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Female foeticide

I think solution to this is; embrace Islam or at least start practicing the teachings of Quran.
Islam the religon of peace was revealed to Mohammad (PBUH) at the very moment when the residents of land were indulged in exactly similar practice.
new born female killing was the first thing which prophet banned.
His own life is an example, how to treat daughters and widows.

I don't think that will be a great solution.

Just check out these Pakistani links:

The News - International - Thursday, May 01, 2008

Muslims do not treat women right. According to the Global Gender Gap (GGG) report, the planet's ten-worst offenders are: Yemen, Chad, Pakistan, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, Benin, Morocco, Turkey, Egypt and Oman. Of the ten, nine are Muslim-majority states. At the other end of the spectrum, the planet's best countries for women to live in are: Sweden, Norway, Finland, Ireland, New Zealand, Philippines, Germany, Denmark, Ireland and Spain. Not even one of the top-ten is a Muslim-majority state.

One more great article by the same author which was greatly moving.

By Dr Farrukh Saleem
Sunday January 14, 2007

" Azra Jabeen "

Kia aurat 'naqisul aqal' hoti hai? (Are women mentally deficient?) Azra Jabeen is for real, and so is her story. Born in Bangalore to Muslim parents living in a Hindu-majority dirty mohalla. In the midst of India's Silicon Valley, Azra's father, a small shopkeeper, brings home a paltry five thousand rupees a month but insists that raising half a dozen children would make him a better Muslim. Azra, third in line with five siblings, grew up always being told "aurat naqisul aqal hoti hai" (women are mentally deficient).

Munira, Azra's much brighter older sister, was married off at the age of 16. Azra was sent to school just because all the Hindu girls her age in the neighbourhood went to school. Abdul Bari High School, run by Maulvi Abdul Bari, charged Rs15 a month. Between the school and Azra's house was a library. Azra's mother and her grandmother thought books were a waste but Azra somehow developed a secret love affair with books. "I was 10 when I read 'Zorba the Greek' and the novel more than anything transformed my life," recalls Azra. After school, Azra memorised half of the Holy Quran.

Azra, severely asthmatic, wearing thick glasses, was never good marriage material. Marriage proposals came but from families that were even worse off than Azra's. "Sending Muslim girls to college was like giving up your daughter to prostitution," remembers Azra. Good luck and bad asthma kept Azra from getting married while thick glasses got her through college. "All through college years my entire wardrobe contained two sets of cotton shalwar-kameez and a single three-meter duppata," remembers Azra.

After a B.A. in Economics, Azra somehow made a good impression on an old Brahmin gentleman who gave Azra a job at the British Airways office. Azra wanted more. The old Brahmin made British Airways reimburse Azra for GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) and TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) fees. In GMAT, Azra came in the top two percentile.

Santa Clara University, a Jesuit-affiliated university, in California not only accepted her for admission but gave her a tuition scholarship as well. The State Bank of India loaned her enough to buy a ticket plus $200. She had $200 in her purse and parents who refused to see her face. Once in California, an MBA plus a nine-month internship, Compaq became her first real employer. Azra is now the G & A Controller at Symantec Corporation, a $20 billion, California-based, Nasdaq-100 company. At Symantec, Azra now manages a $2 billion budget, five managers report to her and she reports directly to a VP (hoping to be a VP in two years). Her colleagues at Symantec look at her as a rising eastern star.

Azra found her life partner over the Internet; a scientist with a Ph.D. from Bowling Green State University. He is Shia, she is Sunni. She is religious, he is not. So far, she has had multiple miscarriages (perhaps, because of the medications she has been taking for her asthma). It's her husband who keeps on trying to "undo three decades of self doubts and indoctrinated inadequacies".

