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Few videos about Kashmirs Latest struggle.

Are you not being a hypocrite - What is your country doing now?For **** sake your home minister is saying the stone pelters infiltrated from across the border..:rofl::rofl: and that all problems in Kashmir are due to Pakistan..

FYI They are not just stone throwers, but fully armed terrorists.

Yes the Home Minister is right. The world has repeatedly requested Pakistan to crack down on them, glad to see there is some progress.
It's high time you also acknowledge the problem, else the fire will engulf your house too.

And its not a fake WOT it's real, and to stay till solution or destruction.
You decide which way you want it to end.
What about Balochistan?? Why are they being suppressed?

Yes because its part of Pakistan, similarly so is all of Kashmir part of India.
Now misguided youth by vicious propaganda and influence, should not be allowed to hold a nation as hostage.

When Indians aren't left with anything to say on Kashmir they start their rant about Balochistan. Did we said anything about Assam or Khalistan. NO because we consider them Indian territory. Since Kashmir isn't Indian territory we are discussing it. It was never an Indian territory and it will never be an Indian territory. We are not interfering in India's internal matters because we are discussing Kashmir.

Kashmir is anything but Indian.

Add more videos and expose more about Indian's dot dot dot dot.

Our well wishes are always with Kashmiries and with their brothers. A desperate attempt is needed.
Add more videos and expose more about Indian's dot dot dot dot.

Our well wishes are always with Kashmiries and with their brothers. A desperate attempt is needed.
Yeah come and join them, and feel the bullet up your butt.

Look due to violence by by Terrorists the Hindu and other religion Kashmiri had to migrate to Jammu. I am one of them.
So if you any muslim Kashmiri feels they want to go to Pakistan, they are more than welcome. Leave today. But Kashmir is not going anywhere, we will return to our homes soon, once these SOB retards leave the valley.
You people who have nothing to do with Kashmir or Kashmiris , so just shut your mouths, as we have suffered enough by your fingering.
For heaven sake look after your homes, and leave us alone.
Look due to violence by by Terrorists the Hindu and other religion Kashmiri had to migrate to Jammu. I am one of them.

You people who have nothing to do with Kashmir or Kashmiris , so just shut your mouths, as we have suffered enough by your fingering.

Well you've done the first stage. Now proceed to the final stage that is leave them completely.

You must know about human right? So in that sense we have something with them, that is at least be their well wisher.
Indian soldier caught and beaten by Kashmiris
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Yeah come and join them, and feel the bullet up your butt.

Look due to violence by by Terrorists the Hindu and other religion Kashmiri had to migrate to Jammu. I am one of them.
So if you any muslim Kashmiri feels they want to go to Pakistan, they are more than welcome. Leave today. But Kashmir is not going anywhere, we will return to our homes soon, once these SOB retards leave the valley.
You people who have nothing to do with Kashmir or Kashmiris , so just shut your mouths, as we have suffered enough by your fingering.
For heaven sake look after your homes, and leave us alone.

Are you a koshur batta ?
I hope Kashmiris get their freedom soon, and india is made to pay a heavy price for all the killings of innocent kashmiris and their cruel oppression.
surely this american and american stooge criminal behavious will not go un noticed for long, enough blood has been already spilt in the name terribly fake WoT, those died in drone attacks and pak army is worse than 1971. no sane pakistani supports this fake war which is un reasonable and has no time limit, no limit of killings of innocent pakistanis

These are not American or RAW/CIA/Mossad stooges be realistic, these guys were nurtured by the very security establishment/Agencies in who these guys are fighting today. The Chickens have come home to roost, this good Taliban and bad Taliban strategy will not work.

Also the general assumption that exists that once the US leaves Afghanistan everything with be all right is a myth, this will not end the only way this will end is by investing in education,social services etc....and betterment of people all over your country and separation of religion from state else nothing is going to happen, this will go on.
whenever thousand of pakistani killed in bomb blast than no body seen tears in ur eyes....
actually what's problem with ur pakistani u never look at your self always blames on others.

Can you give me an example of when thousands of Pakistanis died in a bomb attack? No, because there is no such event in Kashmir, India, Pakistan. Yes, I am affected by bomb attacks against Pakistanis aswell, but this is not the thread to comment on them. Unlike you I do not derail threads. Please check my posts in the Mohmand Suicide thread in Pakistan War section.
I hope Kashmiris get their freedom soon, and india is made to pay a heavy price for all the killings of innocent kashmiris and their cruel oppression.

Ameen, those who are participating in this genocide should be hanged.

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