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Fighting hopelessness: Panama Case, JIT and the confusions

I can share firsthand info that there is serious fear in PMLN camp re street agitation and their belief is that the current situation is ripe for agitation if it's main opponent plays its cards well hence overblowing whatever they can like Rs.10billion statement of IK.

It's like a complete chess board now - pressure is being mounted on PMLN - moral pressure is being put on SCP, nationalism pressure is being built on PA - I am sure many of you have contacts in all three (political parties, judiciary and army), ask any of them to know how is the situation. One wrong step can backfire - IK had been advised to measure his statements/response by AU, JT, SMQ and PK and not let the pressure get off.

If PA can give support (even moral) to SCP for truthful decision then it will be start of a new book - otherwise it will be yet another chapter in the current book.

We all know - it's not easy to break the shackles of institutionalized corruption - especially when it's cloaked under the garb of psuedo jamhooriyat it needs a strong velocity push for it to become just system - be it western style democratic or Singapore/S Korean/Malaysian style authoritarian rule to lay the foundation and set the direction - I think that once its achieved we can start romanticizing again with western symtyled democracy!

IK should not have made tht statement of 10billion offeredto him, even if it was true... Because now he is not naming the person, PML N might take him to court, on the same 62/63 petition..knowing IK wouldnt name him....And even if IK names tht person..what if tht person backs out in court, and says tht I never made tht offer., then IK will be proven a liar...and might be disqualified too
Plus this statement of Ik has diverted from the real issue pf panama case to this 10 billion offer .and now all discussion is centered around IK..tht who made tht offer? And IK is not ready to name tht person.. IK should act sensibly now, rather than being a suicide bomber

Regd army..i think army needs to come clean on many issues..most importantky being dawn leaks.. What is their stance now..? As everyone thinks theres a NRO by army on dawn leaks..it will diminish their credibility on panama JIT too..tht when they can do NRO on dawn leaks with govt..then why wouldnt they do it on panama? So army must ckear the air abt dawn leaks..
And now this secret jindal Nawaz meeting..what is it all abt?

I think this panama case and JIT will stretch till atleast August now.. Because JIT will take 60 days.. Means end of June.. And then Sc summer vacations? Kab se kab tak hoti hian summer vacations? So atleast till aug, this case is stretched..

Also regd the final bench.. Sabir shakir told tht I talked to a senior retired judge, and he told me..tht findings of JIT will come before 3 judges of panama bench..because its them who have to give decision now..while other 2 have already given their verdict
Just a quick question with three options:

How would you react, if your junior officer becomes a hero and gets all the limelight?

1. Would you be okay to be under his shadow although he reports to you?

2. Would you try to discredit him and bring him down?

3. Would you be unconcerned and do your business as usual job duties and make sure that you look better than him in future?
Just a quick question with three options:

How would you react, if your junior officer becomes a hero and gets all the limelight?

1. Would you be okay to be under his shadow although he reports to you?

2. Would you try to discredit him and bring him down?

3. Would you be unconcerned and do your business as usual job duties?

You are asking with reference to???? Junior officer here, who???? Who has become hero now? U are asking abt two judges?? But two judges dont report to the CJ....??

In recent days.,only they have become heroes..and none else
Simple human psychology question :) like how would you react if it happens to you?
Simple human psychology question :) like how would you react if it happens to you?

Very tricky question.... There cant be any generalised answer to this.. It entirely depends on tht senior officer.. Some ppl might have no problem with it,.thinking tht even if my junior is getting the limelight and becoming hero....its the instituition tht is getting fame and credibility.., while some might be more insecure.,.

Honestly even I cant answer this abt myself..unless i face the same situation... Because one doesnt even know abt itself ...tht how he might react in a scenario, unless confronted with it? I might feel insecure but wont definitely try to bring him down or discredit him, for sure

Again..i might ask..u are asking this question..in which context here??
Very tricky question.... There cant be any generalised answer to this.. It entirely depends on tht senior officer.. Some ppl might have no problem with it,.thinking tht even if my junior is getting the limelight and becoming hero....its the instituition tht is getting fame and credibility.., while some might be more insecure.,.