Azra now wears thousand-dollar Channel suits and tells me that she feels guilty walking into her wardrobe. Last week, she told me: "When I look at Munira I look at lost opportunities. She was much smarter than I ever was. When I look at my house in California and my bank accounts I wonder if it's a dream. Sometimes I pinch myself to see if it's all real." Two others issues that continue to agitate Azra's mind are: One, "I always wondered why on aqeeqa one goat was sacrificed for a girl and two for a boy". Two, "why my testimony was less than my brothers".

Azra is working on computerising Abdul Bari High School. Her dream is to save up some $5 million and then return to India, become a full-time social activist and "work on my fellow Muslim women, disconnect them from their chains".

Unfortunately, this year Muslim parents around the globe will give birth to some 20 million Azras and then tell them that "aurat naqisul aqal hoti hai". Is this why our Muslim Ummah is unable to compete with non-Muslim societies? Is this why we are failing in each and every aspect of human endeavour?

The non-Islamic world does not feel that women enjoy better status in Islamic world. In fact quite the opposite!
And some more info from a WAB post:

Ultimate Evil- 10 million murdered - World Affairs Board

Ughhh, lets get down from the moral highground here. Though we all agree that selective abortion is a social evil, its funny to see people pointing to Indian "culture" for this social evil.

Lets look at China,

Sex-selective infanticide appears to have been practiced at various times in Chinese history such as the Qing dynasty due to population pressures. Sex-selective infanticide appears to occur infrequently in China today. However, there is a strong imbalance in sex ratios in China as well as South Korea, India, and Taiwan, probably the result of sex-selective abortion. In addition, there does appear to be considerable sex-selective abandonment of infants to circumvent China's one child policy.

Son preference is common in China: Chinese tradition says that most parents want their first child to be born a male. Son preference is also due to deeply rooted Confucian traditions, and Chinese parents desire sons in order to make familial propagation, security for the elderly, labor provision, and performance of ancestral rites. China calls the son preference situation the "missing girl" problem.

Parents may wish for a male child because in many cultures only a male will carry on the family name (traditionally when a bride gets married she effectively becomes a member of the groom's family), because they believe that a male is needed for work, or because they wish a male to earn an income needed to support the parents in their old age.

In response to sex-selective abortions, Mainland China has made it illegal for a physician to reveal the sex of a fetus, but female infanticide lingers in China as a result of this law. A non-abortive alternative is sex-selective abandonment, which is also prevalent in China. Most children (about 95 percent of them) in Chinese orphanages are able-bodied girls with living biological parents. These infants were abandoned by their biological parents and sent to orphanages for adoption just because they are female. Many abandoned Chinese girls have been adopted by the westerners and brought to the United States or Canada, while some others have been adopted domestically by childless Chinese couples.

It is estimated that by 2020 there could be more than 35 million young 'surplus males' in China, 25 million in India, and 4 million in Pakistan, all of whom will be unable to find girlfriends or wives. In both China and India there are already growing rates of violent crime, sexual exploitation, and industrial accident fatalities which many attribute to large numbers of single men. The hypothesis is that single men do not have to return home every night to a wife and child, and thus may have less to lose when they engage in irresponsible behavior.Due to the shortage of Chinese women, Chinese men have also opted to marry North Korean and Vietnamese women. Some experts have argued that there is a slim but significant risk of political instability in these countries in the near future.

Sex-selective abortion and infanticide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Korean doctors also use ultrasound to detect gender. Under national law they should be jailed, but since the law was made in the 1980s, only about 30 doctors have lost their licenses. Meanwhile experts estimate that 30,000 Korean female fetuses are aborted annually.

As a result, the ratio of infant boys to girls is far off balance. Worldwide, 106 boys are born for every 100 girls—but in Korea, it's 110 to 100. Among fourth-born children, it's an astonishing 168 to 100. In China, statistics are unreliable—some village lists leave out girls entirely—but the last census logged 119 boys per 100 girls, and most Chinese infants up for adoption are female. In India, the ratio is closer to normal but would likely be higher if more rural families had access to ultrasound. In wealthy Haryana, where clinics flourish, there are 114 boys for every 100 girls.
No Girls, Please - Newsweek Health - MSNBC.com

She is one of perhaps 15 million female babies who have gone missing from China's demographics since the one child per family policy was introduced in 1979. Another tiny bag of bones in what some sinologists claim is the 20th century's hidden holocaust.

