduism. He's just in it for the money and self-promotional purposes.

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