Honestly even I cant answer this abt myself..unless i face the same situation... Because one doesnt even know abt itself ...tht how he might react in a scenario, unless confronted with it?

Again..i might ask..u are asking this question..in which context here??

Suppose you are Gen Bajwa and your Lt. Gen Shahid B Mirza does an operation and gets to the point that in the eyes of media and general public his name is known so much that he is more visible and people pin hopes with him for everything.

Or suppose you are Ch Iftikhar and Tassaquq Hussein Jillani gets so popular that every hope of the justice is associated with him (rightly or wrongly) under your term as CJP.

How would you react? If your answer is not in the three options I set out - you can give your point of view outside those options!

General concensus is that guy at the top does not like to be in such a situation especially in a country where everything conspicuous has generally more value.
Suppose you are Gen Bajwa and your Lt. Gen Shahid B Mirza does an operation and gets to the point that in the eyes of media and general public his name is known so much that he is more visible and people pin hopes with him for everything.

Or suppose you are Ch Iftikhar and Tassaquq Hussein Jillani gets so popular that every hope of the justice is associated with him (rightly or wrongly) under your term as CJP.

How would you react? If your answer is not in the three options I set out - you can give your point of view outside those options!

General concensus is that guy at the top does not like to be in such a situation especially in a country where everything conspicuous has generally more value.

You are right.. Generally..ppl wouldnt like to be in such a situation..

However..two recent examples show, tht the guy at the top, and his second in command can be equally popular too, at the same time..because guy at the top can get credit for his sec in command too

For example, Gen Raheel Sharif, and gen Nasir Janjua as Comm Southern command... Gen Nasir Janjua became very popular in Balochistan, as corp comm there.. Infact, it was during his term, as Corp Comm balochistan tht insurgency started to die down and peace came back, and he was extrnely loved by ppl.in Balochistan. However it didnt stop Gen Raheel Sharif from becoming equally popular too..

Similarly, in karachi, op against MQM, major credit went to Gen Bilal Akbar.. He was credited with successful rangers ops...but again, it didnt diminish Gen Raheel Sharif's popularity...

Ultimately credit for all those policies went to Gen Raheel Sharif, while his sec in comm were equally popular in their area of command..

So guy at the top and his sec in command can work in sync and can be equally popular and take the limelight collectively..if both are sincere with their duties
I am not doubting the importance of role - would you say Lt. Gen Janjua is more popular in public perception around the globe than RS?

Or was Justice Essa ever in more limelight than Ch. Iftikhar?

In short :) someone is not happy with the type of spotlight been put on one Judge and this displeasure is not being concealed.
Great post but self tasalli unfortunately [emoji20] [emoji20] [emoji20] [emoji20]
I am not doubting the importance of role - would you say Lt. Gen Janjua is more popular in public perception around the globe than RS?

Or was Justice Essa ever in more limelight than Ch. Iftikhar?

In short :) someone is not happy with the type of spotlight been put on one Judge and this displeasure is not being concealed.

Hmmmm.. Oh ok... So thats the point...i was right.. Pehli soch yehi aayi thee, mere dimagh main..when u posted first..

Its a very scary scenario.. I became suspicious the moment, CJ gave tht statement..and said to IK, ke dissenting notes tu poori dunya main aatay hain..kahin it a shor nahi machta... I was like..what?? Who are you to decide..tht which opinion gets limelight and which not? Let the public decide..