It's a girl!

Pakistan is one of the few countries in the world where population gender statistics are skewed in favour of men, demographers say. Out of a population of 149 million people, there are already 105 men for every 100 women, according to the latest demographic profiles.

The reasons for this go beyond the issue of pre-natal gender selection. As many doctors will testify, many more girls than boys die under the age of five, since they are often fed less well than their male counterparts and are less likely to receive prompt medical care when ill.

“It is generally true, parents bring in sick boys far more often than sick girls. A girl’s health and physical well-being is placed at a far lower value compared to that of a boy child,” said Dr Ahad Abbas speaking to IRIN. He has been posted for two years to a tiny rural health centre near Taxila.

Parents do not deny this bias. “For each of my four daughters, I will need to pay out a huge sum when they wed, as dowry and as expenses. My two sons will however add to the household earning,” said Rafiuddin, a father of six children who lives in the rural area of Narang Mandi, some 100 km from Lahore. “I love my daughters, but they are some harsh economic realities that poor people like us must face.”


The last time I checked China, South Korea, Taiwan, Pakistan are not following Indian culture, per se.

Also unlike China, where the govt forced one child policy, which killed a lot more girls, selective abortion happen in rural pockets in certain states. So generalizing it as Indian culture would be really absurd.

The idea of this is just that all of us understand that this heinous crime is not unique to India and not unique to any one religion.

Religions target female foeticide

By Geeta Pandey
BBC News, Haryana

A caravan of 25 vehicles and 200 people has been criss-crossing five northern and western states of India for the past 10 days.

The travellers are on a mission. They are campaigning against female foeticide, which has resulted in a gender imbalance in some parts of the country.

The campaign is being led by well-known religious leader and social activist, Swami Agnivesh.

"There's no other form of violence that's more painful, more abhorrent, more shameful," declares Swami Agnivesh.

The march started in Gujarat on 1 November, the Hindu festival of Diwali. It is due to conclude in Amritsar on 15 November, the birthday of the founder of Sikhism, Guru Nanak.

The campaign covers some of the areas which have the worst gender ratio in India - Haryana, Punjab, Delhi, and Gujarat. All of these states have less than 800 girls for every 1,000 boys.

"The crime has come to acquire such dangerous proportions in our society that the government is feeling very helpless. They think that unless people from the world of religion come forward and join hands and march together, the problem cannot be solved," says Swami Agnivesh.

He says religious leaders of various faiths, including Islam, Christianity, Hinduism and Jainism, are participating in the march.

Heads nod

Dressed in bright saffron robes and a saffron turban, Swami Agnivesh makes a striking picture.

And in the state of Haryana, his arrival is a cause of much excitement.

Haryana boy
Boys have traditionally been seen as superior to girls

Clusters of people wait by the roadside for a glimpse of the man. "If you want to save your religion, you have to save your daughter first. God created the same sun and moon for both the sexes, so who are we to discriminate against the girl child?" he asks a gathering of rural folk.

Heads nod in understanding. Marigold garlands appear from nowhere, and young college girls pester him for his autograph.

A decorated elephant carries him around the narrow streets in Hisar town in Haryana in a procession that lasts two hours.

There are horses, hundreds of people holding saffron flags and anti-foeticide placards, and school girls carrying swords.

A wedding band plays popular Bollywood numbers.

The march concludes at a square in the centre of the town where Swami Agnivesh addresses a huge public rally.

Travelling in Haryana with Swami Agnivesh is a Delhi-based Christian leader, Father Valson Thampu.

"The attack on the foetus does not begin in the womb, it begins in the minds of the human beings. And that's why we need to change the mindsets of the people. And only a spiritual revolution can bring about this change in mindsets," says Father Thampu.

