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Fissures within the Pak Military


Sep 9, 2006
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Will There Always Be a Pakistan?​

I just wanted to know what the members who have served in the army think about this.

As another 30,000 U.S. troops get set to deploy to war, most everyone in the White House and the Pentagon knows that the success of their mission won't only be determined in Afghanistan. The most important battle is in fact next door in Pakistan, a country that, even more than Afghanistan, risks not just failure but utter collapse. The nuclear neighbor has become a haven for Taliban and al Qaeda fighters, and its powerful military has been reluctant to take them on. Even when it has, its clumsy, heavy-handed tactics have displaced hundreds of thousands of civilians. All the while, the elected government of President Asif Ali Zardari has only grown weaker.

But here's the really bad news. Pakistan's military -- the lynchpin keeping the chaotic whole together -- isn't getting stronger. It's threatening to fracture from within. And today's fractures may well turn into tomorrow's chaos.

Back in the mid-19th century, the British set out to create a secular, professional Indian army that would neutralize warring ethnic groups and tribes. Pakistan was part of India then, and its army remained secular after the partition in 1947. Officer clubs served liquor. Religion and ethnicity were not proper subjects of discussion. Muslim society was something that existed outside the military. Pakistan's generals looked to standardized testing and merit-based promotion, drawing on modernity, not Islam, as a model for their professional army.

When Gen. Muhammed Zia ul-Haq overthrew Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in 1977, he had other ideas. Zia assumed the presidency in 1978 while still chief of staff of the Army -- a position from which he encouraged greater religiosity in Pakistan's armed forces as part of his broader Islamization of the state. Suddenly, military leaders were keeping tabs on which sects of Islam their soldiers belonged to. Members of radical Deoband and Wahhabi sects infused the military education system. Drinking at military clubs was forbidden, with a predictably chilling effect on camaraderie. Prayers once thought optional were strongly encouraged.

Some of this was merely a product of the times; Zia's opposition to the Soviet invasion in Afghanistan, for instance, was largely predicated on the religious fervor of the Afghan resistance. But Zia's Islamizing policies within the Army were more deliberate. Whether motivated by piety or political calculation, he reopened the fissures within the contemporary Pakistani military that British colonial policy had never wholly succeeded in papering over. Indeed, when Zia died in a 1988 plane crash, the Islamization of the military and its most powerful spy agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), continued. By the time Pervez Musharraf tried to return the military to its more secular roots as Army chief of staff, the trend was already too strong to reverse.
In 1999, Musharraf removed from power Nawaz Sharif, who had been re-elected to a second term as prime minister. His coup reinforced Pakistan's history as a military-run state, and 10 years later, the risk of a coup still looms. Meanwhile, the wave of officers who were recruited during Zia's Islamizing years is moving into the leadership ranks. The youngest of them are now field-grade officers. Signs are emerging that this is far from a unified military, with widening splits between secular and religious officers as well as problems among different Islamic sects. With official encouragement, for example, some Sunni officers have decided to grow out their beards, while Shiite officers are markedly absent from Sunni-led prayers.

In Pakistan, all this means more than just a troubled fighting force. The Army is rightly seen as the country's strongest institution -- the glue that holds the state together. Though not officially in power, the military has a strong hold over the civilian government and retains de facto veto power over much that gets done. If infighting weakens or shatters the military's cohesion, the implications for the future of the state itself are dire.

First, such events would be great news to Islamists looking to get their hands on nuclear weapons. Pakistan's nukes are even more likely to see action if a military officer seized power and invaded Indian-held Kashmir, the territory that both Islamabad and New Delhi claim as their own. Such aggression might lead to a nuclear exchange with India, the country's long-time rival and fellow nuclear state. The fallout, both literal and political, would be felt deep into Central Asia; indeed much of the region would be destabilized. India's economic progress would be set back significantly, perhaps by decades, and the nuclear threshold will have been crossed.

