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FBI Kills Man While Questioning

How incredibly well trained are they, Mr. FANBOY, that a prisoner under their custody had a knife on him or managed to get one. :omghaha:

He wasn't in their "custody" they were simply questioning as such it is very unlikely they'd have searched him for weapons or he was in any restraints.
That's a pretty broad term in the US with the whole "stand your ground" laws present in many parts. But yeah does seem like a pretty open and shut case.

AFAIK stand your ground is only in Florida and the case was in Florida. In any case protection of law enforcement agents is a big issue here and killing one pretty much carries a death penalty sentence if convicted. Although the cops do get a bit trigger happy but for the most part when they do shoot it is a clean shoot or they are dealt with. There is accountability here that is for sure.
BBC News - Boston bomb investigators kill Florida man

Quiet ludicrous - they kill a man by shooting him in questioning because he became "violent". The FBI agent was taken to hospital for "non" life threatening injuries.

They could have CS'd him and restrained him - happens everyday in the UK but our cops/agents don't KILL.

Shows the ruthlessness of the US system.

No wonder "nature" takes its cause.

Funny how no one has posted this report here.
Mate you are seriously messed up, that was a cheap shot.
That's a pretty broad term in the US with the whole "stand your ground" laws present in many parts. But yeah does seem like a pretty open and shut case.
This has nothing to do with the 'stand your ground' laws.

First...There is an expectation that if you are physically threatened in anyway and that if there is an avenue for you to escape the situation before it get violent, then you should remove yourself from that situation. The expectation is based upon the belief that we should do everything we can to reduce physical violence among the people.

It is an honorable belief. But ultimately wrong. It is wrong because it places a burden (not the burden) of guilt upon a victim. The belief basically says that if the victim does not do what is expected of him, he is equally guilty of producing a favorable environment for violence.

Second...The 'stand your ground' law intends to assert a person's right not to be intimidated and that this right must be respected and protected by the government. The moral foundation of this law give the victim the choices of either remove himself from a volatile situation or assert his right as a member of society that he not be intimidated and threatened by another member of society. Then if you are attacked, you have the right to defend yourself.

Your confusion here is the impression that if a person is an agent of the government, especially being an authorized armed agent, it is not possible for the person to be on the defensive. The 'stand your ground' law give you choices: fight or flight. Being an agent of the government in the course of duty, you do not have those choices. If a person begins to attack you, you are expected to response in kind. You are not expected to run away. You have no right to run away. You do not have that right because society granted you extraordinary powers to act on the people's behalf and part of those powers is to commit violence in defense of society.
Oh is that "all" they have to do??! AFAIK FBI agents are do not carry Tasers on a day-day basis. FBI agents are not some trigger happy redknecks- they are incredibly well trained and very smart law enforcement agents- IIRC you have to have a degree before joining. I'm more than confident they issued verbal commands and only used lethal force as a means of last resort.

It's all very well and good for us to judge their actions in the comfort of our homes but we weren't there and we don't know what situation faced these guys. What idiot tries to attack armed Federal agents anyway? What do you think the repercussions of such actions are going to be?

The tin-foil brigade are going to have a field day with this!

Just because you felt like you had to bless me with your retardedness, didnt mean that you were exempted from reading what I wrote. I make the taser comment mr I know it all, because there were cops there too. And 3-4 guys, let me correct me self. 3-4 highly trained guys couldnt subdue a guy who knew how to fight booo fooking hoo.
@gambit what is your view on this? Don't you think FBI killed for different reasons that mentioned here?
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Man linked to Boston bombing suspect killed by FBI in Florida


ORLANDO, Fla./WASHINGTON: A Chechen immigrant who was being questioned about his possible links to one of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects was shot and killed by a federal agent in Florida on Wednesday after he suddenly turned violent, the FBI said.

A friend of the dead man identified him to Reuters as 27-year-old Ibragim Todashev, who had previously lived in Boston and knew Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the older of the two brothers suspected of planting two bombs at the marathon on April 15, killing three people and injuring 264.

NBC News reported that Todashev had confessed to his involvement in an unsolved 2011 triple homicide in a Boston suburb that investigators believe was drug related, citing law enforcement officials.

Authorities were investigating possible connections between Tsarnaev, who died in a shootout with police, and the 2011 incident.

Three men including a close friend of Tsarnaev were found stabbed in the neck in an apartment on September 12, 2011, in Waltham, Massachusetts. News reports said marijuana was strewn over their bodies.

Wednesday's incident took place at an apartment complex near the Universal Studios theme park, where the FBI and members of other law enforcement agencies were interviewing the man about the marathon bombing.

"A violent confrontation was initiated by the individual," the FBI said. A special agent, it said, "acting on the imminent threat posed by the individual, responded with deadly force. The individual was killed and the special agent was transported to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries."

