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Forbidden Love Wins Pakistani Hearts as TV Tackles Social Taboos.

So you want **** websites unblocked or these TV shows stopped ? :undecided:

BTW there is something called Choice. I have cable TV but I don't watch English Movies with my family if I know there is going to be some uncomfortable scenes. Its called social behavior.

FashionTV also comes on channel, but I don't watch it while having dinner with my family. :lol:

I have to either watch News or some typical Saas Bahu serial or just ignore the TV.

All comes down to choice. Also if you want you can ask your Cable Operator to stop few channels. Did you guys ever asked for it.

They broadcast because there is a demand. Simple Demand Supply Model.

Reduce the demand by taking action by yourself than asking govt. to make you act like a responsible person.

Start taking good things as your own responsibilities.

the turkish channels can telecast their own dramas all they want but the issue is pakistani channels are translating those dramas and broadcasting them

how about telecasting some **** in pakistani channels and translating them as well?

as i said if **** and youtube are banned in pakistani, these serials must be banned too, its doesnt make sense to allow on western value and disallow the other, either accept both of them, or reject both of them

pakistani media largely caters pakistani audiences so it must be taking pak values into account just as any other foreign media does to its society
@darkinsky Dude is there sell of liquor in Pakistan at high scale ? No. Why ? Because there is no demand as it is haram.

Pakistani channel see that people love these serials and they dub more. Its called feedback mechanism. TRP depends on Audience. If you have to blame, blame Audience.

If Cigarettes are sold in open, I have to teach my kid not to smoke rather than asking govt. to shut down the Pan Shop. I can at max ask govt, to impose an age limit like 18 years and above can purchase it.

BTW is the TV serial the real danger to Pakistan nor Extremism that is spreading ? At least these dramas give people a welcome break from all the news of killings in Pakistan and give them some time to have a good time.

But its up to them what they watch. Tell me what is the biggest challenge to Pakistani Society right now ?
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@darkinsky Dude is there sell of liquor in Pakistan at high scale ? No. Why ? Because there is no demand as it is haram.

Pakistani channel see that people love these serials and they dub more. Its called feedback mechanism. TRP depends on Audience. If you have to blame, blame Audience.

If Cigarettes are sold in open, I have to teach my kid to not smoke rather than asking govt. to shut down the Pan Shop.

BTW is the TV serial the real danger to Pakistan nor Extremism that is spreading ? At least these dramas give people a welcome break from all the news of killings in Pakistan and give them some time to have a good time.

But its up to them what they watch. Tell me what is the biggest challenge to Pakistani Society right now ?

then why doesnt india legalise the ghutka, bhang, hashish, other drugs, prostitution, **** etc?

even if you put **** channels on cable tv there will be high TRP, because once its in a cable it will automatically attract its specific audience
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then why doesnt india legalise the ghutka, bhang, hashish, other drugs, prostitution, **** etc?
even if you put **** channels on cable tv there will be high TRP, because once its in a cable it will automatically attract its specific audience
Gutkha is legalized in reality and there is nothing ompusion in our religion over gutkha, bhangm etc,

Prostitution and **** is not same as these TV serials. You are going to extreme.

Exactly, but why can't **** be put on TV channels, because Govt. has to stop it because of people's opposition. Its people who decide what should be allowed what shouldn't be.

Isn't it ?

Shouldn't people come outside and protest ?

Shouldn't they threaten Cable Operators to not show these channels or take off a channel during a particular serial time ?
turkey is our brother no matter how damage it does to us :lol:

Turkey is not forcing it on us, but Every Muslim country is our brother no matter how much damage they inflicts on us.
I hate the phrase "Brotherly Islamic country"
I don't know about pakistan but these shows should never be allowed in India.

Now people here are bashing Turkish for being secular :disagree:

Secular has nothing to do with vulgarity and being religious do not mean they are not vulgar.

Being secular do not mean they are not religious, just that they also accept other faiths and coexist.

If a TV show is a hit then that means it has some thing which is connecting with the majority people in Pakistan.

Turkey is not the model of secularism or modernity or anything for that matter.
I don't know about pakistan but these shows should never be allowed in India.
Turkey is not the model of secularism or modernity or anything for that matter.

Turkey is a secular state

Secularism in Turkey defines the relationship between religion and state in the country of Turkey. Secularism (or laicity) was first introduced with the 1928 amendment of the Constitution of 1924, which removed the provision declaring that the "Religion of the State is Islam", and with the later reforms of Atatürk, which set the administrative and political requirements to create a modern, democratic, secular state, aligned with Kemalist ideology.
Turkey is a secular state

I don't like Turkey. I know they are secular but it is not the ideal secular state. They are most secular in the MENA region but that's no feat. Anyways this is a separate discussion
I don't like Turkey. I know they are secular but it is not the ideal secular state. They are most secular in the MENA region but that's no feat. Anyways this is a separate discussion

I only like turkey because it has shown to the world that an Islamic majority state can be secular :cheers:
I only like turkey because it has shown to the world that an Islamic majority state can be secular :cheers:

ok well good for you. On the other hand, I don't think turkey is worthy of emulation. the only turkey I like is the one on thanksgiving day. not gonna say more.
I feel embarrassed about this tv show. I never liked this tv series and never gave it much attention. But I knew it was gonna get exported to other countries some day, and I knew it was gonna effect Turkey's image in a bad way. There are a couple of other tv series as well that will/are probably effecting Turkey's image in a bad way in third countries.

The thought behind these types of tv shows is obviously entertainment, but also trying to change the people's opinions and effect people's moral value's. That's the thought behind these types of shows. There was criticism and divide in opinion in Turkey about these types of tv shows.

But I do feel the need to express that there are tv series in Turkey that are in line with Turkish and/or Islamic values.
BTW this is the entire episode of our government's hypocracy, banning youtube and **** websites, and promoting this disgusting turkish soap in the guise of promoting the shameless culture of western societies and using turkey our brother as a notion to promote this agenda

hmmm....and when one of the turkish drama was aired via some channel then it was critisized by our public in greater number...you won't believe that even turkish priminister denied that saying "this is not our culture"...
and i have also seen dawn's blog in this favour....
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