Considered inferior

Experts say female foeticide in India is mostly linked to socio-economic factors.

Protesting against female foeticide
'No other form of violence that is more painful'

The girl child has traditionally been considered inferior and a liability.

It is an idea that many say carries over from the time India was a predominantly agrarian society where boys were considered an extra pair of hands in the farm whereas a girl was considered a liability for whose wedding the parents had to shell out huge dowries.

Swami Agnivesh says religion is partly responsible for the poor value accorded to the girl child.

"We may or may not be able to eradicate this evil completely," he says. "But a step has been taken in the right direction. As they say, instead of cursing the darkness, let's light a candle. And that's what we've been able to do."

Swami Agnives's words seem to have the desired impact on those who's come to hear him.

"No mother will ever kill her daughter willingly," says Ritu Bala, a college student.

"A woman goes for abortion only under pressure from her husband or her in-laws. It's wrong. I'll never do it."

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Religions target female foeticide

Religions target female foeticide

By Geeta Pandey
BBC News, Haryana

A caravan of 25 vehicles and 200 people has been criss-crossing five northern and western states of India for the past 10 days.

The travellers are on a mission. They are campaigning against female foeticide, which has resulted in a gender imbalance in some parts of the country.

The campaign is being led by well-known religious leader and social activist, Swami Agnivesh.

"There's no other form of violence that's more painful, more abhorrent, more shameful," declares Swami Agnivesh.

The march started in Gujarat on 1 November, the Hindu festival of Diwali. It is due to conclude in Amritsar on 15 November, the birthday of the founder of Sikhism, Guru Nanak.

The campaign covers some of the areas which have the worst gender ratio in India - Haryana, Punjab, Delhi, and Gujarat. All of these states have less than 800 girls for every 1,000 boys.

"The crime has come to acquire such dangerous proportions in our society that the government is feeling very helpless. They think that unless people from the world of religion come forward and join hands and march together, the problem cannot be solved," says Swami Agnivesh.

He says religious leaders of various faiths, including Islam, Christianity, Hinduism and Jainism, are participating in the march.

Heads nod

Dressed in bright saffron robes and a saffron turban, Swami Agnivesh makes a striking picture.

And in the state of Haryana, his arrival is a cause of much excitement.

Haryana boy
Boys have traditionally been seen as superior to girls

Clusters of people wait by the roadside for a glimpse of the man. "If you want to save your religion, you have to save your daughter first. God created the same sun and moon for both the sexes, so who are we to discriminate against the girl child?" he asks a gathering of rural folk.

Heads nod in understanding. Marigold garlands appear from nowhere, and young college girls pester him for his autograph.

A decorated elephant carries him around the narrow streets in Hisar town in Haryana in a procession that lasts two hours.

There are horses, hundreds of people holding saffron flags and anti-foeticide placards, and school girls carrying swords.

A wedding band plays popular Bollywood numbers.

The march concludes at a square in the centre of the town where Swami Agnivesh addresses a huge public rally.

Travelling in Haryana with Swami Agnivesh is a Delhi-based Christian leader, Father Valson Thampu.

"The attack on the foetus does not begin in the womb, it begins in the minds of the human beings. And that's why we need to change the mindsets of the people. And only a spiritual revolution can bring about this change in mindsets," says Father Thampu.

Considered inferior

Experts say female foeticide in India is mostly linked to socio-economic factors.

Protesting against female foeticide
'No other form of violence that is more painful'

The girl child has traditionally been considered inferior and a liability.

It is an idea that many say carries over from the time India was a predominantly agrarian society where boys were considered an extra pair of hands in the farm whereas a girl was considered a liability for whose wedding the parents had to shell out huge dowries.

Swami Agnivesh says religion is partly responsible for the poor value accorded to the girl child.

"We may or may not be able to eradicate this evil completely," he says. "But a step has been taken in the right direction. As they say, instead of cursing the darkness, let's light a candle. And that's what we've been able to do."

