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First kill for Type-96 tank in Sudanese conflict

The old type 96 looks very similar to 85, most differences are probably internal.


Newer modified 96 have added armour blocks and other improvements.


96 was not meant to go against western MBT, that is the job of 99. 96 had something like T-72 in mind.
This is a Fake News.... Those Tanks were blow out by MiG 29.... Chinese always want to fake.... now they are Faking the news also just to sell their products....

If you compare the Iraq or Libyan Tanks that were blown out by air .... the pics is same



The old type 96 looks very similar to 85, most differences are probably internal.


Newer modified 96 have added armour blocks and other improvements.


96 was not meant to go against western MBT, that is the job of 99. 96 had something like T-72 in mind.
The last picture is Type 96G which the turret incorporates with features from Type 99 tank.
The old type 96 looks very similar to 85, most differences are probably internal.


Newer modified 96 have added armour blocks and other improvements.


96 was not meant to go against western MBT, that is the job of 99. 96 had something like T-72 in mind.

No! It do...

VT-1a , latest variant of Type96. Type99 is specifically tailor made for PLA elite regiment and not for export but that doesn't mean Type 96 is not potent...

China's Three Generation of Tanks - VT-1A MBT for Export - YouTube

Morrocco army is the first customer to receive this variant.
Which defense site can i found this alternate history on ? :rofl: I think i already know the answer :lol:

How much area you captured , what were the causalities ? Were you fighting inside your own territory ? :azn:

Just check it, you will find kill rate also.
Chola incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here is a link, for all who are day dreaming, that 1962 can be repeated.
1987 Sino-Indian skirmish - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How much area you captured ................. As per our chinese friends, we are occupying there land (Arunachal Pradesh).

Were you fighting inside your own territory ?............ We have never been an expansionist force. We always fight for defending our land and that also inside our territory.
Just check it, you will find kill rate also.
Chola incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here is a link, for all who are day dreaming, that 1962 can be repeated.
1987 Sino-Indian skirmish - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As i told you ... The alternate history ! :azn:

Chola incident

^ http://www.bharat-rkshak.com/LAND-FORCES/History/1962-71/270-Chola-Incident.html
^ http://www.indianarmy.nic.in/martyr...=&hidrecord=100&subform=Search&subform=Search
^ Baruah, Amit (2005-04-12). "China backs India's bid for U.N. Council seat". The Hindu. Retrieved 2009-03-17.
^ Hindustan Times: Nehru accepted Tibet as a part of China: Rajnath

1987 Sino-Indian skirmish

Both sides showed military restraint.[1][2]

That is what you are trying to compare ? Some border skirmish or incident with full blown war like '62 ? :azn:
How much land have you liberated from Beijing in these incidents and skirmishes ? The 38,000 km2 in Aksai Chin , Demchok and tracts of land in AP ?
^^ no we didn't liberated any land they took from us

on topic> it seems Type 96 is good MBT

india operates a lot of T-72 tanks. All of india's neighbors need Type-96 now!

very well

our Arjuns and Kornet Units need practice :coffee:

This is a Fake News.... Those Tanks were blow out by MiG 29.... Chinese always want to fake.... now they are Faking the news also just to sell their products....

If you compare the Iraq or Libyan Tanks that were blown out by air .... the pics is same




give link for your claim
This is the NEWS

Dead bodies and destroyed tanks lay in Sudan's southern oil centre of Heglig on Wednesday after government forces and South Sudanese troops clashed along the border, sparking international alarm.

Smoke still rose from a damaged residence at the battle scene.

An AFP reporter observed the war debris while accompanying Sudan's Oil Minister Awad Ahmad al-Jaz who landed in the nearby town of Heglig at 9:15 am (0615 GMT) accompanied by Ahmad Harun, governor of surrounding South Kordofan state.

The correspondent saw three bodies and two tanks but the tanks carried no visible identifying markings.

Some of the dead bore the insignia of rebels from the Darfur-based Justice and Equality Movement (JEM).

Sudan's military has alleged JEM "exploited" the north-south clash to target Sudanese troops in the Heglig area before being repulsed.

JEM on Wednesday repeated its earlier denial of involvement in the battle.

The movement's spokesman, Gibril Adam Bilal, said the dead might be government troops dressed in rebel garb.

"We as JEM, we confirm we are not part of that battle in Heglig at all," which was entirely a clash between South Sudan and Sudanese troops, Bilal said by telephone.

