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Former Indian Ambassador thrashed by Russian female Anchor. Must Watch

Kudos to the reporter, she laundered him, rinsed him and then hung him inside out to dry.

Former Indian Ambassador thrashed by Russian female Anchor. Must Watch
India is well tutored by Israelis about the terrorism narrative and bombing the hell of other states, for the sole reason of keep on occupying others lands and taking away the human rights of occupied land occupants. All India/Israel wants to keep on occupying the land of others and come up with the innocent face in front of the world media that they are victims of terrorism and silence any voice against their occupation.
The difference this time was India underestimated our power or say we were lucky and happened to shot down, at least one Indian plane on our soil for all the world to see and on top of it managed to capture their pilot and paraded him on the Waugh border. Now India will not do the same mistake again for some time and this has given us time to be better prepared next time. We can sit back and enjoy the humiliation of India for a while but fact remains Indians are opportunists' manipulative and very cunning.
In my personal humble opinion RT interviewer shredded Indian ex ambassador due to the fact that she interviewed Hina Rabbani before and Hina due to her credit projected our narrative much better and thanks to that Indian ambassador find himself on the hot seat.
However fact remains India is still holding on to Kashmir and they would love to do that as long as they can. Now we can waste this borrowed time singing or dancing about Indian humiliation or we can use it more productively and go on the offence and have our own narrative and put it to the world. Now this is the job of our information ministry, foreign ministry, media and defence forces to get together and act like statesmen and bitch like whore. Our media is weak and simply need to learn how to be a real bitch. Our ministries were ill prepared and still are useless in projecting our image correctly. Give you one example why we have not put the Indian terrorist monkey we are holding through the civilian court under the glare of camera instead of military court which can't be shown to the world while we had the proof and the opportunity to destroy the Indian terrorism narrative. IK need to bring on better people to be minsters and who are comfortable and exposed to the foreign media so they can milk the media war better. Be realistic and be honest have we managed to win this media war enough as we were the victims of an Indian air attack and projected the Kashmir issue on the world stage as should be. We have earned some points due to IK statesmen ship and our air force but what's the contributions from other ministries hardly any. We desperately need a media house like CNN or Al Jazeera to hammer our narrative on the world stage. We need better people then dyslexic Qureshi, Fawad and Swati of those ministries to face the world better. Lets do better and more prepared next time as we deserve better as we may not be so lucky next time.
The most interesting part of this whole exchange is the fact that the anchor suggests Russia believes India’s Balakot attacks were done for domestic political reasons, ergo, India did not have justification to conduct those attacks. Coming from India’s arguably strongest ally and military equipment supplier, this is quite damning.

Note also that the Russians did not join France, UK and US in introducing the UN resolution to ban Azhar.

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while: this is fine.


This is the state of this forum. Quite hilarious, great job guys!

@WAJsal @Horus @Nilgiri @Joe Shearer @Oscar @VCheng
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the post above gets deleted, reason :
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while: this is fine.

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This is the state of this forum. Quite hilarious, great job guys!

@WAJsal @Horus @Nilgiri @Joe Shearer @Oscar @VCheng
While I don’t agree with the content of your post and believe you to be under the exact state of mind you accuse us of.. I also dont agree with the deletion of your post.
While I don’t agree with the content of your post and believe you to be under the exact state of mind you accuse us of.. I also dont agree with the deletion of your post.
To begin with, I did not present any of my views on the topic, rather commented on interpretation of the exchange on the thread being dubbed thrashed, which is far from what it was.

But now that you raise it, should India have taken your PM's offer of joint investigation as apparently Pakistani state is not aware of any anti-india activities being conducted from Pakistani soil as per both ISPR and your Prime Ministers office?
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the post above gets deleted, reason :
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while: this is fine.

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This is the state of this forum. Quite hilarious, great job guys!

@WAJsal @Horus @Nilgiri @Joe Shearer @Oscar @VCheng
The very fact that the post which had no cuss/swear/offensive words was deleted is a confirmation that they have a lot to hide. Irrespective of whatever the propaganda/narrative is pushed , Pakistan will always be remembered in global polity by living proof called masood azhar, a terrorist released in a terrorist incident of plane hijacking.
@Joe Shearer mohtaram @10:40 and onward ........ the show host says something like and I quote "There are 500,000 indian troops stationed in IOK"

And your ex ambassador has no problems with this number. Unchallenged.

Hopefully it is understood that it is an internationally accepted number now. Per indian standards.


Preemptive my foot. You played surgical strike circus in past and now you wish to play preemptive with us. Your own PM and National Security Adviser are on record .... for showing their support to the terrorists in Pakistan.

The ambassador's consistent reference to iran and Afghanistan is a matter of concern for me at least. Those two other idiots are hand in glove in all this. One of them had an idiot like Razik promoted to high military ranks, is devastated with internal fighting, and the other is very well known for supporting proxies across the globe. All three conveniently put blame on Pakistan for their failures. Yep ambassador the Russian lady went soft on you .... if it was me I would have left you look like an idiot.
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@Joe Shearer mohtaram @10:40 and onward ........ the show host says something like and I quote "There are 500,000 indian troops stationed in IOK"

And your ex ambassador has no problems with this number. Unchallenged.

