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Foreign hands behind violence in Balochistan


Sep 12, 2008
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‘Foreign hands behind violence in Balochistan’

LAHORE: Evidence shows that foreign hands are involved in the unrest prevailing in the province, and incidents of terrorism have increased in Balochistan since the Mumbai attacks, a private TV channel quoted Balochistan Police chief Asif Nawaz Waraich as saying. According to the channel, Waraich said the activists of banned Lashkar-e-Jhangwi had developed a nexus with the militant groups in the province, and were using sanctuaries of militants to carry out terrorist attacks. He said at least 13 suspects had been arrested in connection with the killing of four policemen on January 14 in Quetta. daily times monitor

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
No doubt about it. Rogue foreign elements are fully involved in destabilizing the volatile security situation in energy rich Baluchistan. Baluchistan is blessed with an abundant amount of gas, oil and other energy resources. India and the US fear Chinese presence in that region. Gwadar is a thorn in the eyes of particularly the US and India. It not only provides Pakistan/China with a strategic trade corridor with the ME/CAS, but also a solid navy and military base. It will not only bring about prosperity for Baluchistan, but the whole of Pakistan. That is how much value and potential there is. On top of that, the massive uninhabited land can be used for building industries. The potential is simply endless.
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No doubt about it. Rogue foreign elements are fully involved in destabilizing the security situation in energy rich Balochistan. Baluchistan is blessed with an abundant amount of gas, oil and other energy resources. India and the US fear Chinese presence in that region. Gwadar is a thorn in the eyes of particularly the US. It not only provides Pakistan/China with a strategic trade corridor with the ME/CAS, but also a solid navy and military base. It will not only bring about prosperity for Baluchistan, but the whole of Pakistan. That is how much value and potential there is.

Yea but notice the Balochistan police chief saying that violence has increased since Mumabi attacks, that means theres a strong Indian presence in that province.
Yea but notice the Government of Balochistan saying that violence has increased since Mumabi attacks, that means theres a strong Indian presence in that province.

Of course, the Indians are one of the few countries that have a stake in destabilizing Baluchistan. By creating instability they also want to lessen Chinese influence. Not going to happen. China has been at the forefront of building the Gwadar deep seaport. It is one of the many symbols of success that joins both nations. We need to involve the Chinese as much as we can. Both need to reap from the benefit. Pakistan's approach should be similar for safeguarding the borders of this precious province from malign external influence. A mix of security measures need to be taken in order to curb the inflow of miscreants from the porous borders. Pakistani government and army need the support of the locals for flushing out the sold out warlords. Terrorist outfits such as the BLA need to be dealt with an iron fist. No mercy for the devils that are hell-bent on destroying the future of Baluchistan. The same warlords that have abused and tortured their tribes for decades. Baluchistan is in a sense Pakistan's main artery in the coming decades. Indian and other rouge elements shouldn't be spared either.

On a different note, we need to start treating all provinces equally. The people of Baluchistan should have a major stake in the wealth and prosperity that is generated over there. Investment in education, health care etc. need to be top priority. In the past that hasn't been the case and we need to avoid such a blunder in the future. It will only alienate and fuel more resentment. Something that Pakistan cannot afford under the current circumstances.
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Present govt. has not only freed all traitors, infect has issued appologies to the traitors on behalf of nation because P. Musharraf arrested them.
Baluchistan is the biggest province of Pakistan but Govt. of Baluchistan canceled the barron land which was earmarked as firing range for PAF during P. Musharraf's time.
if we know the culprits than why don't our press have the courage to uncover their faces!
Somehow we always say that some foreign hands are involved but always fell shot of naming that foreign hand. I don't understand is that even the previous government of Musharraf kept quiet on this issue and present government, well i for one have no hope that they will raise the issue. This is simply beyond understanding what is being offered to these leaders for them to keep their mouth shut and how long will it be before everything blows up.
Very well said IceCold. There's nothing wrong to question the motives and actions of the leadership or any given institution. And specially when we know 90% of our leaders have their bank accounts in foreign countries (one can only imagine the need for having an account outside of the country).

