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Flash! Textron Begins CBU-105 Weapon Deliveries To India

And that's a way different issue, because we are facing more and more leathal tanks, but way more important also more leathal air forces. To believe that IAF can drop a cluster bomb easily against high numbers of tanks of our opponents, from close distance and without beeing attacked by enemy fighters is not really realistic.

The explosive effect and accuracy of the CBU-105 has also vastly improved over
the earlier CBU-97. We have a capable bunch of jets too at hand. Those pics try
to tell a story of the PLA/PA armor columns if a SFW like CBU-105 drops on them.
First used during the 2003 Iraq war, the CBU-105 Sensor Fuzed Weapon is a cluster type bomb that releases computer controlled and radar equipped BLU-108 submunitions that hunt for armored vehicles below and destroy them. Each submunition is, in effect, a little robot programmed to find and destroy vehicles below. The CBU-105 can be used to attack formations of tanks, giving most of the submunitions an opportunity to destroy a vehicle.


CBU-105 is a half ton, GPS guided bomb carrying ten BLU-108 submunitions, each of which uses a parachute to slowly descend. The submunition radar seeks out armored vehicles. If it spots one the guidance system maneuvers the submunition towards the vehicle and fires a shaped charge that generates a self-forging warhead that is basically a bolt of molten metal travelling at high speed. This penetrates the thinner top armor of the vehicle and messes up the insides.

If the submunition radar does not spot (via its internal computer and library of vehicle types) a tank or other armored vehicle, it attacks any vehicle within a hundred meters or so. If there are no vehicles the submunition detonates on the ground so that it does not lie around the battlefield causing a hazard.

They should integrate such a system into the Nirbhay :D

It carries 24 different types of warheads anyway, and I believe one of them will atleast be a cluster munition warhead. What if these can be integrated, that would make for some devastating firepower, especially since it will have loitering capability :D
More than Jags or MKI we need such systems on Prahaar, Brahmos and Nirbhay. These will give IA a huge boost over enemy where 5 Nirbhay or 7 Prahaar/Brahmos will cause unacceptable damage to the enemy.
This is lethal Weapon, to crush armoured formation of enemy. We must order +500 more of them.


Death Raining.
The explosive effect and accuracy of the CBU-105 has also vastly improved over
the earlier CBU-97. We have a capable bunch of jets too at hand. Those pics try
to tell a story of the PLA/PA armor columns if a SFW like CBU-105 drops on them.

And still you have to get close to the target, while beein vulnerable to any ground based air defence (which also are much more capable than those back then in Iraq) + the enemy fighters.
And still you have to get close to the target, while beein vulnerable to any ground based air defence (which also are much more capable than those back then in Iraq) + the enemy fighters.

You mean to say we'll never get to drop that bomb?

Everything has a counterweight in this world. But that does not negate anything's effect completely.

Its true enemies have air defences better than Iraq, but then every offence has a defence! Because enemy
has SAMs, are fighters useless? Bcoz they have MANPADS, are helos useless? Going by that line, no one
can ever shoot down anyone.

No ground-attack jet is brought in until air superiority is secured and major AA/SAM emplacements
have been taken out. I only want to show what this bomb can do if dropped on an Armor column.
You mean to say we'll never get to drop that bomb?

Well, there are some here that consistently downplay the effectiveness of US weapons. There is plenty of good open source information available for those who care enough to do the research.

No ground-attack jet is brought in until air superiority is secured and major AA/SAM emplacements
have been taken out. I only want to show what this bomb can do if dropped on an Armor column.

This is not true, typically strike package will include elements that are tasked with suppression or destruction of enemy air defense. These assets go in first and are always the last to leave enemy airspace, allowing other aircrafts to deliver its munitions and RTB. An example of such a unit is the USAF Wild Weasel, armed with HARM and Maverick this units mission is to keep enemy SAM/AA focus on the Weasel and away from other aircraft tasked with striking surface targets.

The CBU-105 and all unpropelled air dropped munitions including some guided PGM's are not standoff weapons. Standoff weapons like the Harpoon or the French Exocet allow the user to engage a threat from a safe distance.

To minimize this risk to the users of the CBU-105 the WCMD (Wind Corrected Munition Dispenser) was conceived and made operational. The WCMD is a add on kit to the CBU-105 that allows the pilot to safely engage the target from a stand-off range of between 20 Km-65 km. The WCMD also permits high altitude (40,000 ft) high speed (650 Knots) release of the CBU-105 further reducing the risk to the user.

Wind Corrected Munition Dispenser (WCMD) - Smart Weapons

J10A tests new sub muniton weapons in March :coffee:


Steerd by PLA infantry corps man in a test in Tibet :coffee:

Are those submunitions of J-10 sensor-fused or dumb? What is PLAAF's equivalent for CBU-105?
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