The possibility that Tsarnaev was connected to the Waltham murders is "being looked at seriously," said Republican Representative Peter King, who serves on the House Homeland Security Committee. Other US officials confirmed the investigation did involve Tsarnaev's possible role.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, and his 19-year-old brother Dzhokhar are suspected of setting off two pressure-cooker bombs at the marathon finish line. Dzhokhar is being held at a prison hospital west of Boston awaiting trial on charges that carry the possibility of the death penalty.


Todashev knew Tsarnaev because both were mixed martial-arts fighters in Boston but had no connection to the bombing, a friend of Todashev, Khusen Taramov, told Reuters in an interview.

Todashev was tailed by law enforcement agents since the day the Tsarnaev brothers were identified as suspects in the Boston bombing and called in for questioning repeatedly, he said.

"They called him a lot. They would just call and question him," Taramov said, adding he and his friend had met with FBI agents on several occasions.

Asked about the 2011 triple homicide he said it never came up in the meetings with the FBI that he personally attended. He said Taramov never mentioned the murders either.

"He had nothing to hide. Everything he knew, he told them," Taramov said.

Taramov said he met FBI agents on Tuesday night outside the apartment complex where his friend was killed but was told by the FBI to leave shortly before the shooting happened around midnight. He added that Todashev, who was in the United States as a legal permanent resident, had been planning a trip back to Russia where his parents live.

Law enforcement officials have also interviewed another person of Chechen origin, ex-rebel Musa Khadzhimuratov, at his home in New Hampshire, the New York Times reported last week. Khadzhimuratov, who had served as a bodyguard to a top Chechen separatist leader during the region's civil war with Russia more than a decade ago, also had contact with Tsarnaev.

Neighbors said that in recent weeks, they had noticed what looked like undercover officers in unmarked cars in the parking lot outside the apartment complex where Todashev was shot and killed. Several neighbors said he jogged on the paths through the complex shadow boxing, and sometimes swam laps in the pool and sparred with friends on the pool deck.

Todashev was arrested on May 4 and charged with aggravated battery after getting into a fight with another man over a parking space at an Orlando shopping mall, according to the Orange County Sheriff's Office in Orlando.

The man, who suffered a split upper lip and had several teeth knocked out of place, did not to press charges against Todashev, who was released from jail on a $3,500 bond, a sheriff's spokeswoman said.

Before the Boston bombings, Tamerlan Tsarnaev had been listed on multiple US government databases, including a master list of potential terrorism suspects. US authorities also were asked twice by Russia to investigate Tsarnaev for possible involvement with Islamic militants, US officials have said.

Also, on Wednesday afternoon, US Attorney General Eric Holder was scheduled to meet in Washington with Vladimir Kolokoltsev, Russia's interior minister. The meeting's agenda was unclear, but US investigators are anxious to learn what Russian authorities knew about the Tsarnaevs and about what Tamerlan Tsarnaev did during a six-month trip to Russia last year. – Reuters

Man linked to Boston bombing suspect killed by FBI in Florida | SAMAA TV
U.S. acknowledges killing of four U.S. citizens in counterterrorism operations - The Washington Post

The Obama administration acknowledged Wednesday that it has killed four Americans in overseas counterterrorism operations since 2009, the first time it has publicly taken responsibility for the deaths.

Although the acknowledgment, contained in a letter from Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. to Congress, does not say how the four were killed, three are known to have died in CIA drone strikes in Yemen in 2011: Anwar al-Awlaki, his 16-year-old son and Samir Khan.

The fourth — Jude Kennan Mohammad, a Florida native indicted in North Carolina in 2009 — was killed in Pakistan, where the CIA has operated a drone campaign against terrorism suspects for nearly a decade. His death was previously unreported.
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Prior to the Obama administration, the only known American killed by a drone strike was Kamal Derwish, who died in a strike launched in Yemen in 2002 under President George W. Bush.

In September 2011, Obama announced the death of Awlaki, a New Mexico-born cleric described as the foreign operations director for Yemen-based al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, known as AQAP. Although Obama did not claim U.S. responsibility, the fact that Awlaki was killed by a CIA drone was one of the worst-kept secrets in Washington.

According to Holder’s letter, Awlaki was the only U.S. citizen the administration “has specifically targeted and killed.” Khan, who edited an AQAP online magazine that provided bomb-building instructions allegedly used to carry out the Boston Marathon attack, was not targeted but was at Awlaki’s side and killed in the same strike.

Two weeks after Awlaki’s death, his 16-year-old son, Abdulrahman — who had gone to the Yemeni desert in search of his father — was killed in a drone strike meant for someone else. That strike was similarly un*acknowledged, although a senior administration official privately characterized it as a “mistake.”

The fourth American death, Jude Kennan Mohammad, was previously unreported. According to an information sheet released by the Justice Department, the former North Carolina resident was charged in 2009 with conspiracy “to provide material support to terrorists, including currency, training, transportation and personnel” and “to murder, kidnap, maim and injure persons abroad.”

Mohammad had fled the United States for Pakistan in the fall of 2008. According to Pakistan news accounts, the 20-year-old Mohammad, whose father was Pakistani, was detained by authorities when he tried to enter a tribal region near the Afghan border but was later released.

