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FC soldier hailed as hero for exceptional bravery


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FC soldier hailed as hero for exceptional bravery
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
By Rahimullah Yusufzai

PESHAWAR: A 21-year old soldier from the paramilitary Frontier Corps has become a hero among fellow soldiers for opting to single-handedly defend a remote fort in South Waziristan and later dramatically escaping from Taliban captivity.

Sepoy Niamatullah Bhittani's remarkable story is now being told and retold in Frontier Corps (FC) units deployed all over the NWFP. He has been visiting the troops, who are told by FC officers about his daring exploits in the dangerous battlefields of South Waziristan.

Senior FC officials described Sepoy Niamatullah, who has served in the force for three years only, as an exceptionally brave and courageous man. Like a true soldier, he was ready to die and willing to endure suffering.

Belonging to the Bhittani tribe of the Pashtuns, Niamatullah was an unknown soldier until some weeks ago. He was deployed along with about 22 FC troops at the picket meant for the defence of Seplatoi Fort, sited above the Shaoor Tangi Pass, the site of some bloody battles in the past between the freedom-loving Pashtun tribesmen and invaders. A time came when all the soldiers except Niamatullah decided to abandon the Shaoor Picket and the fort and try to reach Jandola, where troops from both FC and Pakistan Army were based in large numbers. Taliban fighters had just captured and destroyed the Srarogha Fort and were reportedly heading for the Seplatoi Fort. The decision to retreat from Seplatoi Fort was pragmatic as the force was inadequate to defend the outposts.

Niamatullah, however, was made of sterner stuff. He announced he was staying back, all alone, at the fort and will fight until the end. He was also hoping that reinforcements would arrive in time to save the citadel. As his colleagues trooped out of the fort, he took up position at the strategic mountain picket with just two weapons, his G-3 rifle and a light machinegun. He used his wireless set to call the commander of his FC wing to update him on the desperate situation at the Seplatoi Fort and request reinforcement. The commander was surprised that Niamatullah had stayed back alone to defend the fort.

According to FC officials, it was race for time between their men wanting to reach Seplatoi Fort in helicopters and Taliban fighters ready to storm the citadel. The soldiers made it first to the fort and managed to push back the Taliban attackers.

Prior to that, Niamatullah had fired a burst of his gun at the approaching Taliban fighters when they ordered him to surrender or face the consequences. Rather than surrendering, he challenged them to surrender and fired those shots to make clear his intentions. Just then the Taliban got hold of one of the FC soldiers who had abandoned the fort earlier and placed a pistol at his head. They threatened to shoot him if Niamatullah didn't surrender. Much against his wish, Niamatullah surrendered to save the life of his fellow soldier. Other FC soldiers too were taken hostage.

After failing to capture the Seplatoi Fort, Taliban fighters took Niamatullah to their hideout in Barwand area and locked him up. While in captivity, the brave Bhittani tribesman risked his life and managed to call his FC commander on the wireless set to tell him about his capture and assure him that he would return home unharmed. True to his word, he dramatically escaped from captivity three nights later and walked for hours on foot to reach the Seplatoi Fort. He not only brought back his own gun but was also able to bring with him the blanket and Motorola set, known in Pashto as "mukhabira," of the Taliban commander. It was enough of evidence that he had been in Taliban custody.

Daredevil Niamatullah later told his FC commanders and colleagues that every night Taliban would tell him that he would soon be beheaded. For one reason or another, they kept postponing the beheading and provided Niamatullah enough time to plot his impossible escape.

Niamatullah's story of bravery is apparently the only one that has been revealed until now. There are other courageous soldiers as well who died or were injured fighting militants in South Waziristan, North Waziristan, Swat, Shangla and Darra Adamkhel. In fact, the militants too are Pashtuns and many among them have also fought bravely for their cause. It is largely a Pashtun versus Pashtun fight and both are known to be tough and brave.

When word of Sepoy Niamatullah's bravery reached the FC headquarters in Peshawar's historic Balahissar Fort, the Inspector General Frontier Corps, Major General Mohammad Alam Khattak, hosted a grand darbar in his honour and promoted him to the rank of Naik. The various wings of the FC have also been feting Naik Niamatullah and paying tributes to him for his acts of bravery. At every such event, Army officers commanding the wings narrate his story to the applause of the FC troops. It is a pep talk they desperately need in these times of difficulty.

