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Few words of appreciation

This Forum Truly Represents the thoughts and Views of Pakistanis :pakistan: from all over the world and then we get the Feedback from Indian members, Bangladeshi members and some response from the West (USA,UK and Europe) as well. Everyone is Free to Express his/her views but those who misuse this forum are Punished by the Mods and Administrator.

Now this is the beauty of :pdf: That everyone is treated Equally and I salute my Mods and Administrator for Making this :pdf: Forum one of the most Favorite Defence forum not only for Pakistanis but for many other as well.

Job Well done:enjoy::yahoo:

Most Importantly This Forum :pdf: has Shown the youth of PAKISTAN " WHAT IS THE TRUE MEANING OF DEMOCRACY ". This Forum has teached us how to debate with others who have difference of Opinion with us and how to Present our Views more Positively even on sensitive issues like Defence of our Motherland.

Even though we do have the freedom of speech and expression---I believe that the standards of posting should be a little higher than what they are.

Posters need to do a little more research on their own before starting a thread and putting in a simple childish question.

Since the mumbai attacks there seems to be a big influx of new members on the board----some memberes who had been inactive for a long time started sharing their thoughts---good for us---but then new members----seems like a high school class was let loose and the first place they saw, to trash, was defence.pk forum----don't know how to act amongst the adults and the hard part is not willing to learn either.

A piece of directive to younger members---please read the posts and keep in mind and perspective the tone, the rhythm, the manner of speech and the effort put by the poster in their postings----.

Try to use the search engine----it is really really easy----it is simple and stupid----just type in your question or statement in the search engine and you will have your answers---that is it---so easy---then you need to do your research---after that put your thoughts and input on the paper----instead of putting paste and post items at every oppurtunity that you get---just stop for a moment and look at your response or inquiry---then ask yourself---is my inquiry intelligent enough to be worthy of being posted on this board. being a little critical to your input will make this forum much better. Thankyou.

Even though we do have the freedom of speech and expression---I believe that the standards of posting should be a little higher than what they are.

Posters need to do a little more research on their own before starting a thread and putting in a simple childish question.

Since the mumbai attacks there seems to be a big influx of new members on the board----some memberes who had been inactive for a long time started sharing their thoughts---good for us---but then new members----seems like a high school class was let loose and the first place they saw, to trash, was defence.pk forum----don't know how to act amongst the adults and the hard part is not willing to learn either.

A piece of directive to younger members---please read the posts and keep in mind and perspective the tone, the rhythm, the manner of speech and the effort put by the poster in their postings----.

Try to use the search engine----it is really really easy----it is simple and stupid----just type in your question or statement in the search engine and you will have your answers---that is it---so easy---then you need to do your research---after that put your thoughts and input on the paper----instead of putting paste and post items at every oppurtunity that you get---just stop for a moment and look at your response or inquiry---then ask yourself---is my inquiry intelligent enough to be worthy of being posted on this board. being a little critical to your input will make this forum much better. Thankyou.

no offence, but u guide young breeds to use search engine, thts cool uncle, i jst wanna say, u r cool with dashes :P
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no offence, but u guide young breeds to use search engine, thts cool uncle, i jst wanna say, u r cool with dashes :P

---End Quote---
no offence, but i shuld say, u ppl r of old breed now, young guys now r born with iphone in their hands, if u dont know how to operate a remote control of TV, let me know, its really very easy, and ofcourse u look really concerned rnt u?? U 571

now who is derailing the thread and making muchli bazaar??, where is mastan aka masti khan

pakar ke laao, where r the mods U 571

Hello U571,

Please refrain from using personal comments.

Hello U571,

Please refrain from using personal comments.


LOL, anyways, where did u get that from, r u blackmailing me :P

no offence but, "derailing the thread" was pointed to some members not u, "pakar ke lao" like making tafreeh in urdu, i was pointing to mods not u :P

and if u have been annoyed by my comments so far, then apologies from me, accept this, r u the man with the hat in ur profile pics, LOL

u see, u have gained 9 points from a single post :P, ever wondered, u havent been made the mod bcoz u act like one?? no dash bw U and 5 LOL mr dash
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Someone on this forum was so much annoyed with hospitality and opportunities provided to the Indian members, that he called "This forum is run by Zionists".:rofl::rofl:
Yes, i love this forum because it gives opportunity to everyone to explain his/her point of view. This forum does not compromise on quality, no matter who is posting it (i've seen members with more than 5000 posts getting banned on this forum). An indian is not confronted with hostility and being a Pakistani does not give any advantage over here.
We are only doing what we can do. Without a mature community, we cant do, what we do.

I agree this is a great forum and the admin must get due credit for keeping it so.

Keep it up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Someone on this forum was so much annoyed with hospitality and opportunities provided to the Indian members, that he called "This forum is run by Zionists".:rofl::rofl:
Yes, i love this forum because it gives opportunity to everyone to explain his/her point of view. This forum does not compromise on quality, no matter who is posting it (i've seen members with more than 5000 posts getting banned on this forum). An indian is not confronted with hostility and being a Pakistani does not give any advantage over here.

since ur IDF is closed, u ppl r flocking down here :rofl:, ayeee sir!!!, its not the admins, but some members here r too liberal thinkers, they dont even have idea, wht the heck they say!!!, its the deceptive impression that it gives to other members here, esp non-pak, they really get false idea abt pakistan!!
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I did'nt joint IDF and BR forum.
I normally spend few months on forums reading posts and try get its flavor. i spend 2-3 hours just reading post on this forum also. i've got Iran defence forum, Israel defence forum, Chinese defence forum, BR etc. on my fav list. But after joining this forum i seldom visit them.
LOL, anyways, where did u get that from, r u blackmailing me :P

no offence but, "derailing the thread" was pointed to some members not u, "pakar ke lao" like making tafreeh in urdu, i was pointing to mods not u :P

and if u have been annoyed by my comments so far, then apologies from me, accept this, r u the man with the hat in ur profile pics, LOL

u see, u have gained 9 points from a single post :P, ever wondered, u havent been made the mod bcoz u act like one?? no dash bw U and 5 LOL mr dash


These clips are from your original posts---that I got e-mailed the moment you posted them.
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