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First week of working in Pakistan

My family was already thinking of moving back to Pakistan before I did. I was all set to start work in Boston in December, as I had gotten a one year contract with a local commissioning & engineering services firm. But then, I got this very very good job from Novartis in Pakistan, & I took it. My mom is back in Islamabad, my Dad is on his last assignment in Africa (Ghana), & he should be back in Pakistan in about 2 years, when he's basically retired. I am in Sindh, close to Hyderabad, & I am managing things on my own. The company did offer me temporary accommodation, but I am looking for a permanent place. I have found a place in Latifabad "nau number", Hyderabad with the help of my friends at Novartis; & I should be finalizing the deal some point next week. It's a small one bedroom accommodation, but it's good enough. I'm off to a great start & things couldn't be better MashAllah. The work environment at the company is great, everyone is very helpful, like family. The job they selected me for has a lot to do with Novartis's expansion projects in Pakistan, & I am expected to play an integral part in it, so work will be very exciting (as I've already done work like this in the US).

Good man! What about young brother? Is he moving back to Pakistan to start something or?
Congratulation Bilal on moving back, awesome move. I envy you, honestly. Wish you all the best in life, live and enjoy and prosper. And more than everything else, Pakistan needs people like you.
The biggest problem I see in Hyderabad though is the lack of yellow cabs. There are only rickshaws here. Other than that, it's got pretty much every facility of a big city.








Firstly you are very lucky to be in Pakistan and enjoy its wonderful culture and warm weather.

Generally as you state , you find it very helpful that your peers are trying to make you feel comfortable that is true in all parts of Pakistan. Normal Pakistani regardless of province is warm heart folks. Which is also why we openly welcome Indians when they visit.

As for the tension , I think its pretty much creation of politicians to gather votes and mafia who commit crimes and blame it on general tension. PPP likes to create the boogie man syndrome and gain votes , its very pathetic but it is what it is.

Once Tehreek e insaf will come to power I hope to see a new Pakistan:pakistan:
I strongly believe once the nation will create enough jobs and improve education and control population the issues we face will diminish automatically.

Our issue is -
Failure of Government to create jobs
Failure of Government to create educated work class that gets jobs in country

Lack of merit in Job selection which results in tension and politicians use this tension
to blame the hiring on ethnic lines creating tension and confusion

I am always amazed when I see the pictures from Pakistan - Pakistan is no different then California in USA , but as people we need to make it as such
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