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Few ‘thousands’ cannot defeat ‘millions’, believes PM

Going amock due to frustration....so and so is the cause of our decline...so and so caused me not to get a job...so and so has influence and backing hence got the job (corruption causes this types of frustrations and when vulnerable anyone can pick up these kids and use them as they please- terrorist; against state in whatever form)
I dont know how a slow change will bring more jobs when all are exported overseas...I also dont know what sort of slow change will bring a stable economy which was stable way before NS existed!
It was smart looking from the eyes of a city dweller but pathetic if you are in their shoes...esp if you are being punished based on few who would have caused and restricting movement of NATIONALS of a country within their own country! If State is soo fearful of such as you mentioned then they should have done something :
register them (like they eventually did but being a BS in the start was necessary to grow the gap, right?)
Or give them another site to go....make an area available to them...do something...But ahhh we want slow change we sit quietly and wait....change is coming...any min now :agree: instead of getting up and doing something different we announced the shutting of our gates to our own! How pathetic! And this is called slow change?

How many times have we told ourselves that? I believe more than 20-50 yrs? Stable change is soo slow and steady it has arrived...India who got independence about the same time as us managed to
uproot feudal system
make a nobody (Modi) into a somebody!
Has innovative ideas (the hydro + solar combo is awesome! - when was the last time we had something revolutionary in some field that useful to the country? Oh yea...slow change we need to sit down quietly and wait for it right :agree: )

That is change! And for them it arrived not exactly slow but it arrived! Where are we on the chart of making a nobody a somebody? :pop:

heck even Bangladesh who got independence after us from ourselves is somewhat stable and has market overseas and doesnt get as much loadshedding as us!!

How by magic? Coz as I see it ...NS is all ready to give the seat to PPP...where is the change? Whose bringing it?
How? When all the issues are being swept under the table and being laughed at when IK brings them up? Oh yea slow change...its coming...

And that is never going to happen if you close your gates like you did for IDP! Its never going to happen when ruling elites sit at the top...and it certainly is never going to happen when you laugh at people with ideas different than yours! Revolution comes with out of the box thinking...Thinking that is new to the area hence the word revolution (a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system.)

Why will such a thing happen? What makes you paint this picture?

In the words of Faiz Ahmed Faiz.. who when asked by a young man when will there be revolution : " Aajaye ga, abhi aap ki umar hi kya hai?"

All your points demonstrate impatience, a rather immediate need to see something different without realizing the consequences of what you ask. What guarantee do you have that the "change" that is to be brought by the so called 14 August march will be positive? All indicators point to a further destabilization, a removal of faith from investors, social chaos and civil unrest. Yet, the need for something new drives a journey rather than a destination.
ironically the MQM's flawed motto of "Manzil nahi, Rehnuma Chahiye" fits these ideals perfectly. Where are the issues being swept under the table? IK has all the time to ensure that by rule of law these issues are made paramount next election. The media will ensure it as well. For whatever its worth, the NS government as corrupt as it is has stabilized the country to a certain extent. For once the military and civil agencies seem to be on the same page and are working together.

What you promote is impatience, the sort of impatience one sees from a young teenager wanting to look at bad movies in yor definition of "amok" and "astray"... of the young girl who longs for a companion in a strict household. Its not about the idea of rejecting an opinion or new idea, its the idea of not wanting to following a maddened immature crowd into the sea led by the Pied Piper. There is no difference in gauging that immaturity, instead of looking where the piper is taking you .. everyone following him is merrily singing behind him and pushing everything aside without realizing that what awaits them is a jump into the ocean to drown.
I am amazed when people defend a government who came in through rigging, who ordered shooting on their own people as a result of which 14 people were killed in broad day light, Marginalize his own army by backing a private tv channel. Is this the change people here are advocating for, than sorry we rather have our fat egos than to accept this fallacy as a change.

There is no democratic system in place, its monarchy, we dont have a PM but a King who does not like his views to be challenged. People who are familar with Nawaz's previous tenures perfectly understand that he is the same man he was before, nothing has changed.

Imran is not asking Nawaz to resign, he is asking for a re-count in 4 constituencies, he is asking for a electronic voting system so that all this what happened in previous election could be avoided. Tell me what is wrong in either of these two demands? Tell me how a strong electoral system will weaken democracy? Although it will weaken the grip of these thugs on power who come in simply with ballot boxes filled with faked votes. This is the only reason why so much propaganda is being done and so much hue cry is made over Imran's 14th August march.
In the words of Faiz Ahmed Faiz.. who when asked by a young man when will there be revolution : " Aajaye ga, abhi aap ki umar hi kya hai?"
lolz....that is the typical attitude of every Pakistani...

All your points demonstrate impatience, a rather immediate need to see something different without realizing the consequences of what you ask.
Naah am not impatient...I aint that young either...But to have reforms that actually happen and take place and are implemented is a need and the cry of the century! I have lived seeing Pakistan drop from grace! So mind you I am not impatient but disgusted at the thinking of sit back and relax attitude! Everyone works for a thing to happen nothing happens by sitting and waiting!

