Let me get this straight - you, being convinced that your navy can never fight us, are hoping that a big, benevolent daddy will fight for you. You are hoping for something that would never happen, and it's me that is desperate? What can be more desparate than knowing your armed forces are useless, and that you will need foreigners to fight your wars for you?
Do I sound like I'm desparate? I'm enjoying the slow death of Pakistan's dreams. In the 60s it used to be that one mard-e-momin Pakistani soldier can kill ten kafir Indians. Then the dream was that although your armed forces can't fight, they can outsource the job to lashkars and mujahideens, who will be protected by Allah's power. Now that even that strategy failed, your dream is that big daddy China would come like a knight in shining armour and fight India for you. When the reality is that China doesn't even resort to war against India for its own territorial disputes.
Dream away, dear - dreams are free. Pray that the Ummah brothers or taller than oceans friends will save your *** next time. I'm reclining and smiling in contemplation of the deterioration of Pakistani dreams over the decades, while India has grown from strength to strength, and her ambitions have kept increasing.