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Fear pervades China's Uighurs

oh really ?

when muslims are killed in India,its an issue for the entire islamic society all over the world including pakistan..and the Pakistani members dont miss any opportunity to criticise the Indians and its Govt.. and same with israel...why arent you or any pakistani members criticising these Chinese now ?? just because you dont want to piss off your master ?? what double standards :disagree:
Do you see me complaining about India's Internal problems somewhere?I can't speak for others you know.
Dictator CPC and Han chauvinism is really pain for minorities. Millions of Uigher Muslims and Tibetans are facing danger on daily basis. But other countries just do plain talking and not help Uighur Muslims.

Ordinary Indian fear Muslim extremists.

Why you show sympathy for them very much.

Because it is China.

If it is Kashmir issue, you will blame the extremism.
The stand of Muslim countries with respect to China is amazing.

Read this: Teacher and 37 students detained for reading Koran in China

The Uighur Muslim situation is far worst than Muslim situation in Palestine or any other places where Muslims are supposed to be oppressed. But, Muslim Ummah, their new leader Turkey or the brother-in-arms Pakistan will speak nothing against China. Is it because of Ummah's Cowardice or Ummah's decision to sacrifice their Uighur brothers in exchange of few missiles, nukes ?

You are mistaken if you think Turkey does not follow Uighur violence closely. There have been massive protest right upto the govt. level against it.
Pakistan is another situation ofcourse.

Check out the pictures in the link below

Turkey keeps protests against China violence in Uighur region / PHOTO [ WORLD BULLETIN- TURKEY NEWS, WORLD NEWS ]

World Bulletin / News Desk

Turkish flag stood shoulder to shoulder with Eastern Turkestan's blue flag in Caglayan Square when thousands of people and Uighur expatriates kept protests the violence against Uighurs in China.

Organized by the Felicity Party and 250 NGOs, thousands of people gathered in Caglayan Square with tears for the victims and anger for China.

"No to ethnic cleansing!", " Murderer China", "Turks and Uighurs are shoulder to shoulder" "Not Xinchang but Eastern Turkestan" chanted the crowd, while waving the Uighur flag with a white crescent on a blue background.

Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan described the violence in East Turkistan as "a genocide".

China officially raised the death toll to 184 in police crackdown, but Uighur World Congress put the death toll from the unrest at between 600 and 800, saying the estimate was based on eyewitness accounts of the violence.

Han Chinese attack on Uighur workers in a factory, that cost lives of two people and injured 118, sparked massive protests in East Turkistan that China changed its name to "Xinjiang" in 1955, calling it "Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region."

"China is making a religious genocide"

Making a speech at the rally, Felicity Party chairman Numan Kurtulmus said what's going on in China is not an ethnic but a a religious conflict, and Turkey's ambassador in Beijing should be recalled.

Historian and author Servet Kabaklı called for a boycott of Chinese goods and "asked to raise a stronger voice against the state terror in China".

IHH President Bulent Yıldırım said "if Islamic world gets together, the brothers and sisters in China will be saved".

Kamu-Sen Union Leader Bircan Akyıldız apologized to the Eastern Turkestan because "we were unable to protect the lives and honor of our brothers".

Thousands of people attended the rally in Caglayan Square, most of them Uighur Turks who live in Turkey.

Uighur women participated the demonstration wearing traditional clothes with tears. Turkish and Eastern Turkistan flags were waved side by side.

Recommendations to Erdogan

At the end of the rally, 11 suggestions are made to the AK Party government and to Prime Minister Erdogan.

Some of the suggestions are: "to call a secret meeting in Parliament to discuss the possible measures against Chinese government, to immediate action by Turkish Republics and the Islamic Conference Organization as well as the UN, to cooperate with the Western countries on the issue of human rights, to send aid to the region with the help of civil society organizations and to give passports to the Uighur refugees living in Turkey."

East Turkistan has 8 million Uighurs and historical records show that the Uyghurs have a history of more than 4000 years.
Ordinary Indian fear Muslim extremists.

Why you show sympathy for them very much.

Because it is China.

If it is Kashmir issue, you will blame the extremism.

What's not to fear religious extremists? That same fear grips US, UK, India, Pakistan and even Afghanistan & many other countries. No one is showing sympathy with the Uighurs. The point is that many members go overboard with religious "brotherhood" when something happens to Muslims in other parts of the world, no matter who's fault it is. It is this hypocrisy that people are referring to.
Does China have a blockAID on Xinjiang?

