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First photos of Iranian RQ-170

Very doubtful its humiliating us and more like humiliating yourself. You made a copy of the uav but thats all you can do and as that general said your technology is inferior.
a country which claims to be superior, puts all of its tech inside a stealth drone and sends it for spying, yet that super advanced drone gets detected and hacked like a child's toy. then after silence, deny and finally admitting, some officials from that country again claim that Iran can't decrypt and reverse engineer that drone, yet again after after 2 years a flying model based on the reverse engineer has been prepared by Iran. if you ask me, this whole case from beginning to end is a humiliation for Americans.
just make sure to keep your RQ-180 to yourself or you will be forced to look for RQ-190 too.
end of story!!!!!
:حاجی زاده در گفتگوی خبری

نمونه ی 15 درصد آر کیو 170 پروازش هفته ی پیش انجام شد. هنوز نمونه یک به یک پرواز نکرده و انشالله تا آخر سال نمونه
های 45 درصد و یک به یک پرواز کنند. همچنین در دو کلاس شناسایی و رزمی ساخته خواهند شد

lol Hajizadeh doesnt know shit, his place is in the mosque, not in the military.
a country which claims to be superior, puts all of its tech inside a stealth drone and sends it for spying, yet that super advanced drone gets detected and hacked like a child's toy. then after silence, deny and finally admitting, some officials from that country again claim that Iran can't decrypt and reverse engineer that drone, yet again after after 2 years a flying model based on the reverse engineer has been prepared by Iran. if you ask me, this whole case from beginning to end is a humiliation for Americans.
just make sure to keep your RQ-180 to yourself or you will be forced to look for RQ-190 too.


You zionists should be happy to have such an incompetent enemy as the Islamic Republic. You can whack the mullahs on the head anytime and they still will not do anything to you.

Very nice enemy :D
You zionists should be happy to have such an incompetent enemy as the Islamic Republic. You can whack the mullahs on the head anytime and they still will not do anything to you.

Very nice enemy :D
fotol aziz . doroste ke ma kheli moshkel darim vali shoma ba shad kardan va omid dadan be doshmanan iran , hamon eshtebah masoolin keshvar ro darid tekrar mikonid:cheers: .
a false flag Zionist troll encouraging the other Zionist troll.:lol:
This copy is purely meant for propaganda, it will never be mass produced.
lol Hajizadeh doesnt know shit, his place is in the mosque, not in the military.
Of course he doesn't know shit. Shit is what you and your kind know. Now, get back to your place in the tree before he comes out of the mosque and whacks your underside.



You zionists should be happy to have such an incompetent enemy as the Islamic Republic. You can whack the mullahs on the head anytime and they still will not do anything to you.
Very nice enemy :D
The magical word is "Hezbollah". Now off you go, Hajizadeh will be out of the Mosque soon.
Of course he doesn't know shit. Shit is what you and your kind know. Now, get back to your place in the tree before he comes out of the mosque and whacks your underside.

The magical word is "Hezbollah". Now off you go, Hajizadeh will be out of the Mosque soon.

Arabzadeh, ofcourse you would defend such a smelly,bearded baboon as hajizadeh. These guys dont know what honour is, 5 of their scientists got whacked in Tehran and they still barked and did nothing.

Hajizadeh and his fellow ape friends can only recall prayers, not sophisticated military tech :lol:

a false flag Zionist troll encouraging the other Zionist troll.:lol:

You guys got their aid in the 80's... dont bite the hand that fed you, you bunch of ungrateful wannabe Arabs :lol:

fotol aziz . doroste ke ma kheli moshkel darim vali shoma ba shad kardan va omid dadan be doshmanan iran , hamon eshtebah masoolin keshvar ro darid tekrar mikonid:cheers: .
Man ham mesle to az in joonevara hemayat mikardam. Ta motevaje shodam ke ina baraye manafe keshvar kar nemikonan.
Arabzadeh, ofcourse you would defend such a smelly,bearded baboon as hajizadeh. These guys dont know what honour is, 5 of their scientists got whacked in Tehran and they still barked and did nothing.

