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Five-year jail term for criticising Army, judiciary

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IK has gone bonkers.
Laws born out of anger/butthurt without any critical thinking on how these can be used to repress discent

In the end hurting ik himself
I left Pakistan at the right time hahah I criticize Army a lot they would knocking my doors if I was still in Pakistan. Army is not some Divine institution which can not be criticized.
Good luck. The person writing this law hasn't studied this country's history. This nation is rebellious and stubborn by nature. Every time the people have risen, no law or authority could stop them from bringing the rulers down.
Unfortunately the rebellious nature is limited to mouth otherwise we wouldn't be a western colonial slave for 200+ years.
Unfortunately the rebellious nature is limited to mouth otherwise we wouldn't be a western colonial slave for 200+ years.
They are smart. They give money, not danda.
How much did the floral setting placed infront of the p .m cost the national exchequer ?
They are smart. They give money, not danda.
They gave both Lmao
As for i know This law is not for criticizing army and judiciary only, but its is for the defaming of any person / institutions of Pakistan over social media we have many patwari pajeets here :lol:@waz @The Eagle
The Media bill is passed for false allegations and fake news. How come a news outlet will share the actual story since their propaganda houses are going to get a hit and decided to throw a spanner while shooting over the shoulders if Army and Judiciary. Before going bonkers over half baked story as such, read the bill.

Results if such bill are that as Javed Choudhary already denounced a Facebook account saying that it was in his name but he is not handling it. Now everyone can catch the drift and how media of any sort was used for propaganda and malicious campaign.

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