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Fazlullah in Kunar

they want you to blead? i dont know!! but the truth is that they are in shortage of manpower especially Afghan Army, that is why they lost the control of one of the districts. in case of Logar, the insurgents are having presence, but not control, they might have control in very far and remote areas, but the main land is not under them. and we shouldnt consuse kunar as it is mountainous region and very far from the capital. you guys have the same problem as we do, you dont have control over NW and it is almost detached from the body of pakistan, and we see the deadliest attacks come to afghanistan from that area.

its easy to blame pakistan. about 40 world powers have troops in Afghanistan with latest gadgets which we even cannot dream of .
why ISAF and ANA have failed to secure Paktia and Paktika bordering NWA?
dont they have all the resources or they want us to do the job which is their responsibility?

with all gadgetry they dont control Nouristan and Kunar why?
because from there threats come for pakistan and they want Pakistan to suffer to achieve their ends.
i dont blame Afghanistan because they are trying to stand and need time.
We should go into Afghanistan and get him back. One time operation only. Nato, if willing, should be asked to join in but the lead of this operation should be Pakistan.
Fazllullah along with Pakistani and Afghani Taliban were causing trouble in Afghanistan and yesterday they even captured a district in Kunar provice, Afghan army dont have much of men and resources to control that area properly, that is not just area of afghanistan, but areas of pakistan too that the insurgents walk freely and control it.

Why is it that when Pakistan makes the same argument of resource and manpower constraints because of catering to multiple threats in multiple theaters, it is dismissed by many in Afghanistan and the West, yet the NATO and Afghanistan themselves make the same arguments to justify their lack of action against terrorists taking sanctuary in territory under NATO/Afghan control?
We should go into Afghanistan and get him back. One time operation only. Nato, if willing, should be asked to join in but the lead of this operation should be Pakistan.

Sir, as good as it sounds, a spetacular SSG raid, i doubt it'll ever happen. This roach will keep fanning trouble
Sir, as good as it sounds, a spetacular SSG raid, i doubt it'll ever happen. This roach will keep fanning trouble

If the area is under Taliban control, you would need something as large as the PA's Swat offensive or at the least the massive Peocher air drop of SSG and FC Special Forces.

That means we are looking at several hundred to thousand troops being put in in.

One possibility is to coordinate a joint NATO-ANA-PA Assault of the region, with the PA/FC manning the Afghan-Pak border to block potential escape routes.
“We know exactly where he (Fazlullah) is in Afghanistan…we have told Americans and Afghans to get him. But they hardly seem to be interested in moving against him,” said one security official based in Peshawar.

This kind of statment really pisses me off,,, Why the hell We bought New F-16 and JDAMS for? we have the exact location for him,,,, Why not directly drop a bomb on him??? Using the same Logic they uses for Drone Attacks,,, Why Don't we have enough guts to do that???
Is this kunar area under afghan taliban control?If so is afghan taliban protecting ttp leader?
Now our planes should also goto Afghanistan for bombings..........

The TTP commander which belong to Pakistan are not getting any help from Pakistan and are hiding in Afghanistan i dont know how some stupid can say AT commanders are here in Pakistan.
The revelation comes days after Fazlullah featured in a video addressing his would-be suicide bombers and warning that his Taliban would take the valley they once ruled back from security forces.

Let him come back. He will lose his remaining limbs as well.:sniper:
While I support the idea of going in and getting him - we should be aware that Kunar is a bit of a disaster from the security point of view - whether Al-Qaida or Talib, their presence is strong and that of the Afghan government rather weak -- However; the Jamiaat commander and now member of wolesi Jirga, Hazrat Ali, has, at least in the near past, had excellent contacts and of course US security professionals have leverage with Jamiaat -- Pakistani security personnel similarly may have contacts in the attock, abbotabad and Islamabad populations of Pashaie, who may want to be of assistance.
We should go into Afghanistan and get him back. One time operation only. Nato, if willing, should be asked to join in but the lead of this operation should be Pakistan.

I think if situation comes to the point that Pakistan has to go down this line than it need to prioritise its interests.
For example, start hitting larger convoys of TTP armies by air strike... on either side..... extending the hot pursuit across the border.... of course, with due air cover.

Scumbag Fazalullah will remain Pakistan's most wanted but now he is in hidding and i doubt any local militants would help him.... free of charge.
I strongly believe he is a (covert) state guest and in ever changing stretegic senarios of the region... Fazalullah is of no importance, at the moment..... while he is in protective custody of his handlers and will be killed when he will become an unwanted baggage and he will once PA decide not to loose too much energies on this one individual. Major, matter of concern for Pakistan should be presence of indians in afghanistan and their local proxies.

In any case before going into Afghanistan, shouldn't Pakistan begin with suspending the transit aid to those who are handlers of Fazal Ullah!
If we don't go after the handlers than it will be another Fazal ullah succeding the first..... as we have seen already, in case of Mehsud's!
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Sir isn't fazlullah in kunar which is mostly under afghan taliban control?Ahmed also posted the news that he,along with afghan taliban have captured a district from ANA forces.All the ground realities conform that he is cooperating with afghan taliban in fighting ANA/NATO.
Is this kunar area under afghan taliban control?If so is afghan taliban protecting ttp leader?

you know US forces are exactly opposite of what they are presented in hollywood.
they are laughing stock imagine 90 thousand secret documents leaks and no one ask how?
and why such non professionalism and incompetency?
kunar and nouristan under taliban and Marjah a disgrace? where is Rambo to help Afghans and Pakistani Allies.

I am sorry no Rambo in Afghanistan and thats why most provinces under taliban.

Kunar is under taliban and no Rambo or terminater is there to finish them
Pakistan should send him a basket of dry fruits for his commendable hide and seek. However the basket should be bugged with a gps and bomb.

ISI needs to operate a special assasin wing to kill all these evils.

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