Justice Khosa must be really really careful now.. Govt is already against him. Plus if ppl in his own department ...tht is judiciary, become willing conspirators against him...its a very deadly scenario... I hope he emerges out victorious against such conspiracies..
CJ must take note..tht it was because of his actions/decisions tht he became popular.. If u want to become popular too..u can get popular too..u just need to give insaf ...with sincerety..thts it.. Thats what these two judges did

Very hard times, ahead for Justice Khosa.. May Allah bless him
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When PTI and Dr Shahid Masood said " Awam "
It's equal to PTI supporters:tup: than there are another " Awam " who supporting PMLN and than another " AWAM " who supporting PPP and again an AWAM living in Urban Sind who supporting their own.
So Now seperate them all for once and define the word " Awam " :coffee:
And a percent of Awam like me saying where is the struggle for change the corrupt system, removing Nawaz or Zardari isn't the solution. If Nawaz goes Shahbaz or Marrayam are fully ready to take the lead same goes to Zardari.
Mark my words even Nawaz resign or declared NaEhal if we have the that corrupt system there are a line of dozen of Nawaz and Zardari to fill the blank.
80% Awam is happy they are happy with this current corrupt system to get benefits.
When PTI and Dr Shahid Masood said " Awam "
It's equal to PTI supporters:tup: than there are another " Awam " who supporting PMLN and than another " AWAM " who supporting PPP and again an AWAM living in Urban Sind who supporting their own.
So Now seperate them all for once and define the word " Awam " :coffee:
And a percent of Awam like me saying where is the struggle for change the corrupt system, removing Nawaz or Zardari isn't the solution. If Nawaz goes Shahbaz or Marrayam are fully ready to take the lead same goes to Zardari.
Mark my words even Nawaz resign or declared NaEhal if we have the that corrupt system there are a line of dozen of Nawaz and Zardari to fill the blank.
80% Awam is happy they are happy with this current corrupt system to get benefits.
At least you have the honesty to accept that the cyber patriots are a minority. A couple of years ago, PTI supporters refused to accept that majority of the people are with Nawaz and Zardari. The same goes for army fanboys.

Now many of my friends who are staunch supporters of Idiot Khan, accept that they are a tiny minority.

And this corruption mantra will also end one day. It has been overused so much that ordinary people have stopped bothering about it. I personally don't give a damn about corruption. We are third world after all. This isn't Switzerland.

Idiot Khan is never gonna win by proving that his opponents are corrupt. He just doesn't get it. His small brain can't comprehend electoral politics.
Problem with Pakistan is people taking bribes. If the judges were not corrupt then there would be justice. They set the tone for the rest of the society. Allah does not condone corruption. NS (and his filthy family), Zardari etc. will all be in jahanam for eternity. If the electricity crisis is not solved by next year they're done for, already adding on to the Nandipur project I'd say 2018 isn't possible lmao. NS doesn't give two shits for poor people. What Musharraf did in his tenure was fantastic in terms of economic activity, education and overall quality of life. Too bad this government did not reciprocate.
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At least you have the honesty to accept that the cyber patriots are a minority. A couple of years ago, PTI supporters refused to accept that majority of the people are with Nawaz and Zardari. The same goes for army fanboys.

Now many of my friends who are staunch supporters of Idiot Khan, accept that they are a tiny minority.

And this corruption mantra will also end one day. It has been overused so much that ordinary people have stopped bothering about it. I personally don't give a damn about corruption. We are third world after all. This isn't Switzerland.

Idiot Khan is never gonna win by proving that his opponents are corrupt. He just doesn't get it. His small brain can't comprehend electoral politics.
Then what should he do?

Accept defeat and let choor daku rule the roost?
There is not a single judge that have confirmed that Nawaz Sharif and his family are innocent and all their properties are made by legal means and the case should be dismissed! NO A SINGLE ONE have stated this.

And this means nothing. It would have meant something in a country whose leaders have some morality. By leaving Sharif in the seat, Supreme Court is asking him to resign himself or stay in power. Then the Supreme Court asked the same institutions to nominate its members to constitute a JIT.

How will these officers investigate a sitting PM? How will Pakistan even achieve objective results when the country is not a member of bilateral or multilateral arrangement to share information regarding offshore holdings?

Supreme Court should have de-seated the PM. Only then there was a chance Sharif could be investigated. SC decision is neither here nor there.


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