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Female pilots achieved yet another landmark F.P. Report


Jan 10, 2007
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Female pilots achieved yet another landmark F.P. Report

ISALAMABAD: The female pilots of Pakistan Air Force achieved yet another landmark. Through consistent hard work, consummate dedication and exemplary spirit, they completed their operational conversion on F-7 fighter aircraft. Three female pilots alongwith twenty male colleagues graduated today after completing their operational conversion course on F-7 fighter aircraft. They will now be deployed in different fighter squadrons of Pakistan Air Force. The Graduation Ceremony of Operational Conversion Course was held at Pakistan Air Force Base, Mianwali. Air Vice Marshal Faaiz Amir, Air Officer Commanding Northern Air Command was the Chief Guest at the occasion. Speaking on the occasion the chief guest said" Here I must remind you all that while you have completed the formal fighter training, this actually marks the beginning of a new demanding era in your professional career. As proud inheritors of glorious traditions, you'll not only be expected to live up to the finest examples of devotion, courage and professional excellence but also keep pace with the modern aviation trends to set new standards." He further said "The female members of fighters' community, as pioneers, will not only be pace setters in professional standards but in you lies the destiny of many aspiring young ladies who are keen to share your experiences to decide about their future." He also commended Base personnel for their painstaking efforts undertaken for safe, smooth and timely graduation of the Courses. Two operational conversion courses graduated today in which Flying Officer Nadir Ali won trophies for Overall Best Performance and Best in Flying in one course, while in the other, Flying Officers Arslan Zahoor and Kamran Safdar were the recipient of trophies for Best in Flying and Overall Best Performance respectively. Earlier, on his arrival, the Chief Guest was received by Air Commodore Azher Hasan, Base Commander Pakistan Air Force Base, Mianwali.

The Frontier Post
I think this is the first time we've had female fighter pilots, right? Before this they were only in transport squadrons. This puts us among the few nations of the world to have female fighter pilots. :pakistan:
I think this is the first time we've had female fighter pilots, right? Before this they were only in transport squadrons. This puts us among the few nations of the world to have female fighter pilots. :pakistan:

Snake Flg Off Hina of No. 18 OCU flew the chase sortie on F-7P aircraft on 03 Dec 2007, becoming the second lady pilot to fly single cockpit fighter aircraft in the history of PAF.
Insh'Allah we will see women pilots of definite calibre take lead in the future with JF-17s marked with their name.
do women actually serve in the air force as combattants or are they trainers?
i posted this on another forum and will share my views here too,

Happy to hear the news, i just wish in combat situation they are restricted to CAP not interdiction or strike missions coz God forbid if they are shot down i don't want to imagine what sort of POW they will end up being
They will serve as combattants also.

That remains to be seen in my opinion. There will always be security, cultural, and religious considerations around the deployment of women on combat duties.
What's CAP

like solid snake said CAP = Combat Air Patrol

other normal type of combat missions are

CAS = Close Air Support, CAS missions are strike Destroy as many enemy vehicles as missions flown against enemy army units possible that are in close proximity to friendly forces.

CAP = Combat Air Patrol, This type of mission is to protect a particular important area, aircraft are restricted to protect that area

Interdiction = Interdiction Air attacks on enemy logistics and Cause as much damage to the target as reinforcements moving toward the front. possible.

SEAD = Suppression of Enemy Air Defences, Mission against enemy radar, SAM and AAA installations.

Escort = Escorting a precious entity such as VIP or AWACS

Sweep =Aggressive counter air patrol into Kill as many enemy aircraft as possible within enemy territory without taking losses.

Recon = Reconnaissance of a area or an asset, normally a mission to collect data (photographs)

DCA Defensive Counter Air = A counter air Stay on station and ensure that no friendly targets in the station area are destroyed.

BARCAP Barrier Combat Air Patrol = A counter Stay on station for the designated time until another sortie takes over the charge and relieve the formation.BARCAPs are used to protect a defined airspace from enemy approach.

HAVCAP High Value Asset protection = This kind of mission we won't be doing at the moment since its mainly to protect AWACS and or tanker which is high value asset.

TARCAP Target Combat Air Patrol. = An air-to-air Protect friendly aircraft at the target. mission designed to protect friendly attack aircraft at a target area.

RESCAP Rescue Combat Air Patrol Mission = . Protect rescue helicopters.

Intercept = Air-to-air interception of enemy aircraft. Destroy assigned target or force them to abort their mission.

OCA Strike Offensive Counter Air strike = . A mission flown against enemy assets such as airbases, runways etc to reduce enemy's ability to launch aircraft and obtain air superiority.

Strike = Air-to-ground mission flown against a wide variety of enemy targets.

Deep Strike Air-to-ground missions flown against a wide variety of enemy targets deep in enemy territory.

FAC Forward Air Control. Normally an aircraft which is at forward lines and have better picture of the battle and can direct CAS / CAP aircraft in real time.

BDA Battle Damage Assessment. BDA missions Photograph the target to assess battle damage caused by the strike package.

Anti-Ship Strike As the name suggests, mission against naval targets.

damn it was nice to refer to my good ol Falcon 4.0 manual to refresh my memory for this post :D
damn it was nice to refer to my good ol Falcon 4.0 manual to refresh my memory for this post :D

You fly on Falcon 4.0? Do you have allied force? I do...though I don't have a HOTAS joystick system so at the moment I'm not flying.

There's dozens of US and Turkish squadrons. Unfortunately nobody in Pakistan flies online, of course because internet is so slow there.

Here is one such online squadron: Home of the 388th Virtual Fighter Wing: Falcon 4.0 Allied Force
do women actually serve in the air force as combattants or are they trainers?

If they come across a foe they will engage him, without any delay. Would you consider it a combat?

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