Swami Agnives's words seem to have the desired impact on those who's come to hear him.

"No mother will ever kill her daughter willingly," says Ritu Bala, a college student.

"A woman goes for abortion only under pressure from her husband or her in-laws. It's wrong. I'll never do it."

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Religions target female foeticide

This has been normal in India for ages, a march of 200 people won't change anything unless the government steps forward and acknowledges they have a problem, India never accepts any problems as their own, they only blame outsiders
John McAvoy, Chicago USA

am comment can be found at the end of your posted news link.
I don't think that will be a great solution.

Just check out these Pakistani links:

The News - International - Thursday, May 01, 2008

One more great article by the same author which was greatly moving.

The non-Islamic world does not feel that women enjoy better status in Islamic world. In fact quite the opposite!

And some more info from a WAB post:

Ultimate Evil- 10 million murdered - World Affairs Board

The idea of this is just that all of us understand that this heinous crime is not unique to India and not unique to any one religion.

This is a nonsense report by some biased anti Islam hawks. What are the parameters?
Good you brought up this issue.
It is enough to judge the bias of the organization from the only point that the worst crime against woman can ever be is to kill her because of her sex! And millions of such incidents been recorded annually in India. And still India is not declared as the worst state. Imagine half of babies are of opposite sex i.e. were boys naturally. In other words they survived because of there sex.
As I said, female foeticide was practiced by Indian society on their own will and not because of state policy of one child as you quoted in case of China's history, from Qings dynasty.

All your counter claims are from Indian mouth and yes the thread from ``worlds affairs board`` is also filled by some anti Pakistan and anti Islam fanatic named RAY and he was Indian too. I’m sure he has guided you to his hard work which is the only official Indian justification for their another shame ful genocide.
Why the hell your have to drag Pakistan in every argument?
It is India, where women are burnt alive upon the death of her husband. If they are not burnt than they are keept in isloation till death, a situation even more worst than death.
Women get infected with Aids from men, not because men are not aware of their desease because women have no right to say no.
Most of girl parents have to negotiate dowry before marriage. Girls are mostly not fed well and eventually fail to grow more than 4 feet.

Refering back to your quotes; my dear we are not discussing individual acts/incidents or state laws.
We are discussing the choice of a Hindu society and it is not some famous chain murder horor, it is the shameful murder of millions of their own (female) babies and continued with more vigour as we speak.

You think one news of demo (by Miss Panday)will change your society? You think, the hate of women which existed in Hindu society from centuries will end in one day or one year? No Sir. And for your information, I personally know south Indians who choose boys. Infect, contrary to your claim and propaganda by your media, Indian Punjabis have no problem with girl child, it is south Indians who are more in to this evil. This anti Punjabi propaganda is the result of personal grudge of gandhi family with Punjabis.

Now again going back to the GG report. In Saudi Arabia the condition of women is 1000 times better of than any part of the world. Yes they cannot aquire driving liscence yet, but they can hire a driver and buy cars. Other wise all of them have access to health, education, food, descent house, sanitation, asian maids, financial support from state and banks, they are doctors, engineers, lawyers , bussines women and it is all legall. And some day they will have permission to drive as well. Which is more of a matter of arogance than rights.

Reports like GGR are normally for the consumption of western women or non muslim women. Those reports will never mention that despite no driving permission Saudi Women can move every where, freely by taxi or their own car and plus the respectful life, which is denied to women in non-muslim societies, instead women are being exploited by non-muslim societies. All such fabricated reports are designed to keep western women away from Islami cultures and males.

Now let me disclose you some facts about Pakistani women, Pakistan is the only country in the world who has most woman Ambassadors and also the only country in the world having most woman Ambassadors in continent Europe. Pakistani women has served as Ambassadors to US. Long before any other other Asia country can dream.
Our women serve in all civil and non civil areas. Our women can study all fields of education known to human. We had a women prime minister twice. We have woman served almost in all capacities. Speaker of national and provincial assemblies, head of state bank etc. We have higher ratio of women in parliament than any of our neighbours.
We have women as fighter pilots, soldiers, doctors, engineers, scientists, software developers, banking, sports, any field of life you can imagine, we have women working more freely than any of our regional countries. hell we even have more women movie directors than your bolly wood.

