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For Indian war planners, is the PAF their worst fear?

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New Recruit

Jan 9, 2009
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Pakistan has one of the best, most combat ready airforces in the world. They have to; their neighbour to the east is huge, and the two nations, have a long history of hostilities. Pakistani pilots are respected throughout the world beause they know how to fly and fight.

Do you agree that for Indian war planners, the Pakistan air Force is their worst fear?
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Pakistan has one of the best, most combat ready airforces in the world. They have to; their neighbour to the east is huge, and the two nations, have a long history of hostilities. Pakistani pilots are respected throughout the world beause they know how to fly and fight.

Do you think that for Indian war planners, the Pakistan air Force is their worst fear?

Not to burst your bubble but the real truth is that Indian think tanks are on par with if the Chinese attacks, what will India needs to defend against there aggression as well expecting at same time to Pakistan to attack. The magic number for the squadron is 45 I believe. Other knowledgable Indians can shine a light on the numbers better. But the reality is India working towards the number of squadrons.
Yes, India is very sacred of Pakistan's mighty Air force. This is why they complain to Russia about China copying Russia's aircraft, so China can't share with Pakistan the intelligence and the newest aircraft. They are trying to make sure they have the latest advanced aircraft, so they could stand a chance at Pakistan air force.
:pakistan: Soldiers....Always ready to serve their country
PAF is a Competent and Well Trained/Equipped Air Force and Its Only Mission is to Safeguard Pakistan. IAF and India Know very well that they never had Complete Superiority Over PAF as IAF (Israeli Air Force) Got on her Arab Counterparts.

Not Only PAF but Every Single Person of Pakistani Armed Forces will Prove to be a Mountain If Anyone tested our Nation.
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Not to burst your bubble but the real truth is that Indian think tanks are on par with if the Chinese attacks, what will India needs to defend against there aggression as well expecting at same time to Pakistan to attack. The magic number for the squadron is 45 I believe. Other knowledgable Indians can shine a light on the numbers better. But the reality is India working towards the number of squadrons.

You may have 100 Squadrons instead of 45 but you will never have decisive Edge or Advantage by Just having Numerical Disparity Even if you get the Most advanced Technology.

When it comes to Fighting for our Homeland we Pakistanis Know very well what do to and HOW to do. We Know how to Utilize our Limited Resources in the best Efficient Manner.

You Like it or you don't like it Pakistan is here to stay and Pakistan will continue to Live on, PAF and Pakistani Armed Forces will make Sure of this.
Not Only PAF but Every Single Person of Pakistani Armed Forces will Prove to be a Mountain If Anyone tested our Nation

If only this were true - Talib and AQ have tested us and we all know how we fared.
Pakistan has one of the best, most combat ready airforces in the world. They have to; their neighbour to the east is huge, and the two nations, have a long history of hostilities. Pakistani pilots are respected throughout the world beause they know how to fly and fight.

Do you agree that for Indian war planners, the Pakistan air Force is their worst fear?

So, according to this statement of yours, only Pakistani pilots know how to fly the plane and how to fight with that..?????:rofl::crazy:
These types of threads get out of hand really quickly, which makes you wonder, what the heck is the point of these types of threads?
Evidence: post above this one, and the one above that, and the one above that and so on.

People are starting threads simply for the sake of starting threads, regardless of their consequences. The moderators need to clamp down on this shiz.
These types of threads get out of hand really quickly, which makes you wonder, what the heck is the point of these types of threads?
Evidence: post above this one, and the one above that, and the one above that and so on.

People are starting threads simply for the sake of starting threads, regardless of their consequences. The moderators need to clamp down on this shiz.

I would have to disagree with you.

The purpose of this forum is to have a meaningful and intelligent discussion on topics related to PAF and other air forces as compared to just copying news from the media and starting the threads (examples: Red Flag 2009, Russia Admits China Illegally Copied Its Fighter). Everyone reads the news and aware of those articles (I am guilty of that too) and I find it useless to print those articles. So please look before you speak.

Also, no one has control on the response of the users. They can get into a childish discussion or argument for a very good topic. So here is my advice to you: If you don't like the topic, then just ignore it and don't read it. I always do the same.

And lastly, don't just criticize, make suggestions. Tell the readers the kind of topics you want in this forum?
u pakis go ranting and raving about being the best pilots in the world. thats bullballs.

NOTE THIS: the pilots capability is directly proportional to the quantity and quality of the training recieved as well as the experiance on the aircraft as well as against the aircraft in question.NOTHING ELSE. Neither being a **** or "allah" can change the outcome in the air combat between 2 equally capable aircraft.

India had shitty planes and lacked proper training in the past which the pakis who were trained by USAF exploited. Now, the scenario is different. Ind. is world class in all respects. Paf cannot beat IAF unless a metor hits the earth and sinks India.
See firstly i know nationalism is running high and everyone wants to show balls...firstly indians are STRONGLY MISTAKEN if they think that they are trying to be "at par with china" there main defence purchases are done keeping us in mind they want to muscle us around with there military....and secondly pakistanis r groslly mistaken if they think INDIA is scared of our PAF....well the UNDERESTIMATE US....so how can they be scared off us...so please relax boys and put ur balls back inside ur pants!!
india is estimated to be at par with china in another 200 years. because it does not have one family one child policy.

We Indians want to be left alone without terror strikes or wars and all ventures of india is to keep her citizens safe. WHEN WILL U PAKIS STOP TALKING ABOUT INDIA MUSCLE FLEXING. WE R TRYING TO SURVIVE DAMN IT

well the UNDERESTIMATE US....so how can they be scared off us

we "underestimate" u after studying all the statistics, capabilities and technology of the paf
i think its the other way round
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