Hajizadeh and his fellow ape friends can only recall prayers, not sophisticated military tech :lol:

You guys got their aid in the 80's... dont bite the hand that fed you, you bunch of ungrateful wannabe Arabs :lol:

Man ham mesle to az in joonevara hemayat mikardam. Ta motevaje shodam ke ina baraye manafe keshvar kar nemikonan.

You don't get it do you? As, I said the Magic word is Hezbollah.

Ungrateful? Don't bite their hands? Search "Cyrus the Great" + "jews" + "slavery". Maybe you'll get a clue about the ungrateful hand biter.

I don't even know why I'm explaining these to someone who doesn't know the difference between an Arab and a Persian.
You don't get it do you? As, I said the Magic word is Hezbollah.

Ungrateful? Don't bite their hands? Search "Cyrus the Great" + "jews" + "slavery". Maybe you'll get a clue about the ungrateful hand biter.

I don't even know why I'm explaining these to someone who doesn't know the difference between an Arab and a Persian.

Arabzadeh, now tell me why Hezbollah is not attacking Israel ? i thought they had 10.000 missiles ? or was it 100.000 ? :lol:

Also, whats difference ? wannabe Arab or pure Arab... one is trying hard to kiss Arab *** daily like the mullahs and their supporters, the others are already Arab :lol:

Wait, why is IR not attacking Israel ? i thought you guys were the ''defenders of all opressed muslims'' as stated by your crippled leader :lol:

Back then there was no Israel and the jews were a bunch of poor shepherds :lol:.. we are talking many many years before Christ, it showed good will of Kurosh Bozorg.

Now the mullahs not only kill Iranians, but are wasting Iranian money in parts of world that doesnt relate to us.
a country which claims to be superior, puts all of its tech inside a stealth drone and sends it for spying, yet that super advanced drone gets detected and hacked like a child's toy. then after silence, deny and finally admitting, some officials from that country again claim that Iran can't decrypt and reverse engineer that drone, yet again after after 2 years a flying model based on the reverse engineer has been prepared by Iran. if you ask me, this whole case from beginning to end is a humiliation for Americans.
just make sure to keep your RQ-180 to yourself or you will be forced to look for RQ-190 too.
They really didn't decrypt anything. UAVs like the Mq-1/9 DO NOT record anything nor store any kind of telemetry onboard the aircraft. It's recorded on the DVR in the GCS circled here. When the aircraft is landing or taking off, it uses unencrypted signals since the ROVERS cannot receive encrypted signals.
if we spend so much money that 1/6th of our population was on food stamp like US
if we stole other nations wealth like US, we would land UAVs on space shuttles rather than carriers :coffee:

We don't need to land on space shuttles when it can be the shuttle itself.:woot:

a country which claims to be superior, puts all of its tech inside a stealth drone and sends it for spying, yet that super advanced drone gets detected and hacked like a child's toy. then after silence, deny and finally admitting, some officials from that country again claim that Iran can't decrypt and reverse engineer that drone, yet again after after 2 years a flying model based on the reverse engineer has been prepared by Iran. if you ask me, this whole case from beginning to end is a humiliation for Americans.
just make sure to keep your RQ-180 to yourself or you will be forced to look for RQ-190 too.

You didn't hack it. It be like saying Pakistan hacked our drones in Pakistan or the stealth helo and got their hands on it. And to brag about hacking which would tell you classified secrets to the public and how to counter it. That tells me its all a bluff and you just got scared that a stealth drone has been in your country for years undetected. Trying to say you hacked out in public is attempt to deter us from sending stealth drones into the country. Wouldn't surprise me it still happening with other drones. And we always improve on our weapons constantly.

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some info about captured RQ170:
3 independent computers for flight control, communications and special cargo with VxWorks operating system.

Without goggling .. tell the readers what is VxWorks.

Now, that you are claiming this knowledge, which processors is the Irani drone using / plan to use ?

Before you get your panties all in a tangle .. reference the article couple of days ago on this forum

where Irani members were cursing sanctions won't let them maintain passenger airplanes.

A nation which can not "maintain" passenger airplanes is claiming to have decoded and built CIA's drone ??

I pity the people of Iran and I hope some day they will stand up and demand truth from Ayatooolahs.
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