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First Mi-35Ms for Azerbaijan

its really fat a$$ design but its not a matter in weapons lolz congs to them
Can those who are saying that Russia will support Armenia etc give me a logical answer as to why Russia is then supplying Azerbaijan with some serious hardware.

If Russia was in support of Armenia to that extent they would deny the Azeris such machines, you can argue that they sold it for $ but that point doesn't stick.

Russia can see the Azeris being regional players in the future and will not harm its own interests by helping the Kardashians overtly Lol
Can those who are saying that Russia will support Armenia etc give me a logical answer as to why Russia is then supplying Azerbaijan with some serious hardware.

If Russia was in support of Armenia to that extent they would deny the Azeris such machines, you can argue that they sold it for $ but that point doesn't stick.

Russia can see the Azeris being regional players in the future and will not harm its own interests by helping the Kardashians overtly Lol

Azerbaijan has started to buy more from the west, particularily Israel and has signed agreements with Turkey in co-operation for several projects...

the reason they buy heli's are probably because they are easier to use for Azeris, wich where a part of Soviet. Russia has a base stationed in Armenia. they dont have that in Azerbaijan, Azeris want to forget the past with Soviet and move on. Armenians are Russian boot lickers to say it that way.

Azeri's have several modernization projects with Israel and Turkey...
hmm.... let me see. Georgia who hates all that has to do with the Soviet time and has healty and good relation with Azerbaijan will start a war. the Turkic countries to, and Ukraine?!?!?!

all those countries are sick and tired of the Soviet unnessecary wars...

sorry Armenia will only have Russian support. wich i really dont understand, Azerbaijan can offer them far more than Armenia, still...

Georgians were defeated by russia and lost 20 % of it's territory where was turkey ? Armenia will not only have the Russia help but CSTO the collect defense of former soviet states and Iran. actually the azeris are likely to start the next war and not even turkish support can save the azeris.
"they will lose"? What does that mean?

No, Azerbaijan will not lose to a country many times inferior in capabilities, regardless of any support.

LOL, Azer are you already forgetting about what happened to you back in 1992:lol:

Nagorno-Karabakh War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You had a much bigger advantage back then and you could still not defeat us so what makes think you could beat us now. Azer also hired 2,000–3,000 Afghan and Chechen fighters (most of which never return home) and they still got the **** kicked out of them.:rofl:
LOL, Azer are you already forgetting about what happened to you back in 1992:lol:

Nagorno-Karabakh War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You had a much bigger advantage back then and you could still not defeat us so what makes think you could beat us now. Azer also hired 2,000–3,000 Afghan and Chechen fighters (most of which never return home) and they still got the **** kicked out of them.:rofl:

I foresee the Azeris starting another war only to be defeated again who knows Azeribijian will lose even more land, Azeris should learn from Georgians. CSTO and Russia Support Armenia is secured.
Georgians were defeated by russia and lost 20 % of it's territory where was turkey ? Armenia will not only have the Russia help but CSTO the collect defense of former soviet states and Iran. actually the azeris are likely to start the next war and not even turkish support can save the azeris.

exactly... why would Georgia want to fight for Armenia, who gets supported by Russia?

LOL, Azer are you already forgetting about what happened to you back in 1992:lol:

Nagorno-Karabakh War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You had a much bigger advantage back then and you could still not defeat us so what makes think you could beat us now. Azer also hired 2,000–3,000 Afghan and Chechen fighters (most of which never return home) and they still got the **** kicked out of them.:rofl:

you silly Armenian, if it wasn't for Russian support you would never win that war. call Turks agressive, yet you are the one that occupies another lands territories...
looking much more improved than older version
i hope Russia may also supply mi-35 or 28 to Pakistan after losing contract of 22 indian jets
exactly... why would Georgia want to fight for Armenia, who gets supported by Russia?

you silly Armenian, if it wasn't for Russian support you would never win that war. call Turks agressive, yet you are the one that occupies another lands territories...

Georgia tried to take over the broken territories that no longer wish to be apart and was defeated. Let me tell not even Turkey can save Azerbaijan from if Azeris start the next war and lose even more land. :coffee:
Georgia tried to take over the broken territories that no longer wish to be apart and was defeated. Let me tell not even Turkey can save Azerbaijan from if Azeris start the next war and lose even more land. :coffee:

i understand you like to suck up to Russia, but why do you even care... Azerbaijan can easily take the lands back when a war breaks out!

it's just that Armenians have always troughout history licked Russian ***! if it wasn't for Russians Armenians wouldnt be able to crawl out of their little rat hole!

Russia woulnd't dare fight against Turkey and you know why. we have a commitment to protect Azerbaijan if they get into a war... they are our brothers.

anyway, lets just not discuss any further!
exactly... why would Georgia want to fight for Armenia, who gets supported by Russia?

you silly Armenian, if it wasn't for Russian support you would never win that war. call Turks agressive, yet you are the one that occupies another lands territories...

Lets get one thing straight Turk, Karabakh is Armenian Land the FAKE country of Azerbaijan didn't show up on the map until the year 1918.

and please Turk spare us the B.S, NO Russian fought and died for us in Karabakh. Azerbaijan had the support of the whole Muslim world including Turkey and 2,000-3,000 Chenchen and Afghan fighters fought for them plus they outnumbered us in everything Manpower, Tanks, Planes, Artillery etc. But we beat their *** so bad that to this day it still hurts.:woot:
Lets get one thing straight Turk, Karabakh is Armenian Land the FAKE country of Azerbaijan didn't show up on the map until the year 1918.

and please Turk spare us the B.S, NO Russian fought and died for us in Karabakh. Azerbaijan had the support of the whole Muslim world including Turkey and 2,000-3,000 Chenchen and Afghan fighters fought for them plus they outnumbered us in everything Manpower, Tanks, Planes, Artillery etc. But we beat their *** so bad that to this day it still hurts.:woot:


stupid Armenian, you ever heard of the Human rights? NO obviously, never heard of respect!

if it wasnt for Russian SUPPORT!!! never said militarily... they could put an embargo on Azerbaijan you know.

it is still today thanks to Russia that you occupy those lands! they are not Armenian, they belong to Azerbaijan.

you silly dumbasses can't do a **** without Russia, you're even paranoid enough to place their soldiers on your soil... :rofl:
all i can say it will be a excellent buy wish we had that

stupid Armenian, you ever heard of the Human rights? NO obviously, never heard of respect!

if it wasnt for Russian SUPPORT!!! never said militarily... they could put an embargo on Azerbaijan you know.

it is still today thanks to Russia that you occupy those lands! they are not Armenian, they belong to Azerbaijan.

you silly dumbasses can't do a **** without Russia, you're even paranoid enough to place their soldiers on your soil... :rofl:

Look who is talking, hypocrite you also have a US Military base in your country. :pop:

Incirlik Air Base - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tell me Turk , if Azermorons are your brothers then where the hell where you guys when we beating the **** out of them. :rofl:
I did not knew you could insult others in such manner here like the user above me does?
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