A less apocalyptic (though still very bad) outcome would be for Pakistan's paranoia about India to reach fever pitch. Islamabad has long suspected that the rise of the Northern Alliance, the mostly Tajik and Uzbek coalition that helped eject the Taliban from Kabul, or another anti-Islamabad political group in Afghanistan could be a boost to New Delhi. (India is playing a nasty game of 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend,' the Pakistani leadership reckons.) Pakistan is already backing a host of violent groups in Afghanistan, and further meddling could destabilize the surrounding Central Asian states.
Or, there is the prospect of ethnic, sectarian, and geographic implosion. Pakistan's sense of nationhood is tenuous at best. In the military, Punjabis predominate in the enlisted ranks while Pashtuns and Mujahirs fill most officer posts. The few Sindhis and Baluchis who are national leaders (such as President Zardari, a Sindhi) are the exception rather than the rule. The North-West Frontier Province and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, the regions along the border with Afghanistan, resemble the worst drug-infested, gang-ridden parts of American cities -- except that the Pakistani authorities have largely abandoned any pretense at control. It's a nebulous group of ungoverned spaces held together by a center that itself is now fragmenting. When that gives way, it could launch the kind of tribal bloodletting and ethnic or religious strife that strategic forecasts and white papers around the world routinely posit.

Meanwhile, the Army itself is under attack. Punjab-based jihadi groups, often referred to as the Punjabi Taliban, recently claimed responsibility for attacking the Army's general headquarters in Rawalpindi, Pakistan's equivalent of the Pentagon. Jihadi groups operating out of Punjab have traditionally focused on Kashmir and sectarian issues, so their willingness to target the center of Pakistan's political gravity -- as well as its most important source of military leadership -- is unsettling.

In their coldest light, these attacks show the intensification and turning-inward of the struggle for the very character of the Pakistani state. The divisions pulling Pakistan apart at the seams are the same ones reflected in the military -- and neither set shows promising signs of resolution.

Pakistanis understand these dangers. When Benazir Bhutto, the former prime minister, was assassinated in Rawalpindi two years ago, rioters in Sindh chanted Pakistan na khappay, or "Pakistan no longer exists." Zardari, her husband, tried to quiet the crowd, telling them Pakistan khappay -- "Pakistan does exist." He was right. For the moment.
Very informative article explaining some factual events but an equally vague allegation about 'Fissures in the Pakistan Military'. Difference of opinion is cited in every major military force in the world, not just Pakistan. There's bound to be some raised eyebrows on certain courses of action in war or strategic planning. Furthermore, issues relating to religion or race are found even in the biggest military force in the world, to highlight only Pakistan for such differences is unfair. Moreover, such arguments about Pakistan's collapse have now been made the umpteenth time, and sadly there's no end in sight to it. Also, calling the recent offensive by army as 'clumsy', despite the rapid achievements in the affected region, is tremendously outrageous and then critically evaluating the past actions by the Pakistan Army to portray a 'could-be' scenario for the future is debatable to say the least, pure bias to say the most.

As long as someone from the Pakistan army doesn't go on a shooting spree as in Texas or Siachen, or someone plots an Operation Valkyrie, I think the differences in the Pakistan Military as highlighted by the above article are largely magnified, and are made without even drawing a comparison to any other major military force in today's times.
Drinking at military clubs was forbidden, with a predictably chilling effect on camaraderie. Prayers once thought optional were strongly encouraged.

So if we encouraged the army to drink and get legless it will be a better fighting force?

If your a muslim are you not supposed to pray five times a day and it should be encoraged in the army and all walks of life.
In the military, Punjabis predominate in the enlisted ranks while Pashtuns and Mujahirs fill most officer posts.

The above shows how superficial the knowledge is when it comes to even the basics of demographics of the Army.

Far more detailed studies have been done on the Army and the cohesion, alhamdolilah, is not to be questioned.

The Army, by far, remains the most popular institution in Pakistan today. 70% or more Pakistanis hold this institution in high regard. What needs to be understood is that Army officers believe that Army is the guardian of Pakistan and to betray the Army is to betray the country. There is disagreement, but it should not be confused with losing cohesion. Pakistan's history has seen very challenging times. The country split into two yet the Army stayed together despite the considerable East Pakistani presence in its ranks.

For the naysayers, Pakistan and Pakistani Army are always on the verge of collapse and disintegration. Yet the history has proven the resiliency of both the country and her institutions.

Pakistan of today is much more tightly integrated than at any other time. There are fairly tight social and economic linkages between the various communities and ethnic groups. These have grown stronger over the years. Pakistan has faced a problem with extremism yet its not the only country. Egypt, Algeria have seen as bad or worse yet they have survived. In Pakistan, I must say the military has always been very professional in its outlook, more so than even in Egypt and Algeria where they have conscripted forces and would have been more prone to ideological subversion than a professional armed force. Yet Egypt and Algeria both came out of the militancy problem ok without any fissures in even the conscripted force. I think Pakistan's chances are much better.
This study/ article is written by Seth Cropsey who happens to be a neoconservative from Bush admin days.

