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Former Mossad head: Iran should fear next 12 weeks

the above must be understand well and has right logic ,

i still wish war doesnot happen
Israel does have history of supporting its geopolitical ambitions with actions.

Following are two prominent examples:

1. Operation Opera (1981) against Iraq
2. Operation Orchard (2007) against Syria

And if Israel has plans to conduct a military action against Iran, then it is preparing or have already prepared for the expected consequences in the form of possible retaliatory missile strikes from Iran.

Statements like these are premature. Do not forget that Iraq became a major military power in the Middle East prior to war with USA. And Afghans cannot be tamed.

Afghanistan is arguably the most difficult nation to control in the Islamic bloc.

Iraq didn't have the proper air defence systems, to start with, and it was an American operation executed by Israel, the following US led coalition invasion proves it.

They attacked Syria just before the arrival of proper air defences, like the Tor-M1s and others like the S-300s.

Iraq became a major arms customer, not a major power a falsely stated by the western media, to justify the invasion, let alone to boost their egos a little bit.
Iraq was a 17 million population in the 90's. where have you ever heard of a major world power in any field with barely 20 million populace.

What can Israel prepare for the explosion of Dimona nuclear site and others, or its population centres within easy reach of Iranian missiles?

The whole islamic world is uncontrollable in war time, look at the colonisation history, and how they have resisted against major world powers throughout time and again.

Was Iraq tameable by any means?
You are too optimistic.
A US-Israel-SA attack on Iran will be so devastating that the Iranian government won't contemplate further perusing uranium enrichment for the next two centuries.

They needed the whole world just for Iraq, now they need Some Martians too!
How stupid can one be, forget you are Saudi, or your ignorance is so blatant and blinds you so much, that you can not see that Saudi Arabia has the most to lose in a conflict with Iran, while the American civilians are shearing in their living rooms thousands of miles away, the Iranians and Saudis will be fighting a fratricide war, for the Zionist's benefit.

S. Arabia: We'll intercept any IAF aircraft en route to Iran

US officials transmit message from Riyadh saying any Israeli aircraft crossing its airspace en route to Iran will be shot down.

I think the opposite, it is Israel who should be very careful during the period that Mr. Efraim Halvey points out.

Indeed, Iran has 80 million people (220 Persian speakers spread around the world). Quantity is also a quality. Iranians know how to answer a handful of arrogant war-mongering Zionists.
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