Hopefully it is understood that it is an internationally accepted number now. Per indian standards.


Preemptive my foot. You played surgical strike circus in past and now you wish to play preemptive with us. Your own PM and National Security Adviser are on record .... for showing their support to the terrorists in Pakistan.

The ambassador's consistent reference to iran and Afghanistan is a matter of concern for me at least. Those two other idiots are hand in glove with all this. One of them had an idiot like Razik promoted to high military ranks, is devastated with internal fighting, and the other is very well known for supporting proxies across the globe. All three conveniently put blame on Pakistan for their failures. Yep ambassador the Russian lady went soft on you .... if it was me I would have left you look like an idiot.

Indeed, no, Sir, your own colleagues are as we speak engaged in a fascinating exercise with two of us, that will drive the nails into the coffin of these claims.

I am responding only to your gleeful aside to me at the top, and regret deeply that I am the unlucky instrument for cutting into the glee. I have something to say on the rest of your post, and to the thread in general. Isn't it remarkable how many idiot nations surround Pakistan and insist doggedly that it is in some mysterious way responsible for breeding terrorism? Leaving aside the thin aperture opened through the agency of the Karakoram Highway, you have achieved almost 360-deg. fan coverage.

damn, Russia a great ally to india. but the indians went and sat with the yanks because their global power had slipped slightly.

Overseas Pakistanis never cease to encourage my views on their perspicacity.

'The Indians', as you generalise with such consummate ease, have an enormous presence within scientific, technical, management and administrative circles in the US. You can check with your former compatriots across the pond. These circles also include a sizeable segment of those who are either blind, deaf and dumb with regard to social issues, due to two distinct but overlapping phenomena, a technical training masquerading as education and, in parallel, a mass migration from village to city, an upward mobility, an access to English, and the surplus income to go on line. These, then, form a significant fan following of the Sangh Parivar, with their nightmarish views on politics, society, science, history, and religion. They are the reason why the Parivar craves proximity to this promised land, that has fulfilled the dreams of many of them, to an extent that they could not think about if still messed up in India.

That is one reason why these pinheads have been edging closer and closer to the US. There are other reasons, but this one is prime.

Best reply by a Ganghoo in the comment section - Hahaha !

Rajotavo DasGupta
10 hours ago (edited)
She is married to a Islamist Turk. ISI sponsored bought media...ISPR moll! :D

The fellow is an idiot and a disgrace; I have come across him elsewhere. As right-wing as they come.
Isn't it remarkable how many idiot nations surround Pakistan and insist doggedly that it is in some mysterious way responsible for breeding terrorism

Isn't it sad sir that Pakistan has never officially accused any of these three states ...... when we have undeniable proofs of terror attacks originating from deep within Kabul ...... it would be stupid to think that indian agencies and NDS have no links (read nexus) ....... and somehow TTP 2IC is snatched right from under the protection of NDS. Isn't it hypocrisy that indian spies operate from your (iranian) side using your territory and you tell us we didn't know and then your Irgc cries ........

If you want to play world says this world says that with us ....... then please be generous enough to accept the statements given by many Americans who held high positions ..... they have very clearly said "india finances problems in Pakistan". How the world regards iran well ....... I hope you too don't want to openly side with them ... do you? Afghanistan (or say Kabul only) ....... the lesser said the better.

idiots I don't know ......... but hypocrites ..... yes for sure.
To begin with, I did not present any of my views on the topic, rather commented on interpretation of the exchange on the thread being dubbed thrashed, which is far from what it was.

But now that you raise it, should India have taken your PM's offer of joint investigation as apparently Pakistani state is not aware of any anti-india activities being conducted from Pakistani soil as per both ISPR and your Prime Ministers office?
They should- because if and so such activities were taking place with knowledge then the Indian state can easily point and document any falsifying of such claims and further enforce its case.

So where masood azhar is involved, India can essentially document such activities or show any Pakistani lack of cooperation.

Moreover, by getting more involved in Pakistan; by claiming all opportunities of going to Pakistani courts, anti-establishment opposition parties and media etc... India could actually gain the narrative in Pakistan too.

Technically the PM handed over a golden diplomat coup to India but those ruling on your side are too drunk on electioneering and religious extremism to notice it.
Isn't it sad sir that Pakistan has never officially accused any of these three states ...... when we have undeniable proofs of terror attacks originating from deep within Kabul ...... it would be stupid to think that indian agencies and NDS have no links (read nexus) ....... and somehow TTP 2IC is snatched right from under the protection of NDS. Isn't it hypocrisy that indian spies operate from your (iranian) side using your territory and you tell us we didn't know and then your Irgc cries ........

I am not here to admit or to deny anything about which I have no direct knowledge, I merely hold up a mirror. It is not surprising that a nation with hands red with gore should hesitate to accuse others.

