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Fear pervades China's Uighurs

99% of chinese people still blame gov are too soft on xinjiang,why?

because they can have second baby,and crime free,such as thief, purse-cutting。guess what?still more。they have extra ponit in high school test....this test in china,will decide you go to some fancy college or not.

So your argument is that the Uighurs are not as oppressed by the Chinese Communist Party as the Hans are? Maybe you should ALL revolt!
If we can raise in the issue of Kashmiri Muslims, Palestinian Muslims, Indian Muslims, Bosnian Muslims then why should we keep quiet about Uighur Muslims ? China is a close friend of Pakistan but that does not give it a license to kill Muslims. We cannot support persecution of Muslims in Uighuristan that borders Pakistan. We must advice China as a friend to act with restraint we should offer our assistance for peaceful resolution of the problem.
Oh come on now the issue is not as big as those issues.The fact is the whole country is communist so for only ugihirs to blame religious prosecution is bullshit.Fact of matter is rules are same for type of people.Besides China is Pakistan's only true find.We don't want to backstab it.We're after all Pakistanis not some Pan Islamists.
Pakistan should raise the issue of Uighurs with the Chinese. We have close cultural and religious links with Uighurs. Uighuristan and Pakistan have common border. Uighuristan had close contacts with Mughal Empire.

I have heard this first time here..
So your argument is that the Uighurs are not as oppressed by the Chinese Communist Party as the Hans are? Maybe you should ALL revolt!

oppressed my ***。

terrorist Funded by uncle sam。thx to u,lot innocent people died .
oppressed my ***。

terrorist Funded by uncle sam。thx to u,lot innocent people died .

Sorry, not Uncle Sam on this one. The brave Uighur freedom fighters (mujaheddin) are funded by the Gulf States and India. Not the USA.
If we can raise in the issue of Kashmiri Muslims, Palestinian Muslims, Indian Muslims, Bosnian Muslims then why should we keep quiet about Uighur Muslims ? China is a close friend of Pakistan but that does not give it a license to kill Muslims. We cannot support persecution of Muslims in Uighuristan that borders Pakistan. We must advice China as a friend to act with restraint we should offer our assistance for peaceful resolution of the problem.

Wow! man chill, did i step on your toes?

Kashmir Disputed Land and a lot of mess i don't want to go into since it has no relevance to this topic

Indian Muslims, mate they are happy in India, if they were in so much pain they would have saught asylum... Lets not bring india into this discusison please.

Palestine Do you know the history of the country? It was a seperate country that was broken apart by the british and handed over to the jews. Palestine has been a muslim country since the time before Salah-ud-din and the great crusades, they have equal claim over the land and so their struggle is very much justified.

Bosniamy dear friend, that was ethnic cleansing, what is happening in Xinjiang is far different.

license to kill Muslims
Muslims are already killing muslims, who are we to lambast a nation when she tries to enforce stablity and her own national security...

Now lets talk facts:

Xinjiang or Xiyu has been part of the qing dynasty in 17th Century, the 17th Century... It was renamed in 1949, it is part of China, it has a minority muslim population that do not see eye to eye with the mainland government and have saught seperation.

Elements in Xinjiang support the ETIM which is a destablising force funded and supported by international players such as Saudi and uncle sam Why? simple, to weaken China and to keep it busy just like they have kept Pak and India busy with Kashmir.

The ETIM is also very strong in PR and has a public relations branch known as the World Uyghur Congress lead by Rebiya Kadeer who is an open critic of China.

Before we let our tempers get the better of us, we need to take a step back and consider the bigger picture. Xinjiang is part of China since the 17th Century, prior to that this land was called a lot of names including Uyghur Empire and mongolistan and has had conquerors from every dynasty and empire including the great Gengis Khan himself.

What is interesting is that appart from the one incident of uprising in 1990, Xinjiang was quite until 2006... I ask you, what happend to change all that?

We should look at the bigger picture before coming to a conclusion on what is right and what is wrong, and whilst it pains me to see the deaths of innocent muslims... It is their internal matter and far more complex then the issues we are accustom to discussing.
in the western world Muslim kill innocent people called terrorist。

in china,Muslim kill innocent people called oppressed。

typical uncle sams double standard。

go to hell
Sorry, not Uncle Sam on this one. The brave Uighur freedom fighters (mujaheddin) are funded by the Gulf States and India. Not the USA.

funded by rebiya kadeer whom funded by uncle sam。

this ***** met ur president bush.

↑some pics

a restaurant downstairs my apartment (beijing),run by some xinjiang Muslim dude。great food。

called <xinjiang special village>

by the way,unlike us,they have taxes free policy....

dont get brainwash by ur government media&#65292;they only interview some politics dummy..

there is no oppressed&#12290;
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Why? what happened?/ Recession problem??

Part of our loan agreement with the PRC is that we won't use the money we borrow from them to finance any activities in Tibet or Xinjiang. Since, the PRC is our banker, we can't cause trouble for them (except in Taiwan). Of course, what they don't know can't hurt them .....:cheesy:

&#8593;some pics

a restaurant downstairs my apartment (beijing)&#65292;run by some xinjiang Muslim dude&#12290;great food&#12290;

called <xinjiang special village>

by the way,unlike us,they have taxes free policy....

dont get brainwash by ur government media&#65292;they only interview some politics dummy..

there is no oppressed&#12290;

Exactly... On my last visit to the mainland i saw plenty of Uighur people (who are easy to identify because of the muslim skull cap they wear).

One had a shop selling some stange collectors stuff on Yatai Xinyang market and if anyone is going to Shanghai, i recommend this place very much.. Amazing and every affordable trinkets you can pick up, and some of the food is halal, which is a plus! :)
Ahmad Shah Abdali received request from Muslims of Punjab to Delhi to help them against Marathas and he marched into South Asia. Then he got an request from Uighur Muslims in Uighuristan which faced Chinese invasion but he could help since army was already stretched due to commitment in Punjab. According to Wikipedia:

Plagued by the plight of the Uyghurs whose lands were conquered by the warring Qing dynasty, Ahmad Shah laboriously attempted to rally Muslim nations to check Qing expansion. Ahmad Shah halted trade with Qing China and dispatched troops to Kokand. However, with his campaigns in India exhausting the state treasury, and with his troops stretched thin throughout Central Asia, Ahmad Shah did not have enough resources to check Qing forces. In an effort to alleviate the situation in East Turkistan, Ahmad Shah sent envoys to Beijing, but the talks did not yield favorable prospects for the Uyghurs.
&#9770;&#9770;&#9770;&#9770;;951748 said:
We don't want to backstab it.We're after all Pakistanis not some Pan Islamists.

Nobody is backstabbing anybody. If your brother or a close friend is committing anything wrong then it is your duty to tell them that. Even Prophet Muhammad said that if his daughter Hazrat Fatima committed theft he will have hands cut off. What does that tell you ?
I have heard this first time here..

Mughal empire had close relation with different states in Central Asia. They felt threatened by Uzbek empire so had to keep good relations with its neighbors to get help in case of war. Enemy's enemy is my friend !

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