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FBI Mole Banned by Mosque – 'Because He was Too Extreme'

Abu Zolfiqar

Rest in Peace
Feb 12, 2009
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this is a bit old, but never posted

The spying game wasn't all it was cracked up to be for Craig Monteilh, a convicted criminal recruited by the FBI to investigate the march of radical Islam into Southern California. His endless talk of violent "jihad" so alarmed worshippers at the local mosque, that they took out a restraining order against him.

Monteilh spent 15 months pretending to be Farouk al-Aziz, a French Syrian in search of his religious roots. He prayed five times a day at the Islamic Centre in Irvine, Orange County, wearing white robes with a camera hidden in one of its buttons, and carried a set of car keys that contained a secret listening device.

The enthusiastic attempt to catch local Muslims discussing terror campaigns backfired, however, when community leaders went to the police with fears that the suddenly devout young man, who got up to pray at 4am, had become a radical in their midst.

The terror case Monteilh had been helping build against Ahmadullah Niazi, the brother-in-law of Osama bin Laden's bodyguard, collapsed in September, when the bungling informant revealed that his FBI handlers had instructed him to entrap his potential target and told him that "Islam is a threat to our national security".

Yesterday, as details of his efforts to persuade Niazi to blow up buildings became public, leading US Muslim organisations said they have suspended all contact with the FBI in protest against the excesses of agents who are secretly, and in some cases illegally, monitoring mosques.

"The community feels betrayed," Shakeel Syed, executive director of the Islamic Shura Council of Southern California, an umbrella group of more than 75 mosques, told The Washington Post. "They got a guy, a bona fide criminal, and obviously trained him and sent him to infiltrate mosques... It's like a soap opera, for God's sake."

Monteilh, who had previously served time in prison for forgery, says he was recruited on his release in 2006 by FBI agents, who he met in doughnut shops and Starbucks outlets. After being given the code name "Oracle", he was told to root out radicals among the region's 500,000 practising Muslims.

Over the 15 months that he posed as al-Aziz, Monteilh was paid almost $200,000 to pass secret tape-recordings of his conversations with local worshippers to his handlers. He became a regular at a local gym patronised by young Muslim men.

"We started hearing that he was saying weird things," said Omar Kurdi, a Loyola Law School student who trained there. "He would walk up to one of my friends and say, 'It's good that you guys are getting ready for the jihad'."

In May 2007, Monteilh recorded a conversation in which he suggested to Niazi and another young man that they blow up buildings. Niazi appeared to agree with the idea, and the tape was subsequently used as evidence in the terror case against him.

However, it now seems that Niazi had simply been attempting to humour someone he regarded as a dangerous extremist. Indeed, he was so concerned by "al-Aziz's" attempts to plot an attack that he reported it to community leaders, who passed details to police and took out a restraining order to prevent him from entering the Islamic centre.

"Farouk had told them he had access to weapons and that they should blow up a mall," Hussam Ayloush executive director of the Los Angeles chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations said. "They were convinced this man was a terrorist." Soon after the restraining order was obtained, in June 2007, the FBI attempted to cut their ties to Monteilh. Several months later, the former agent was arrested and imprisoned on a separate theft charge.

In January this year, after being released, Monteilh sued the FBI, alleging that the bureau conspired to have him arrested, then allowed his informant status to become known in prison, where he was stabbed. That lawsuit failed in September, prompting him to shop his bizarre story to the media.

FBI plant banned by mosque – because he was too extreme - Americas, World - The Independent
Stupid spying, imagine one or two kids who may have gotten influenced by his radical speech and blown something up...

FBI must be red faced as the Masjid fulfilled its patriotic duty while the FBI contributed towards anti-Americanism as a net result.
This story just proves how sad the USA has fallen to.
well the good thing is, the peaceful tax-paying normal people who happen to be Muslims did the right thing
didnt know such silly goons are responsible for taking care of USA internal security.
i cant stop laughing at the stupidity mentioned here......nice share.
I think its so outrageous that one has to laugh! They are quick to be critical about our nation and then resort to stunts like this! Imagine the costs and then look at the superb result. Then they say they are running out of $$. Then stop wasting it!
FBI informant Craig Monteilh scares Muslim suspects so much they report HIM | Mail Online

An FBI informer sent to infiltrate a California mosque was made the subject of a restraining order after scaring Muslim worshippers with demands for holy war.

Craig Monteilh was known to members of the Irvine Islamic Center as Farouk al-Aziz, an apparently devout and at times over-zealous Muslim.

But when he began speaking of jihad and plans to blow up buildings, senior figures at the mosque reported him the FBI - the very people who sent him.

Makes you think how many radical nut jobs on this forum are US sponsored.

---------- Post added at 02:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:38 AM ----------

When ISI keeps links with radicals for similar purposes, there is deep rooted suspicion on it. Here we have the US not only keeping links but even promoting terrorism against itself!
^^thats is a possibility...hmmmm
Muslims living in America are good people.

The FBI doesn't just pick on Muslims... they "infiltrate" all sorts of civic groups, clubs, etc, always trying to expose the next Timothy McVeigh type.
Muslims living in America are good people.

The FBI doesn't just pick on Muslims... they "infiltrate" all sorts of civic groups, clubs, etc, always trying to expose the next Timothy McVeigh type.

Wow, sounds like North Korea. Is the US truly a just nation? Is it truly a free nation, when you have secret police infiltrating and baiting religious minorities?
Wow, sounds like North Korea. Is the US truly a just nation? Is it truly a free nation, when you have secret police infiltrating and baiting religious minorities?

It is everywhere in every nation, intel agencies do the same. In this case the news came out in the public and embarassed the agency.
The west is just out to paint Islam as their enemy, the *root* of all evil. Just like Russia was the root of all evil in the world for half a century before. This RT(Russia Today) article seems pretty relevant:

The Western media is on a quest to convince our societies that the religion of Islam and terrorism belong to each other. The Foreign Policy Journal puts it like this: “since the collapse of the Soviet Union the general drift of Western concerns has been to portray Islam as the main enemy of the West and the Muslim world as a hotbed of terrorism that threatens Western civilization and its democratic values.” Why does the West always need an enemy?

As a result of the Western media’s “hard work” in this direction, everybody in the whole world knows who Osama Bin Laden was. But how many have heard of Badshah Khan or Jawdat Saeid? Muslim heroes who promote peace and non-violent struggle are somehow just not exciting enough to make it into a news piece.

When we open a newspaper, we are used to seeing something along the line of “three teenagers attacked a schoolboy. One of the attackers was a Muslim”. Meanwhile, two others could have been Christian, Buddhist or atheists, but the paper wants us to know that “one of them was a Muslim,” creating a fear of the Muslim people among the readers.
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