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Five Indian Army peacekeepers killed in South Sudan: ministry

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IMO every country has to contribute towards UN peacekeeping force either in manpower or by resources (funds, equipments, vehicles, etc). For developing countries first is a more feasible option. That may be the reason behind so many armed personal from Indian subcontinent posted for UNPKF.

Why does India insist on contributing forces to the so called "peace keeping duties".
This is a thankless task and totally ineffectual wherever there is conflict. For example, Indian forces were deployed to Sierra Leone, ostensibly to keep the warring factions apart. Absolutely nothing was achieved by this deployment. I am not criticizing the abilities of the soldiers, it is that they operate with their hands tied behind their backs unable to function as soldiers. In the mid 90s British forces made a lightning strike on the thugs known as the West Side Boys, after the WSB had taken a few British personnel as hostages. Special forces totally destroyed the thugs and peace was restored to Sierra Leone in short order. No working under the auspices of the UN, no chances of being hamstrung by UN orders. Hit hard and hit fast and use whatever force is needed and the job gets done.
India should get out now and refuse to participate in any further peace keeping duties; enough is enough.
Why does India insist on contributing forces to the so called "peace keeping duties".
This is a thankless task and totally ineffectual wherever there is conflict. For example, Indian forces were deployed to Sierra Leone, ostensibly to keep the warring factions apart. Absolutely nothing was achieved by this deployment. I am not criticizing the abilities of the soldiers, it is that they operate with their hands tied behind their backs unable to function as soldiers. In the mid 90s British forces made a lightning strike on the thugs known as the West Side Boys, after the WSB had taken a few British personnel as hostages. Special forces totally destroyed the thugs and peace was restored to Sierra Leone in short order. No working under the auspices of the UN, no chances of being hamstrung by UN orders. Hit hard and hit fast and use whatever force is needed and the job gets done.
India should get out now and refuse to participate in any further peace keeping duties; enough is enough.

UNPK force is not NATO they cant use power the way a military block does so.

and for the last line its more about big bucks for the soldiers and families of those countries that contribute hence no refusal
Peace keeper???

why we have not learn anything from the 'Peace keeping' of srilankan war. how we can keep the peace at the other country by warriors with the guns. Its tragedy to lost soldiars on others land without cause. can't understand the need to take decision to send our soldiars on other land. whenever soldiars sent for such type of missions they lost courage and do not understand why to fight for others and not for country. In war of srilanka too the same was happened with Indian soldiars, name was peace keeping force and they fight for srilankan with own tamils. tamils had welcomed indian their but later on due to Great Rajiv Gandhi we fight war for others and lost soldiars.
RIP :(

Apparently "200 attackers" were assaulting the UN outpost, how many Indian soldiers were present at the outpost? I'm thinking if 200 attackers are going to assault an outpost they're not going to target a small outpost but have been one of significance.

AFP: Gunmen kill 12 peacekeepers and UN staff in South Sudan

Junior TT where did you read the "outpost" ???
And if you read the link you posted it said
Two hundred attackers took part in the raid on a UN convoy at Gumuruk in the country's troubled Jonglei state, UN peacekeeping spokeswoman Josephine Guerrero told AFP.
"We are still verifying their identities. But the peacekeepers were vastly outnumbered. It was a deliberate and targeted attack," Guerrero added.
UNPK force is not NATO they cant use power the way a military block does so.

and for the last line its more about big bucks for the soldiers and families of those countries that contribute hence no refusal

India is actively drawing down its UN contribution of peacekeepers. India not too long ago was the single largest contributor of peacekeepers to the UN, now the defence budget has grown to such signifcant proportions the beniftis that come with UN deployments are almost non-existent. India is now the 4th or 5th largest and reducing numbers year on year. Nations like BD and Pakistan are increasing their numbers to fill the void, as pointed out by a member a few pages back. Now BD is the largest contributor with 15,000+ peackeepers IIRC.
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