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FC Kills 2 Terrorists in Quetta.

Inshallah , of course we will. the people of Baluchistan cant be bullied by these terrorist attacks on their work places, on the roads and construction sites. our FC is enough for dealing with those mountain dwellers who dont have any respect for even their own fellow clan members who refuse to listen to their bullying.

this bastardized judiciary will have to lockup the entire army if it doesnt want our soldiers to defend Baluchistan.

this following video is a slap on that judiciary that frees serial killers and terrorists and bullies ISI in the name of missing persons to bring up the terrorists that have been sent to hell fighting our forces

watch this video, Bless his heart he kept his cool. but this is how we all feel X10
this is the answer for you I hope it helps


Irfan baloch,my well respected bhai,this is the biggest tragedy that fate of a nation is in the hands of corrupt civil regime,not military,in fact,I cry out to see how our army is working hard,even they are supporting civilian projects and people are calling army's such attempt as 'qabza on land field'?
All my hopes now lies with some powerful pro-Pakistan elements,rest is up to Allah.
Best Regards,
Slav defence
@Irfan Baloch - Unfortunately a few Baloch that I've talked to (I feel like a broken record repeating this) don't have the same views as you do !

They want out ! They want to be free from Pakistan.

dont we all?

show us the green card or just US/ UK VISA and we are out of here.
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First and foremost, we send our heartfelt condolences to the friends and families of the fallen soldiers. Our nations have lost thousands of brave soldiers on both sides of the border. We greatly appreciate all of Pakistan’s sacrifices in countering insurgency. We cannot over emphasize Pakistan’s importance in the region. We cannot have a peaceful region without a peaceful Pakistan. We hope to continue our partnership and achieve our common goals through mutual cooperation. We repeat what James “Jay” Carney, White House Press Secretary, said recently: “Our relationship with Pakistan is extremely important to America’s national security interests. It is a complicated but important relationship. And I’m sure that Secretary Kerry will be having discussions with the Pakistanis about developments in their country, our joint efforts to fight terrorism -- and, as you know, Pakistanis have been among the most significant victims of terrorist attacks -- and also our efforts in Afghanistan.”

Ali Khan
DET, United States Central Command
Inshallah , of course we will. the people of Baluchistan cant be bullied by these terrorist attacks on their work places, on the roads and construction sites. our FC is enough for dealing with those mountain dwellers who dont have any respect for even their own fellow clan members who refuse to listen to their bullying.

this bastardized judiciary will have to lockup the entire army if it doesnt want our soldiers to defend Baluchistan.

this following video is a slap on that judiciary that frees serial killers and terrorists and bullies ISI in the name of missing persons to bring up the terrorists that have been sent to hell fighting our forces

watch this video, Bless his heart he kept his cool. but this is how we all feel X10
this is the answer for you I hope it helps


Hes a real bada$$... my father commanding a militia (FC) during his tenure .. now hes CC gujranwala..
Not like that ! :lol:

I mean they want an Independent Balochistan separate from Pakistan !

Independent Balochistan without Quetta? Because Quetta as far as I know is pushtoon majority and they have no issues in living with Pakistan. What type of independent Baluchistan would be that.

Yeh to Sindh without Karachi aur Punjab without Lahore wali baat ho gayi.
Not like that ! :lol:

I mean they want an Independent Baluchistan separate from Pakistan !

Oh that They? are they going to carve out Lasbela as a country? thats where mostly all their farts come out from.

and we want independence from the rascals who are always in the government and also leading the goons in the mountains.
stuck between the devil and the rocky barrens (deep blue sea is bit far away)

Hes a real bada$$... my father commanding a militia (FC) during his tenure .. now hes COAS gujranwala cantt.

On topic... a funny pic i got from FB..id like to share:


this picture is insensitive
we dont celebrate the deaths of our people. we are not animals.
despite all differences we shouldnt leave the touch of humanity otherwise we are no different from TTP and LeJ who send body parts to the familes of the victims to cause further agony.

from the picture I cant really tell if the slain guy was indeed killed by FC or by fellow BLA members. whatever happened but he is now dead, may his soul rest in peace and Allah forgive his sins.