Moreover, it's a fact that we have had Sadiqs and Mir Jaffirs throughout the history and this is nothing new around this time either. What we don't understand is, blindly believing in the B.S. fed to us by authorities on the name of patriotism, while they cashing in our sentiments of the love for country to reap unlimited criminal benefits by engaging us in some sort of a delusion where we blindly sing their songs.

And there's no doubt there's a foreign hand in destablization of Pakistan (with the help of corrupt guerillas in our official institutions).

Have someone read Prof. Michel Choussdovsky's Destablization of Pakistan? It clearly puts a finger on Anglo-American roots to destablize Balochistan and NWFP for the balkanization plan of the country by 2015. Very interesting article tho.

India on the other hand is just an accomplice, since she too want a piece in this cake for her petty interests. Hence a nexus of evil has been formed to push the plan of balkanization.

That artile will wake a lot of souls sleeping in the ear of elephant, who is living in the fools paradise.

Time to wake up and start the accountability of the so called leaders installed upon us in one or the another form - making us believe this is what is best in our favour, while decaying our roots.

We must rise from the slumber and take things in our hands. There's no Mesiah promised to come for us.
Very well said IceCold. There's nothing wrong to question the motives and actions of the leadership or any given institution. And specially when we know 90% of our leaders have their bank accounts in foreign countries (one can only imagine the need for having an account outside of the country).

Moreover, it's a fact that we have had Sadiqs and Mir Jaffirs throughout the history and this is nothing new around this time either. What we don't understand is, blindly believing in the B.S. fed to us by authorities on the name of patriotism, while they cashing in our sentiments of the love for country to reap unlimited criminal benefits by engaging us in some sort of a delusion where we blindly sing their songs.

And there's no doubt there's a foreign hand in destablization of Pakistan (with the help of corrupt guerillas in our official institutions).

Have someone read Prof. Michel Choussdovsky's Destablization of Pakistan? It clearly puts a finger on Anglo-American roots to destablize Balochistan and NWFP for the balkanization plan of the country by 2015. Very interesting article tho.

India on the other hand is just an accomplice, since she too want a piece in this cake for her petty interests. Hence a nexus of evil has been formed to push the plan of balkanization.

That artile will wake a lot of souls sleeping in the ear of elephant, who is living in the fools paradise.

Time to wake up and start the accountability of the so called leaders installed upon us in one or the another form - making us believe this is what is best in our favour, while decaying our roots.

We must rise from the slumber and take things in our hands. There's no Mesiah promised to come for us.

Yes even though there is a foreign hand it is our own governments policies that are causing the issues we see today. Till the 60's malaysia and korea used to take advice from us on how to reduce corruption. Now they are so far ahead of us. Korea got freedom at same time we did but they even advanced. We have to start holding the government responsible.

For example look at Quetta. Road projects that have been decided 7 years ago are still continuing and when you ask them why the roads are dug open for so many years and there is no work going on they say no money is coming. Basically the money changes hands so many times and everyone has to steal so the real amount that has to go to the project does'nt even go there. The people of Balochistan have a reason to be angry. There are trained educated youth going around in Quetta looking for jobs and employment for years but there are no employment opportunities. The issues of Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan I would say are the most major and deserve our attention. Corruption is a major cause of discontent in the respective regions. Especially in Swat the people were so sick of government mismanagement, a lack of justice and massive scale of corruption which is what led to the rise of Taliban in these regions. If the government had understood its responsibilities this situation could easily have been avoided. RAW agents and CIA are obviosuly simply funding and aiding the people with weapons and buying a few leaders of the taliban but other than that the will of people exists to follow them and it is only because of the policies of the government. When u ask a minister for example he will say "beta everyone practices corruption". I mean they have no shame at all in admitting it. Its sad.

It is the government itself and the policies of all these years that are creating frustration and anger within the people of Pakistan. We deserve better. None of us would want to go away from our country even for education I would have stayed had the government been doing its job and being responsible. Its very sad that the worst come to power and basically all these idiots are waiting for as a complete nationalist revolution where there is zero tolerance of corruption crime and idiotic policies and poor management.