If women is such a menace in Indian society that it is destined to death before birth or a life worst than death than please, ask for assistance to UN or migrate them to neighbour countries. but for God sake don’t kill them and don’t burn them.
This has been normal in India for ages, a march of 200 people won't change anything unless the government steps forward and acknowledges they have a problem, India never accepts any problems as their own, they only blame outsiders
John McAvoy, Chicago USA

am comment can be found at the end of your posted news link.

Dear god.....

1. Indian govt. has accepted the problem long ago and it has been illegal for qute some time now. Who do you think Manmohan Singh is? President of Russia?

2. This is just one example of social work that's taking place. Nowhere in the article was this mentioned that in the whole of India, only 200 people have suddenly woken up. I really don't know how people can write such hairbrained comments.

3. If you are so concerned, please donate some money to one of the many NGOs working to spread awareness about the problem, or better yet, come over to India and lend a helping hand.
This is a nonsense report by some biased anti Islam hawks. What are the parameters?
Good you brought up this issue.
It is enough to judge the bias of the organization from the only point that the worst crime against woman can ever be is to kill her because of her sex! And millions of such incidents been recorded annually in India. And still India is not declared as the worst state. Imagine half of babies are of opposite sex i.e. were boys naturally. In other words they survived because of there sex.
As I said, female foeticide was practiced by Indian society on their own will and not because of state policy of one child as you quoted in case of China's history, from Qings dynasty.

Just because this report is not to your liking, it is biased. ;)

Why is this report biased and not the report that you started this thread with? Any western report remotely favourable to Pakistan and Islam is paraded by the likes of you, but any criticism is declared biased and propagandist!

You can do your google to find the parameters for this report but the way one of Pakistan's respected journalist has reported and acknowledged this, at least some in Pakistan seem to at least recognize the problem

Again I read an opinion piece by one of your MNAs (MP Bhandara) where he was amazed by the freedom enjoyed by women just 40 KM from Lahore (He was talking about Amritsar). If this is the contrast from Pakistan's supposedly most liberal city, imagine women's condition in the interiors of Pakistan and the tribal areas where the few girl schools are being burnt down and bombed by terrorists.

I did not want to bring Pakistan in discussion at all, but from your posts it is clear that you only want to score Anti-India points than discuss the issue.

All your counter claims are from Indian mouth and yes the thread from ``worlds affairs board`` is also filled by some anti Pakistan and anti Islam fanatic named RAY and he was Indian too. I’m sure he has guided you to his hard work which is the only official Indian justification for their another shame ful genocide.
Why the hell your have to drag Pakistan in every argument?
It is India, where women are burnt alive upon the death of her husband. If they are not burnt than they are keept in isloation till death, a situation even more worst than death.
Women get infected with Aids from men, not because men are not aware of their desease because women have no right to say no.
Most of girl parents have to negotiate dowry before marriage. Girls are mostly not fed well and eventually fail to grow more than 4 feet.

Refering back to your quotes; my dear we are not discussing individual acts/incidents or state laws.
We are discussing the choice of a Hindu society and it is not some famous chain murder horor, it is the shameful murder of millions of their own (female) babies and continued with more vigour as we speak.

You think one news of demo (by Miss Panday)will change your society? You think, the hate of women which existed in Hindu society from centuries will end in one day or one year? No Sir. And for your information, I personally know south Indians who choose boys. Infect, contrary to your claim and propaganda by your media, Indian Punjabis have no problem with girl child, it is south Indians who are more in to this evil. This anti Punjabi propaganda is the result of personal grudge of gandhi family with Punjabis.