Independent Balochistan without Quetta? Because Quetta as far as I know is pushtoon majority and they have no issues in living with Pakistan. What type of independent Baluchistan would be that.

Yeh to Sindh without Karachi aur Punjab without Lahore wali baat ho gayi.
Pashtons are not just in Quetta , sorry but they form 50% of the Baluchistan population
Oh that They? are they going to carve out Lasbela as a country? thats where mostly all their farts come out from.

Irfan Bhai
, they were from Makran & they were Barahui !

They're just seriously pissssed at the lack of opportunities & the development in Baluchistan when compared with Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad & even Peshawar & Abbotabad !

They blame the Federal Government for being in bed with one Sardar or another to juice as much resources out of Baluchistan as they could & so for them the line has been crossed long ago !
Although there is a huge difference geographically between Bangladesh and Baluchistan,and Baluchistan is richer in resources too,but I am seeing that our civil regime is repeating same mistakes like of past:

--Avoiding to work on developmental projects,I have seen only Pakistan army to support such idea.
--No proper inrfa structure of Baluchistan is still not proposed,engineered and implemented.
--No clear policy to deal with terrorists organizations like LEJ or BLA etc
--No homework done against foreign influence.

--Government must support and work on to engineer and implement better,secure,safe infrastructure for Baluchistan.
--Government must make clear policy against BLA and LEJ
--Government must strengthen and refresh her foreign policy against those foreign hands who are nourishing such organizations as well clear policy to stop their interference ,to block them.

--Army must be supported by civil regime for all constructive programs they are working on,Pakistan army has done a very good job by increasing of their quota in their sector.
@balixd @Secur @Last Hope and others...what do you propose?

Best Regards,
Slav defence

The events aren't same, the attempt is. However, the ground realities are totally different with hardly any percentage of population demanding freedom. The military is doing acceptable work while it is federal government's failure. This was another attempted 1971 which failed due to closer links and better communication.
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@Irfan Baloch Sir i respectfully disagree with you on what you wrote about LeJ terrorists. Rawalpindi must consider LeJ as a serious threat because it can ignite the Shia Sunni rift.
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The events aren't same, the attempt is. However, the ground realities are totally different with hardly any percentage of population demanding freedom. The military is doing acceptable work while it is federal government's failure. This was another attempted 1971 which failed due to closer links and better communication.

Spot on meray bhai,spot on,exactly..very well said.
Our army is doing a great job in Baluchistan while our federal/civil regime is repeating same mistakes and even judiciary is releasing such elements who are anti-Pakistani.
That is why my heart cries louder,our siphai is sincere but what a jinx that their civil authority is not sincere.
If civil regime will continue to repeat same mistake then I can clearly hear the 'death knell' of patriotic nature of people of Baluchistan.

Best Regards,
Slav Defence
@Irfan Baloch Sir i respectfully disagree with you on what you wrote about LeJ terrorists. Rawalpindi must consider LeJ as a serious threat because it can ignite the Shia Sunni rift.

MY DEAR it was sarcasm and criticism. agreed with what you are saying but the only option Pak military has is executing the terrorists in the operation because they walk free from courts after having all the witnesses killed and then they go around killing the arresting officers and their families too.

people who get death threats from LeJ consider themselves walking dead because no power on earth has the will or the means to stop the LeJ. so in short what the Rawalpindi "must" do and "actually "deas" is two different things.

there wont be any shia sunni rift in Pakistan. we are not Arabs, we commemorate the moharam along with shias. its about the family of Prophet PBUH and we have equal claim to remembering the day and the sacrifice as much as shias do. no amount of wahabi poison and propaganda can moe the Sunnis of Pakistan away from Prophet' PBUH's family.
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Same should be done with every terrorist! Coz they are going to walk away free from the court so it is better to Kill them on site

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