China is Pakistan's friend, not a Muslims friend, which some of you have oh-so carelessly mistaken.
I doubt if China is going to let anti muslem feelings get out of control, they see any unrest as something that could spread thru out the entire country...and they will clamp down on any element that that seems to be out of control. The leaders will get a bullet in the back of the head and bill for the bullet sent to their family
Islam in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read whatever you want, until then worry about your own Muslims.

Islam in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Islam in China has a rich heritage. China has some of the oldest Muslim history, dating back to as early as 650,[1] , Sa`ad ibn Abi Waqqas, was sent as an official envoy to Emperor Gaozong during Caliph Uthman's era. Throughout the history of Islam in China, Chinese Muslims have influenced the course of Chinese history."
Does China have a blockAID on Xinjiang?

China is Pakistan's friend, not a Muslims friend, which some of you have oh-so carelessly mistaken.

I must appreciate you for being honest - at least you don't feign the brotherhood gibberish. It is purely political - you will criticize India, Israel, US, Rest of the World and defend China no matter what the truth is.

Islam in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read whatever you want, until then worry about your own Muslims.

Islam in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Islam in China has a rich heritage. China has some of the oldest Muslim history, dating back to as early as 650,[1] , Sa`ad ibn Abi Waqqas, was sent as an official envoy to Emperor Gaozong during Caliph Uthman's era. Throughout the history of Islam in China, Chinese Muslims have influenced the course of Chinese history."

This has nothing to do with the topic. Islam in India has a richer and more vibrant history. The status of Muslims in India is way better than what it is in China, or even parts of Pakistan. Somehow this history does not prevent you from imagining atrocities against Muslims in India...
Great thoughts! It is strange no body thanked you except me.

ur mixing things up, in israel, they imprison innocents and demolish homes and kill innocent dermonstrators by running bulldozers over them.

Ugher i believe should have negotiated the greviences not damonstrated and condone violance. now all those hans who have come to settle in Ugher areas is a fact of life and to oppose it by violance is not a right way in my openion, to offset this should be in the manner which would be brilliant and rise up to the challange and not to create situation which will work against them

In my humble openion my Ugher brothers should rise up to the challange and be a good contributer to the betterment of thieir country and be part of the challanges that are faced by their country.

And i will say this to u Indians not to try to created a rift among chinese. recomend posative things which will be good for both Ughers and hans. and most of all peace in a country that belong to all. so be off with ur nagativties, try to sugest ways to achieve peace and not condone violance.

Let me tell u a Canadian saying.

"A Canadian is sort of like an American, but without the gun".

If this is acted upon by all than the progress will be at hand and violance will a thing of past.
Pakistan should raise the issue of Uighurs with the Chinese. We have close cultural and religious links with Uighurs. Uighuristan and Pakistan have common border. Uighuristan had close contacts with Mughal Empire.
If Muslims are doing up rising which is in favor of US then its OK (China and Russia) else all terrorist.
If Muslims are doing up rising which is in favor of US then its OK (China and Russia) else all terrorist.

Point is not that, it is the corollary - If Muslims suffer anywhere except Pakistan and China, it is because the local government is oppressive (also called terrorists) and anti-Islam. Or if Pakistan, China or any Islamic country oppress their minorities, it is because their minorities are unpatriotic and anti-national. Don't you think that is hypocrisy?

I am fully in agreement with the latter logic btw. Just that we should maintain consistency when judging the role of the state in controlling its people.
Washington post=USA mouthpiece, Times of India=India mouth piece, and a lot of threads from it, so whats the difference with people daily?

Maybe you are just plain naive or are acting dumb.

Eitherway you should know the difference between a mouthpiece and a prominent newspaper of a country. People's daily is owned by the Communist Party of China, the defacto rulers of the country. The other two newspapers are independently owned and operated newspapers. They might tow the government's line sometime but that doesn't mean they are run by the govt. Got it?
so u r talking about the negotiation of a suppresed with the powerful cpc

when a han is overtaking someone's other land,violence is not an option

but when it is an israeli it is the only option(according to u israel is palying with the islamic land)

What an assumption and assumptions based on inuendos.

Let me enoighten u a little because only little bit at a time will help uy understnd the differnace between what happened in china and what goes on in India and Israel.

Israel is occupying Palistine even though U.N. has declared the two Nations as the vialble solution in Palistine, but Isael refuses to implemnt not only the first U.N. resolution but contnues to defy hundreds of U.N. resolutions till today.

India is in the same league and has train of thought as Israel about occupying landsand continueing to boast as the solid Democracies and continueto opprress those who believe in other faiths.

So Indians and israelis have no leg to stnad on talking about uighers.
when they play both ends by on one side promise help to palistenians and on the other hand tell Israel not to worry, we are not serious.
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