These neoconservatives are good for nothing chaps and have mainly contributed to the US economic troubles by going to war with Iraq.

Seth was a lobbyist registered with controversial Greenberg Traurig.

Such articles are written to add more pressure on Pakistan and I am sure it will find some space in Jang Group's many subsidiaries.
Extreme of BS.

1, 30,000 + 500 Troops coming to Afghanistan (in 2011 Exit Start) First hey spend billlions of $$ for sending troops and thn call back after one year hahahha What a biggest bullshit i have ever heared!

2, Beast of Khandahar (Stealth Drone handover to NATO forces iin Afghanistan) "When Taliban got Airforce or Anti Aircraft guns etc that US needed "STEALTH DRONE into Afghanistan" lol

3, American Failed In Afganistan and against Al-Qaueda What a big BS i have ever hear all the time. US Entered in Afghanistan not for countering SO CALLED AL-Qaida. US Invade Afghanistan under ZIONIST Agenda to Destibalize PAkistan and thn on the name of SECUIRTY disintegrate Pakistan Nukes to protect Isreal.

4, Why Indian Media and Govt of India raise this voice "Chances of War between China VS India. Because thats the only way to get State of the Art tech

5, Jihad is the MAIN and very IMPORTANT Duty of Muslims Today even i have seen many of users who already mindset compare Afghani Taliban + into Pakistan taliban (so called taliban). Thats what Pro Isreali Lobby want to first brain wash all those muslims about "This jihad is Bs thing and these taliban killing your people on the name of Jihad" so first Muslims hate Jihad and now thy even accept that Talibans are doing this BS lol what a SUPERB BRAIN WASH by Zionist.

Main point is they already achieve thr goal thats biggest BS that US lost this War "NO" US achieve thr goal because US have no concerned over Afghanistah or these so called Cartoon Netowrk Al-Qaeda.... problem is in US govt (PRO ISREALI LOBBY ACTIVE and now Indian lobbby to) to immediatly destablize pakistan and disintegrate Pakistani Nukes asap. So on the name of "WE LOST WAR IN AFGHANISTAN" US now made superb preception through his media that if we lost the war thn Terrorist activities increase in the world so we have last chance to win this war "Thats why we were sending more 35,000 + troops to afghanistan".

We doing every war even SWAT or Wazirstan "WITHOUT ANY PLANING".

We have lots of otheroption

These F16s, J10s etc Subs etc never give us STRONG!! QUOTE MY WORDS "these Private agencies and CIA already crusing in PAksitan doing thr activities. They dont need OPEN WAR against Pakistan just they want to busy Our Pakistan Military into border so that they can carry out thr activities into pakistan.

Simple Tactics Destroy Pakistan "SILENTLY"!
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What else can be expected from westerner journalists sitting somewhere nice and cozy in their homes, offices and writing about a professional army having wide experience of operational nature.

Should have better analyzed the US Army, which is being changed into a Christian Crusader Army as time passes by.

Guys, note the Shia & Sunni thing being mentioned here, so now this may be their new media frenzy trying to show a divide in the PA, which by the way has never been there. A new card to be played by the US after all other tactics failed.

And clumsy and heavy handed tactics ?? If that is so why are the western experts asking them to follow the strategy of PA in countering the Taliban in Afghanistan which they haven't yet controlled in 8 years.

And what is the use of mentioning the 3 decade old banned drinking thing now ?? Does the author have any idea how many officers and generals drink now ??

Utter BS article thanked by a Western member who loves to hear such things, showing who the true audience of the article is, by someone who just wishes to spread a lie, most probably paid by some western Think Tank or may be the author is in the Think Tank too, complying with the policies of their administration.

Don't understand whats the logic and objective of this article, there is nothing new in it, except for the new theme that PA will crumble very soon.

BS western analysts.
Its good in a way that outsiders don't understand or are THIS clueless about strategic institutions within Pakistan.
I expect to see to more such articles in the press as PA has just rejected fighting America's war in Pakistan and instead has chosen to fight its own war against anti-state and anti-Islam enemies.

It's both a pressure tactic and a way for Americans to let go of their frustration.

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