Niamatullah has also been recommended for gallantry award and his parents would be sent to Saudi Arabia to perform Haj. He will be posted abroad as part of the FC and Pakistan Army contingents serving in the UN peace force.

Life has certainly taken a turn for the better for Niamatullah. But he has to be careful about his movements because the Pakistani Taliban would be keeping track of him. They would certainly like to settle scores with a man who foiled their attempt to capture the Seplatoi Fort and then put them to shame by escaping from their custody.
FC soldier hailed as hero for exceptional bravery
This news just made my day. God willing there will be more heros continueing to emerge as this war rages on. And God bless that solider for his bravery
This news just made my day. God willing there will be more heros continueing to emerge as this war rages on. And God bless that solider for his bravery

Well said. These soldiers were our heros, are our heros and god willing shall remain our heros. We are forever in debt to them for what they have done for us. I salute these soldier.
who needs fakers x-men, superman, iron-man when you've got real super-humans home-grown, in the hundreds of thousands. good enough to make anyone at valhalla look like an amateur!
This article is the best thing i hav heard in a long time. Thats all i needed to hear. He is an honourable warrior who fought/fights for Islam, his country and for honor.

May Allah grant him paradise for his courageous deed of fighting for true Islam and against those who use the name of Islam to murder innocents and go against the teachings of the prophet. I pray these taliban bastards go to hell for dividing Islam like this and murdering fellow muslims in the name of Islam. The prophet said "Anyone who kills a fellow muslim for no particular reason will be flung into hellfire" That is the fate awaiting these talibani bastards. These bastards support suicide. Prophet said "Anyone who commits suicide and throws his life away is not a muslim and will have a fire ready for him" (on the day of judgement) Whats ironic is these bastards have the audacity to claim to be fighting for Islam when they are fighting against everything we muslim's were taught. May these bastards rot in hell f4 their crimes.

Long live Pakistan, Long live true Islam.

Damn i'm becoming religious these days... even started praying... b8 i find it hard 2 leave the ladies alone... Is there a sweet girl willing to teach me that? :D

Jana kabhi toh lift karaya karo. Thorey time key liyey gaya aur mujhey bhool hi gayi?
Well done that man!!!

An inspiring tale of courage when most news concerning the Frontier Corps is negative and their abilities are called into question.

A program I saw here in the UK called dispatches focused on the war against the taleban and an American officer commented on the real fighters being based in Pakistan.

Therefore if Nato is dealing with less able militants and Pakistani forces taking on more hardened militants then such a story is excellent news.
Niamatullah is one of those guys who define the word bravery. PA is made up of men like him and so is the FC, who dispite of being ill equiped are ready to defend the mother land. He's a true example of what a pakistani soilder is made up of. God bless him.
Niamatullah is one of those guys who define the word bravery. PA is made up of men like him and so is the FC, who dispite of being ill equiped are ready to defend the mother land. He's a true example of what a pakistani soilder is made up of. God bless him.

if and when the WoT is over, such stories of bravery will / should be cronicled by ISPR to tell the people of pakistan and the rest of the world, what our men are made of.
Here is another one..

Naib Subedar Minhas praised for acts of valour

Naib Subedar Minhas praised for acts of valour
Monday, February 11, 2008
By our correspondent

PESHAWAR: Naib Subedar Fateh Mohammad Minhas, who laid down his life defending the site of a communication tower at the Kohat Tunnel during the recent fighting between the military and the militants in Darra Adamkhel, has been praised by his officers for his acts of valour in the face of heavy odds.

His commanding officer and a staff officer of the 9th Division headquarters in Kohat, who were constantly in touch with him during the battle for the security post at the communication tower, subsequently, confirmed the reports that Naib Subedar Minhas refused to surrender to the militants and bravely fought till the end.

When contacted, these officers praised his high degree of motivation, commitment to duty and valour while defending the post.

It was learnt that Naib Subedar Minhas, hailing from the 45 Baloch Regiment, was appointed as the post commander at the site of the PTCL communication tower at Bushkhel above the Kohat Tunnel on January 17. He commanded 15 soldiers in a dangerous area where Taliban fighters had gained strength and would often set up road blockades, carry out searches of passenger vehicles, and punish people opposed to them.

