why because of socialism ? Russia can justify it more easily to increase military but Finland has a lot of social spending
No, not because of socialism. It's basic consumer principle.
If I have $1000, I may choose wisely to choose an item from $500, $300, and $100 as I will choose the price according to the quality and functionality, so if the $100 item does not deprived so much on the $500, or $200, I will choose the item worth $100 as I will only have $500 if I go for the most expensive one and the best, And if I go for the second best, then that does bnot justified why I did not choose the best. Unless the $100 item is impossible to accept. I will take that item and pocket the $900 change. As that means a lot to me, if I only have $1000 to start with.
However, if I have 10 billions. Still the same principle. If I have to choose an item between 5 billions, 3 billions and 1 billions.
If the quality is according to the price, then I will choose the most expensive one. As even as with the $1000 scenario, I would spend 50% of my money in it. But this time instead of $500 left, I will have 5 billions left, so the quality to price condition does not apply if a person is seriously affordable. That's the same reason you will NEVER see Ferrari and Lamborghini have their car on sale. As people can afford to buy those car would not wait for a sale event to buy them, if you can afford the best, you will pay for the best, that's the consumer and marketing principle.
The Finn can afford the Best, then why settle with the rest?