Mohammad’s mother, Elena Mohammad, said in a telephone interview that she was aware that her son had been killed in a drone strike but that she got the news from people in Pakistan, not U.S. authorities. She said she had no details on when and where her son was killed.

“I dealt with that, and I don’t have to deal with it anymore because it’s already over with,” she said. “So whatever transpired I don’t want it back in my life anymore. It’s gone. There are no questions. I don’t have to hear any authorities; the FBI has finished coming to my house. It’s over. That’s it.”

In regard to Guantanamo, the large Yemeni population there — at least 84 of the 166 detainees — could be one area where Obama chooses to act. After the failed attempt to bomb a commercial plane over Detroit on Dec. 25, 2009, a plot that was linked to Awlaki and AQAP, the president suspended all transfers of detainees to Yemen.

The government of Yemen and human rights groups have urged Obama to lift the moratorium and begin the staggered repatriation of some of these detainees. Of the Yemenis held at the military detention center in Cuba, 26 have been cleared for transfer and 30 others could be sent home if security conditions in the country improved, according to U.S. officials

Yemen President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi recently set up a detainee affairs committee made up of cabinet ministers and officials in the defense, intelligence and internal security agencies to manage any return and work with the United States to create and implement a resettlement plan, according to Mohammed Albasha, a spokesman for Yemen’s Embassy in Washington.

An additional 30 detainees of various nationalities were also cleared for transfer by an inter*agency task force in the first year of Obama’s first term but remain at the facility.
@gambit what is your view on this? Don't you think FBI killed for different reasons that mentioned here?
No, I do not. Contrary to what Hollywood portrayed of 'special agents' of the many US government agencies, these people are not even semi-supermen. They are not 'badasses'. Not 'Dirty Harry', if you care to research the name. Not closet superspies. Not even 1/10th of the martial artist of Chuck Norris. If you come at them with one knife, they will pull multiple guns on you. They are no different than ordinary people in that they do have a sense of self preservation.
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American who was killed by drone had been arrested by Pakistan - Dawn.COM News

PESHAWAR: Pakistani authorities once arrested an American citizen now known to have been killed in a US drone strike in the country, but he escaped after being released on bail.

The Obama administration revealed Wednesday that Jude Kenan Mohammad died in a US drone strike in Pakistan’s tribal region, making him the fourth American citizen killed by unmanned aircraft in Pakistan and Yemen.

Mohammad was indicted by federal authorities in 2009 as part of an alleged plot to attack the US Marine Corps base in Quantico, VA.

Before he could be arrested, Mohammad fled to Pakistan.

Pakistani officials said in 2008 that Mohammad was arrested when he tried to enter the Mohmand tribal area without permission.

He was released on bail and failed to show up at a 2009 court hearing.
I was reading on BBC that there were police officers there at the Scene as well, now all these highly trained dudes couldnt take care of one guy. What were they fighting a born again chuck Norris, all they had to do was pull a taser our and knock his butt out clean. Why kill him?

Someone has common sense.

The guy is a MMA fighter and the FBI agent felt his life is threatened and shot him.

Felt his life threatened? It was clearly reported that the FBI agent was taken to hospital with NON life threatening injuries.

And also he could have shot him in the leg or wound him but no he killed him.

Guess the internet is crawling with zionists as well as within the Muslim world causing protests.

I think in USA even if you touch a police officer it's a sign of aggression and they can legally kill you in self defense

If I am not mistaken, maybe our American members can clarify more.

That is their law and culture, maybe next time someone tries to migrate to their society, would be better if they are not to ignorant about their, law, culture and society.

You make me laugh.

Kill an unarmed man? You feeling alright.

MAYBE I should just re-register as an "American friend". Maybe then you'd believe me.
No it shows how ruthless in response to aggression. Osama learned it the hard way.

Osama? To me he never existed.

Funny how his body was never shown and he remained hidden in a a high security house with massive walls so no one can look in.

Maybe the US just picked it up on one of their spy missions with the drones and thought yeah we wont disclose any information, body, pics, videos, and say he never came out of this house and will go into Pakistan uninvited and say we killed him.

Not rocket science working that out.

'nature' as in 'floods' and 'earthquake'. Right! enjoy then 2 more months ;)

Rich coming from you, where you get the massive floods yourself. And then parts of your country dont get any water.

Lets not forget about the aids crawling in your women and children.

And how people are still living in "poverty" in this ever growing economy LOL! ;)

This smacks of massive lies and BS.

First of all the where did the guy under questioning find a knife ?

Secondly , as per the FBI and Police procedures such dangerous criminals are usually kept in Handcuffs.

There is something quite eerily strange about the whole story. Looks like a cover up.

Well done another person with some common sense.

Thought I was going insane LOL!

given the details that have emerged, their actions seem perfectly justified. Why should they have to risk their lives anymore than necessary?

If it was the other way round, you people would cry terrorists, murderers etc.

Yet its your own its "justified".

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