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Fishermen's dilemma

What options would you suggest??? Don't worry about the region because with this kind of thinking region is any ways doomed...

I am still wating to use the "nuclear" word from the side of pakistan... i dont think i have to wait long.

174 fisherman arrested for whatsover reason and soon we hear the words like rant,troll, unstable, bully etc etc. No one cares about the fisherman actually but it has become of game to score points.

anyways on the topic it is neccassary to take of the sea border because of the past experiences and so that our neighbours cannot complain about the competitiveness of the navy. if they are innocent they will be and should be released but caution is the keyword as of now with the situation in pakistan.
What options would you suggest??? Don't worry about the region because with this kind of thinking region is any ways doomed...

Ask your government what is the objective and possible gain India can have from this? What will India get even if it kills all of them? Will Pakistani Fishermen stop fishing or Will this increase the fishing business of India some folds? This is only an expression of frustration and this has only been done to get "some" satisfaction by capturing Innocent and poorest of the poorest.

Attitude is a small thing that makes big differences and if this is the attitude which India would like to keep.. don't be surprised if we end up standing eye-ball to eye-ball and loading mass destructive weapons our missiles. Even if we end up at that, what is the gain? what is the charm of doing all that???

Question your government and let us know if you get some reasonable answer.
174 fisherman arrested for whatsover reason.

This is not Indian territory where you can capture for "whatever reason". This is abducting of fishermen who were in their owned waters. How sweet you have been by using such words. In just another running today, Indian doctors are shown helping Afghans, by staying out of their home and working under risky condition because they are doing all that on "humanitarian basis". What is your "humanitarian basis" thing gone when it comes to Pakistan? These are poorest of the poorest people who risk their live for the sake of bread. I wish you could think for few minutes on these lines as well.
give non-pakistani source as you always ask for when your navy hijacks Indian fishermen.
This is not Indian territory where you can capture for "whatever reason". This is abducting of fishermen who were in their owned waters. How sweet you have been by using such words. In just another running today, Indian doctors are shown helping Afghans, by staying out of their home and working under risky condition because they are doing all that on "humanitarian basis". What is your "humanitarian basis" thing gone when it comes to Pakistan? These are poorest of the poorest people who risk their live for the sake of bread. I wish you could think for few minutes on these lines as well.

try to understand the context in what i have said. what ever may be the reason being in pakistan waters indian waters mars blah blah ....... but people here are more interested in getting cheap shots rather than thinking about the farmers.
give non-pakistani source as you always ask for when your navy hijacks Indian fishermen.

174 fishermen are quite a lot of people. Wait some before you hear more people talking about them.
We should arm the fisherman with weapons so they can put up resistance against Hindu Navy.

wow...what a response..better you ask LeT & JUD people to start fishing in Indian ocean....you dont need to re-arm anyone..
174 fishermen are quite a lot of people. Wait some before you hear more people talking about them.

Fisherfolks are very good and hardworking people...I like fish and so the fisherfolks...:-)

Release them...and expect the same from PN..
We should arm the fisherman with weapons so they can put up resistance against Hindu Navy.

and what will you do for the muslims and the christans and the sikhs and the parsis in the Indian navy. Oh you can go ahead and fulfill your desires. After all quite possible you might have not been satisfied after making one Taliban,
they are poor innocent people and should be released

most of the Indians in this thread have same opnion
But what about Indian Fisher men in your Jails
When we talk we should see both the sides of coin.
again my sympathy to poor people embedded in politics of two hostile countries

My concerns for Fishermen communities of both Countries who have to Fish in Hostile waters
What is your "humanitarian basis" thing gone when it comes to Pakistan?

that will be pending normalization of relations. Good point otherwise, I don't see why the fishermen can't be chased away from territorial waters by coast guard services of either nation.
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