What guarantee do you have that the "change" that is to be brought by the so called 14 August march will be positive?
The same guarantee people are giving that 5 yrs with NS will bring Pakistan to the moon!
All indicators point to a further destabilization, a removal of faith from investors, social chaos and civil unrest.
Each indicator is a mirage of the person talking about it...Not one is a balanced profile and noone can say for certain what will happen...Kun fa ya kun can change the whole image and Qun fa ya Qun can show you a different image of the same coin!
Yet, the need for something new drives a journey rather than a destination.
Life is a journey of twisted paths ...turning and intertwining...and the only destination it promises is the grave!
ironically the MQM's flawed motto of "Manzil nahi, Rehnuma Chahiye" fits these ideals perfectly.
What is Rehnuma?
Where are the issues being swept under the table? IK has all the time to ensure that by rule of law these issues are made paramount next election.
Law is in the hands of the behold! And that is not even a joke...
- we have VIP jails! Yup even in jail the VIP get to suck tax money an get their VIP treatments (what sort of a law is that?)
- we have sold out courts, lawyers, judges...you name it...what law will issue a change? What law will allow changes? Been over 1 year and only now do "some" issues about the election surface and even then people are laughing at IK going on and on keeping the topic alive! even now people are not hanging their heads in shame for the shit that happened and was going under the carpet...That is 1st stage of change acknowledge there is a problem but people laugh at IK when he brings up "ANY" problems! 1st stage is already in the grave and you say change a jai gi...just keep quiet and wait for everything to go under the carpet and keep waiting!
The media will ensure it as well. For whatever its worth, the NS government as corrupt as it is has stabilized the country to a certain extent.
Yup same media who were reporting Karachi thing was had India on written all over it...and then they kept confusing vaccine and cancer meds with factor 8? Yea that media is gonna open our eyes :agree:

For once the military and civil agencies seem to be on the same page and are working together.
The only thing one can breathe about!

Imran is not asking Nawaz to resign, he is asking for a re-count in 4 constituencies, he is asking for a electronic voting system so that all this what happened in previous election could be avoided. Tell me what is wrong in either of these two demands? Tell me how a strong electoral system will weaken democracy? Although it will weaken the grip of these thugs on power who come in simply with ballot boxes filled with faked votes. This is the only reason why so much propaganda is being done and so much hue cry is made over Imran's 14th August march.
Damn I forgot to touch this point! But brilliantly said!!
Seedhi baat:

1. We need stability, not marches and stuff that lead to instability.

2. We must keep long-term goals in mind. A continuation of stable democracy is a pre-requisite for investor confidence, policies' continuation, and fiscal improvement. 2013 was the first time a political government handed over power to another after completion of its full term. Painful as PPP rule was, this was one good thing that happened apart from 18th amendment.

3. Threatening marches and such is OK to get the government to accede to demands without having the government claim credit. But actually going ahead with devices and tricks that lead to instability is very irresponsible. For this PTI will pay. They have already used up a good deal of their political capital so far. Staying the course will not get them mid-term elections, or electoral recounts. One just can not tell whether forcing reforms (a good thing) actually hides an agenda of forcing government out of power.

4. PTI people now openly criticize the government for allegedly having come to power on back of rigging. As far as I can tell, this is just preposterous. 4 or 40 seats going to PTI would still have yielded the same government. Rigging and voting irregularities work both ways on local level. PTI people must not forget that.

5. IK is loosing time in these protests. In the last elections people voted for survival of Pakistan as a state. Next elections will be contested on basis of development. KPK can not develop on its own just like that. It needs Federal government role in rolling out and completing some projects that can showcase PTI's ability to deliver. If PTI does so and shows improved working in social services (which it is already doing), then it has a good chance of being elected. Right now things do not look good strategically. Federal government can break the provincial government at any time and impose governor rule. If IK threatens instability, NS will not hold back. So far NS has acted like a statesman, but he is the same person who locked horns with Presidency, Establishment, Benazir, all at the same time.

6. I have a feeling that non-PML-N folks are worried that if this government achieves 70-80 percent of their promises, they are likely to be re-elected. With this in mind, I can tell that the current strategy by IK is bound to back-fire. For a person who wants to see a healthy competition, I can only feel bad about such prospects.

7. IK needs to understand that his legacy does not have to be a stint of PM-ship. It could be a strong, vibrant, democratic, and committed PTI that would stand the test of time and overcome the traditional political set up that we now see.
I am surprised to see that as fair as IK used to call himself, he has allied with Sheikh Rasheed, Cycle tola and Inqalab and they plan all together to do massive protest against govt at D square on 14th august.

A plan like this to topple the govt.....Where is IK's fairness when he is allying with people like inqalabi tola and Cycle tola.......Sigh Sigh Sigh
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