Without Pakistan we are nothing and we all have to understand that. The governments have been comtitting treason with the people of Pakistan for over 60 years. We deserve an end to it.
Foreign hand include Iran also. Our Gawader port will kill Bandr Abbas.

Musharraf signed agreement for Sandak too and this is the reason why the enemies of Pakistan supported Bugti etc.

Our media (specifically GEO) is controlled by different US lobbies that is why they don't highlight the action Musharraf took against the 'foreign hand' instead they portray Bugti as a bloody saint.
Foreign hand include Iran also. Our Gawader port will kill Bandr Abbas.

Musharraf signed agreement for Sandak too and this is the reason why the enemies of Pakistan supported Bugti etc.

Our media (specifically GEO) is controlled by different US lobbies that is why they don't highlight the action Musharraf took against the 'foreign hand' instead they portray Bugti as a bloody saint.

Yea...Iran cant be trusted either but they're going through more problems in their Balochistan province mainly because of Iranian's discriminatory attitudes towards Sunnis and most Baloch are Sunnis.

BTW A lot of people are jealous of our Gwadar Port.
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Foreign hands inside Balochistan, following are the resons:-

Gwadar hurts Iran-Banderabas port and others would come to a halt when Gwadar go into operation.

Gwadar hurts USA-the US doesn't want that the energy from CARs should flow from Gawadar(Pakistan).

Gwadar hurts USA-China is the main hand behind its development.

Gwadar hurts USA-China would gain accesss to Arabian Sea-The Pearl of Strand Strategy

Gwadar hurts india-Why the hell would india want Pakistan prospering

Gwadar hurts india-india trying to reciprocate what we have been doing to them in Kashmir.
Foreign hands inside Balochistan, following are the resons:-

Gwadar hurts Iran-Banderabas port and others would come to a halt when Gwadar go into operation.

Gwadar hurts USA-the US doesn't want that the energy from CARs should flow from Gawadar(Pakistan).

Gwadar hurts USA-China is the main hand behind its development.

Gwadar hurts USA-China would gain accesss to Arabian Sea-The Pearl of Strand Strategy

Gwadar hurts india-Why the hell would india want Pakistan prospering

Gwadar hurts india-india trying to reciprocate what we have been doing to them in Kashmir.

So now India claims Gwadar is there's too? When did Gwadar become a disputed territory like Kashmir? Pakistan bought Gwadar in 1956 from Oman and annexed it to Balochistan province.

Also UAE isn't too happy about Gwadar either because Gwadar is supposed to be more successful than Dubai because of its strategic location.

Why cant everyone just be happy for Pakistan? Haven't we suffered enough?

Gwadar is supposed to create millions of jobs for all Pakistanis and Balochistan is supposed to go through many development, the people of Balochistan will prosper also people from rest of Pakistan will prosper....but the only problem is that we got too many haters from other countries.
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Gwadar hurts USA-China is the main hand behind its development.

Gwadar hurts USA-China would gain accesss to Arabian Sea-The Pearl of Strand Strategy

Excellent point! USA is the biggest supporter of Indian activities in Balouchistan.
Excellent point! USA is the biggest supporter of Indian activities in Balouchistan.

You don't have a scintilla of evidence for this. It is total BS conspiracy theory with not a single fact to back it up. You, who wail that the Indians don't give real evidence about Pakistani involvement in Mumbai to Pakistan, turn around and spout this crap with no proof! The US is not messing in Baluchistan. Maybe the Iranians and Indians are but not us!
You don't have a scintilla of evidence for this. It is total BS conspiracy theory with not a single fact to back it up. You, who wail that the Indians don't give real evidence about Pakistani involvement in Mumbai to Pakistan, turn around and spout this crap with no proof! The US is not messing in Baluchistan. Maybe the Iranians and Indians are but not us!

Ha ha!

Well should i also tell you that USA is also feeding the (some of them) Talibans for their lonnnnnnggggg term world strategy.

Think big sir.

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