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Finally the western media steps into line..

brother,i dont know how well do you uderstand this but my post is obiviously going to get deleted there is going to be a war between Pakistan USA and India they have already planned out its a big conspiricay but i seriously think we are in a big situation here and we cant prevent the war we have done alot with the help on "war on terror" nothing counts there minds are already made up its cant be prevent i praise to Allah everyday help my country my people of course my mother lives in Pakistan and my lil brother and my whole family.
brother,i dont know how well do you uderstand this but my post is obiviously going to get deleted there is going to be a war between Pakistan USA and India they have already planned out its a big conspiricay but i seriously think we are in a big situation here and we cant prevent the war we have done alot with the help on "war on terror" nothing counts there minds are already made up its cant be prevent i praise to Allah everyday help my country my people of course my mother lives in Pakistan and my lil brother and my whole family.

I don't think you quite understand it yet....When we delete your posts it is generally because you post immature and worthless nonsense. Your knowledge is generally pitiful and your posts have little value when they are legible.
brother,i dont know how well do you uderstand this but my post is obiviously going to get deleted there is going to be a war between Pakistan USA and India they have already planned out its a big conspiricay but i seriously think we are in a big situation here and we cant prevent the war we have done alot with the help on "war on terror" nothing counts there minds are already made up its cant be prevent i praise to Allah everyday help my country my people of course my mother lives in Pakistan and my lil brother and my whole family.

Of course you'll worry for families etc there. I doubt there'll be a war though. NATO or Obama(nation) I should say, or perhaps Brzieniewski might be edging for one, but invading Pakistan isn't really possible. They have enough difficulty in Afghanistan.

A problem might be with America bombing Pakistan from above, then the Indians invading from the East in their hordes, but even that wouldn't work. Pakistan always has some secret locations where it will have cruise missiles or other delivery systems.

Bottom line, there's not going to be any war.

But there's been a lot of posturing. I see it as wishful thinking.
I agree with Roadrunner, there will be no war for couple of reasons. Obama's government has a difficult task to stabalise the bankrupt US economy and arrange an exit from Iraq and refocus on Afghanistan. Any action against Pakistan will result into more instability in Afghanistan and once Nato/US troops get killed in Afghanistan Obama will lose support from US taxpayer.

Unlike Bush and his Government the average American is less war hungry and public opinion in US is a mass weapon, it can make or break a government. :coffee:

I too see the media conspiracy against Pakistan and ISI but with the Republicans almost out of the office I didn't expect anything else. Let Obama take his office first and will take it from there.
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I agree with Roadrunner, there will be no war for couple of reasons. Obama's government has a difficult task to stabalise the bankrupt US economy and arrange an exit from Iraq and refocus on Afghanistan. Any action against Pakistan will result into more instability in Afghanistan and once Nato/US troops get killed in Afghanistan Obama will lose support from US taxpayer.

Unlike Bush and his Government the average American is less war hungry and public opinion in US is a mass weapon, it can make or break a government. :coffee:

I too see the media conspiracy against Pakistan and ISI but will the Republicans almost out of the office I didn't expect anything else. Let Obama take his office first and will take it from there.

There's the financial stuff also.

But I really think Obama will be the same as the Republicans. I don't see any good coming from him at all.

I do see these Predator missile strikes continuing though. Which is something Pakistan really needs to force its hand somehow on. America bombing Pakistan shouldnt be occuring, if something needs doing, it's for Pakistan to do.
Once ISI completes reforms Obama will have no case against the GoP and it all comes to countering the insurgency in FATA. Inorder to break Taliban what Pakistan should do is to allow precision strikes against Opium fields in bordering districts, cut their financial pipelines and weaken the drug run Afghan economy.

Zardari is too weak to take such steps, its up to Kiyani to convince him to play more assertive and pro active role in Afghan war.

Bush and his governemnt has turned a blind eye to the afghan drug empire since it generates half the afghan GDP, even the top leaders are involved in drug trafficking. Cut their supplies and Kabul will collapse. :tup:
I dont think India will go to war either - a typical Indian does not want war - its the media and the govt that are trying to cover up their dirty games that they are inciting all this hatred!!

The biggest reason why there wont be war - because we have people that can kick the *** of the politicians who can go to any lengths for their advantages! because people are thinking more of development than wars and because on the whole people want lasting peace!

I am sure even the Indian people who are crying for war only want those terrorists camos (according to them) removed - and not war against 'Pak' per se. and so there s going to be no war... peace prevails!!

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