Two destroyed Land Cruisers at the battle scene also carried JEM insignia.

Both north and south claim parts of Heglig, an oil-rich territory that witnessed heavy fighting during Sudan's devastating 22-year civil war.

Numerous oil wells surround the town.

"Heglig and all around it is completely secure," Heglig area commander Bashir Meki told the Khartoum delegation.

Heglig town is about 15 kilometres (nine miles) from the disputed frontier's closest point.

South Sudan said its forces had taken the area on Monday when they pushed back Khartoum's troops which had moved over the frontier into Unity state following air strikes.

A large contingent of Misseriya nomads from the paramilitary Popular Defence Force (PDF), a key battle force for the Sudanese military, patrolled the Heglig area with rifles and motorcycles, but without uniforms.

"Our border was won in 1956 and we will fight for this border even without the government's permission, to protect our land," said Ismail Hamdien, a Misseriya leader who travelled to the battle scene to assess the situation.

Sudan and South Sudan both said ground clashes had ended by Wednesday.

Oil operations in Heglig are run by the Greater Nile Petroleum Operating Company (GNPOC), a consortium led by China's state oil giant CNPC.

"There is serious concern among us," one Chinese oil worker said.

"How can we work in this situation? We want the government to protect us because we are working for the people of Sudan."

Although both countries claim parts of the Heglig area, an analyst said it "is firmly in north Sudan".

Analysts said there are elements in Khartoum, as well as the South, opposed to recent moves towards warmer bilateral relations between the two countries and suggested the latest flare-up is an effort to sabotage a rapprochement.

Border tensions have mounted since South Sudan split from Sudan in July last year after an overwhelming vote for secession that followed Africa's longest war.

Earlier in March, after months of failed negotiations, an escalating row over oil fees and mutual accusations of backing rebels on each other's territory, South Sudan's chief negotiator Pagan Amum said relations had improved.

Amum and a South Sudanese delegation visited Khartoum last week to invite their "brother" Bashir to an April 3 summit in the southern capital Juba, and said he had accepted.

But after Monday's fighting Khartoum said it had suspended the meeting.

Al-Jaz was to return on Wednesday evening to Khartoum.

Sudan's defence and interior ministers were to address a parliamentary committee on Wednesday discussing the recent incidents, official media reported.

And this is the NEWS source

Bodies, destroyed tanks at scene of Sudan battle: AFP
Where it says it was destroyed by T96??? How can Mods allow to mke a thread based on mere speculation????
^^ in such case report this thread right now
If Indians wants to see success of our tanks, go check the 1962 war.
Indian soldiers ran like the cowards they are.
China gave the Indian ego some massive a$$burn in 1962.

Even Chinese generals have said how surprised they were at how easy India was defeated. :rofl:
Indian soldiers probably gave up as soon as they saw our soldiers.
If Indians wants to see success of our tanks, go check the 1962 war.
Indian soldiers ran like the cowards they are.
China gave the Indian ego some massive a$$burn in 1962.

Even Chinese generals have said how surprised they were at how easy India was defeated. :rofl:
Indian soldiers probably gave up as soon as they saw our soldiers.

mR HIGH iq, WILL u tell me how to use tabks in mountainous areas?
Indian soldiers that time didnt even have gun, they had sticks and horses to patrol, but We ignored US advice, not to trust mao, as they said, Mao backstabbed india..
They gave up their lives, even knowing they didnt have a gun...
And when the chinese came to know reinforcements are coming to fight them, u guys ran away like cowards :P
Now i am replying to ur post alone, and i don wsh to invite troll fest on my posts pls :)
This is the NEWS
And this is the NEWS source

Bodies, destroyed tanks at scene of Sudan battle: AFP
Where it says it was destroyed by T96??? How can Mods allow to mke a thread based on mere speculation????

speculation, if any is allowed in media. Sudan has been a Chinese aid recipient for like 20 years, those tractors could well be Type96.

what was the news I heard when the war broke out a month ago, the South Sudan president surprisingly went to Beijing and got a huge package of Aid, anyone confirm that?

quite confusing, looks like China is the real boss in the dry land, the west stop aiding South Sudan?
If Indians wants to see success of our tanks, go check the 1962 war.
Indian soldiers ran like the cowards they are.
China gave the Indian ego some massive a$$burn in 1962.

PLA used tanks in 1962? :lol: . You have no clue about your own wars do you.

Even Chinese generals have said how surprised they were at how easy India was defeated. :rofl:

Only true part in your comment,

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