According to military sources, Naib Subedar Minhas refused the demand of about 10 militants who contacted him on the morning of January 25 and asked him and his troops to surrender. Just when his men were wavering, he took a firm stand and ordered them to fight till the last bullet. Subsequently, more militants arrived and attacked the security post.

Military officials said Naib Subedar Minhas and his men were outnumbered and did not have enough ammunition to fight a long battle. They reported that he refused to surrender and instead fought against the militants for two hours. They said he personally took control of the machinegun at the post, held the attackers at bay and inflicted heavy losses on them. He died when an RPG-7 rocket hit his machinegun post. He was the first soldier at the post who died fighting in the line of duty.

Seven soldiers died defending the post. The remaining were made prisoners by the militants, who later took control of the Darra Adamkhel bazaar and the Kohat Tunnel until a military action backed by gunship helicopters forced them to flee.

The bodies of the captured soldiers, who were killed by the militants, were subsequently found by the advancing troops.
if and when the WoT is over, such stories of bravery will / should be cronicled by ISPR to tell the people of pakistan and the rest of the world, what our men are made of.

Exactly sir! people of pakistan should know that these men are the main reason we sleep well.:pakistan:
Here is another one..

Naib Subedar Minhas praised for acts of valour

Naib Subedar Minhas praised for acts of valour
Monday, February 11, 2008
By our correspondent

PESHAWAR: Naib Subedar Fateh Mohammad Minhas, who laid down his life defending the site of a communication tower at the Kohat Tunnel during the recent fighting between the military and the militants in Darra Adamkhel, has been praised by his officers for his acts of valour in the face of heavy odds.

His commanding officer and a staff officer of the 9th Division headquarters in Kohat, who were constantly in touch with him during the battle for the security post at the communication tower, subsequently, confirmed the reports that Naib Subedar Minhas refused to surrender to the militants and bravely fought till the end.

When contacted, these officers praised his high degree of motivation, commitment to duty and valour while defending the post.

It was learnt that Naib Subedar Minhas, hailing from the 45 Baloch Regiment, was appointed as the post commander at the site of the PTCL communication tower at Bushkhel above the Kohat Tunnel on January 17. He commanded 15 soldiers in a dangerous area where Taliban fighters had gained strength and would often set up road blockades, carry out searches of passenger vehicles, and punish people opposed to them.

According to military sources, Naib Subedar Minhas refused the demand of about 10 militants who contacted him on the morning of January 25 and asked him and his troops to surrender. Just when his men were wavering, he took a firm stand and ordered them to fight till the last bullet. Subsequently, more militants arrived and attacked the security post.

Military officials said Naib Subedar Minhas and his men were outnumbered and did not have enough ammunition to fight a long battle. They reported that he refused to surrender and instead fought against the militants for two hours. They said he personally took control of the machinegun at the post, held the attackers at bay and inflicted heavy losses on them. He died when an RPG-7 rocket hit his machinegun post. He was the first soldier at the post who died fighting in the line of duty.

Seven soldiers died defending the post. The remaining were made prisoners by the militants, who later took control of the Darra Adamkhel bazaar and the Kohat Tunnel until a military action backed by gunship helicopters forced them to flee.

The bodies of the captured soldiers, who were killed by the militants, were subsequently found by the advancing troops.

Sir we lost a brave soilder here. My question is as mentioned in the above article that he was in continue touch with his commanding officer and staff officer of the 9th division, why was there a delay in sending backup to these men who lost their lives defending their country, why were the gunships not sent their to for ground support? The militants were able to call for backup, where was ours? Though i am not a military person, but with my limited knowledge on this matter, two hours is a hell of a time to respond for backup and the commanding officer knew the soilders fighting there did not had enough ammuntion.
May God bless his soul and accept his sacrifise, men like him are our real assests, we cant just afford them to loose and that too in the hands of these ragtag militants.:hitwall:
What was he doing in the F.C. He should of been serving in the Army, he was a very brave soldier to whom we Pakistanis are in debt to. I hope that we have soldiers like him.
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