About the NDS, I have no idea what they are up to. As far as our agencies are concerned, do please think for a moment, putting aside the extreme positions that tend to be wielded during a debate: who is likelier to be an active partner of the NDS, the CIA or RAW?

If you want to play world says this world says that with us ....... then please be generous enough to accept the statements given by many Americans who held high positions ..... they have very clearly said "india finances problems in Pakistan".

Many? One!

How the world regards iran well ....... I hope you too don't want to openly side with them ... do you? Afghanistan (or say Kabul only) ....... the lesser said the better.

Side with them? just because they happen to be saying what we are saying? I can see that we are doomed, there are so many who think and say that climate change is real , but that position is so strongly opposed by the POTUS.

idiots I don't know ......... but hypocrites ..... yes for sure.

As you wish, kind Sir; does this sound better?

Isn't it remarkable how many idiot hypocrite nations surround Pakistan and insist doggedly that it is in some mysterious way responsible for breeding terrorism
@Joe Shearer I think ........... pot shouldn't call the kettle black. This is all that is to it.

Everyone has interests, if you or them are allowed to achieve those interests by any means ..... then stop crying if we do it too. The difference is we don't involve our common people and lead them into plain blind hatred and intolerance .... a situation where you have to do circus before elections to feed their egos.

Churning out lies again and again is easy ........ ain't that difficult ......... but the reality is one day all those lies get busted.

Anyways I am not impressed by your ex ambassador and Chairman of National Security Advisory Committee or something. The very evident flaw in his statements is when he says we did preemptive strikes .......... it means you had undeniable credible evidences and proofs ......... and it is no brainer to think that you won't have shared those proofs with others before taking action. However, the post "preemptive" strikes (violation of Pakistan's territorial boundaries) statements including this media talk are not supporting that.

What I mean is if you had that undeniable proof(s) you wouldn't have chosen to stage a drama for domestic consumption and electoral gains ........ you would have shared all that with the world sympathetic to your claims (which you keep repeating in your defense). Just imagine something which no one including Pakistan's allies could have denied. But what happened is you tried staging a drama and thought it would go unanswered .... why because Afghanis think Pakistan is failed state.

That is why I said if it was me I would have left that ex ambassador feeling like an idiot.
Indian Former Ambassador : (After the Show Ends) Where is the Toilet ?
Sadak pai
They should- because if and so such activities were taking place with knowledge then the Indian state can easily point and document any falsifying of such claims and further enforce its case.

So where masood azhar is involved, India can essentially document such activities or show any Pakistani lack of cooperation.

Moreover, by getting more involved in Pakistan; by claiming all opportunities of going to Pakistani courts, anti-establishment opposition parties and media etc... India could actually gain the narrative in Pakistan too.

Technically the PM handed over a golden diplomat coup to India but those ruling on your side are too drunk on electioneering and religious extremism to notice it.
Lets not forget we are talking about the same Pakistan's Prime Minsiters office and ISPR (Albiet Rashid Qureshi back in the day) which vehemently denied any involvement of Pakistani state in the Kargil conflict, while it's commisioned officers and soldiers fought under the guise of mujhahideens admitted later by both your PM and your COAS, discounting the established badges and letters from bodies of officers and soldiers of PA handed over back to Pakistan in flag meetings .

Where is the accountability with Pakistan, which claims zero involvement in offensive against the state of India, asks for evidence, and when evidence is produced shows zero accountability in the matter. Pakistani soil was used in kargil offensive against India, Mujhideens from Pakistan, and Soldiers from pakistan crossed over to India, complete complicity of the state was proven in the conflict, would the state of Pakistan act against the perpetrators in the case, was there a case to begin with. Given your state openly uses mujhideens as state tool, there is no role of any courts in the case, the courts were not going to implicate Musharraf and Sharif for terrorism back then, its not going to implicate Bajwa now. So this idea that Pakistan will investigate itself for it's own actions is laughable at most.

Forget the army for the moment, what about the IC814 hijackers and prisoners exchanged in kandahar, how are they thriving in Pakistan; how does a Massod Azhar, found and arrested in Indian kashmir fomenting terror activities, who had to be exchanged for hijacked civilians, find refuge in Pakistan? what about zargar and omar shiekh, why were they not thrown in the Jail as soon as they crossed the border, especially Omar, as he was convicted of kidnapping tourists in Kashmir and the fact he was a British national, how did sheltering omar sheikh turn out?

With this conduct where army regulars masquerade as terrorists, PoF ordinance is used by mujaheddin, terror operatives operate with impunity, you expect India to launch joint investigations? To implicate the state? how does that work?
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The russian anchor did a surgical strike on the ambassador, that was some serious spanking. :butcher: Every argument and claim by him was well countered and debunked leaving him agitated and clueless hence he chose to get perasonal by telling her to re-educate herself on Pakistan. :taz: Even that was well countered by the lady. :cheers:

My personal favorite point is where she asks him to at least share some responsibility since the attack was carried out by a local with hundreds of kilos of IED in an area with heavy military presence. :chilli:

Well done lady, respect! :cheers:
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