Now again going back to the GG report. In Saudi Arabia the condition of women is 1000 times better of than any part of the world. Yes they cannot aquire driving liscence yet, but they can hire a driver and buy cars. Other wise all of them have access to health, education, food, descent house, sanitation, asian maids, financial support from state and banks, they are doctors, engineers, lawyers , bussines women and it is all legall. And some day they will have permission to drive as well. Which is more of a matter of arogance than rights.

Reports like GGR are normally for the consumption of western women or non muslim women. Those reports will never mention that despite no driving permission Saudi Women can move every where, freely by taxi or their own car and plus the respectful life, which is denied to women in non-muslim societies, instead women are being exploited by non-muslim societies. All such fabricated reports are designed to keep western women away from Islami cultures and males.

Now let me disclose you some facts about Pakistani women, Pakistan is the only country in the world who has most woman Ambassadors and also the only country in the world having most woman Ambassadors in continent Europe. Pakistani women has served as Ambassadors to US. Long before any other other Asia country can dream.
Our women serve in all civil and non civil areas. Our women can study all fields of education known to human. We had a women prime minister twice. We have woman served almost in all capacities. Speaker of national and provincial assemblies, head of state bank etc. We have higher ratio of women in parliament than any of our neighbours.
We have women as fighter pilots, soldiers, doctors, engineers, scientists, software developers, banking, sports, any field of life you can imagine, we have women working more freely than any of our regional countries. hell we even have more women movie directors than your bolly wood.

If women is such a menace in Indian society that it is destined to death before birth or a life worst than death than please, ask for assistance to UN or migrate them to neighbour countries. but for God sake don’t kill them and don’t burn them.

Pl. wipe the foam froathing from the corner of your mouth and calm down. ;)

I know how concerned you are with every problem in India. I remember your "preyed" on the Christian attack issue some months back.

If putting women in an ugly Ninza dress, stoning them to death, calling them 'naqisul aqal', deficient in religion and intellect, letting them die but no treatement by a male doctor (remember the Islamic Taliban) and so on is your idea of women empowerment, the rest of the world does not agree with you.

We are shamed by these incidents in India and government and civil society is trying to resolve the problems.

What are you doing about the condition of women in the Islamic world in general and Pakistan in particular. Or do you think everything is hunky dory?

Edit:I noticed you mentioned sports. Which sports do Pakistani women take part in Asiad or Olympics? It is a news to me, though a pleasant one.
Now again going back to the GG report. In Saudi Arabia the condition of women is 1000 times better of than any part of the world. Yes they cannot aquire driving liscence yet, but they can hire a driver and buy cars. Other wise all of them have access to health, education, food, descent house, sanitation, asian maids, financial support from state and banks, they are doctors, engineers, lawyers , bussines women and it is all legall. And some day they will have permission to drive as well. Which is more of a matter of arogance than rights.

I read a book recently telling the story of a Saudi princess where she described the condition of Saudi women. It was appalling the way the Saudi society treats women and favors the man at every step. There is no freedom for the women at all. She has to do everything in life with a man's permission. The recent case of a women being punished after being raped is fresh in memory still!

Being beaten by the religious police for showing the toe may be your idea of women's great condition!

Just look at this link I got after a random search.

AFP: Saudi woman's cafe plight highlights rights problems

Not the idea of the best freedom for a women!
salam and hi to every one and i want to sy that if the woman was non-muslim and not the arab national so it is the wrong behaviour with that woman but if the woman was an arab national and if she was a muslim and married so it is right because ISLAM is a religion of peace and all of you know that woman have no permission to get meetings with a man who is not her relative from her father's side i think all of you can understand what i want to say so it is clear that if a woman meets with a person who is NON MEHRAM for her without her husband or her husband's absence it is wrong but if she is an old woman and she is widow and there is no threat for to cross the mete of islam from this woman she can meet a person but only in touble.
any how if it was a reason belongs to shareeaah with this woman so it was a wrong behaviour of arab's religious police with a woman.
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