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Fatwa issued against 'Surya Namaskar'

Whats the problem with surya namaskar as an excercise?

As muslims , its obligatory for us not to workship another deity except Allah or God , is it clear enough ?

Do you know the meaning of mantras that you chant daily or you just repeat it ? Why not just do the exercise and omit the parts that are polytheistic ? :azn:
As muslims , its obligatory for us not to workship another deity except Allah or God , is it clear enough ?

Do you know the meaning of mantras that you chant daily or you just repeat it ? Why not just do the exercise and omit the parts that are polytheistic ? :azn:

As i have already stated in my previous posts,i skip the mantras.

But sometimes i chant them to concentrate.
This is a careless and unmindful statement.... do you even think before you write?

When Hindus are the majority and pay off taxes to run the govt and the country ,why the govt shouldn't actively propagate ancient hindu practices we cherish and appreciate as part of our culture ??

Whats wrong in my statement ??:hitwall:

Every country promotes and propagates its own native culture and religious values irrespective of the sentiments of the minority.
Even the USA does it .France does by banning Burkha because it simply is anti French culture.

Why shouldn't our kids learn learn good hindu cultural practices from the early age in their schools ,be it the govt or public we pay hefty sums either by in the form of taxes or directly as school fees ??

I mean this our country ,the only country where Hindus are found in such big number. If we aren't going to promote Hindu cultural aspects in a bigger way starting from the school level itself then where else could we Hindus do that ?? China or Russia??
First of all the Govt. decision says its not compulsory; I dont have a problem if somebody issues a fatwa, after all a fatwa itself is a guidance system not a compulsion (correct me if i am wrong) :azn:. Ultimately it should be left to the individual decision.

However If that fatwa is issued after interpreting the fact in a twisted manner then everybody has the right to question the validity of it. :angel:

Those who consider "surya namaskar" as a religious belief should first understand the meaning of sanskrit word Namaskara.

From Cultural perspective :

Namaskara is derived from word "Namaskriya", (means: "Performing a salutation"); for the purpose of "swavadhika utkrishtapooravaka jnananukoola Vypara" (means: acknowledging opposite party's superiority than myself while we are in need to trade certain benefit/knowledge from him)

Thus its a cultural thing rather than a religious one. So whats wrong in acknowledging Sun's Superiority than us while we are taking so much benefit from that entity. No need to consider him/her/it as the supreme being/entity.

Kindly note that Salutation is different from Worship. For worship of sun god there different words such as puja, upasana, havana etc.

IF we go by Literal Menaing: Namaskar means a form of salutation.

Salutation: A gesture or utterance made as a greeting or acknowledgement of another’s arrival or departure. (From Oxford Dictionary)

Do these Mullas have problems in acknowledging the existence of Sun ?? If true, before issuing fatwa on surya namaksra these Mullas should issue it for the the activity of "Greeting" !!! :hitwall:
after looking at responses from a 5 times prayer, and Hindus...

Just makes me ever so glad and thankful that we were given a separate homeland, and we are trying to make it an Islamic Republic.
after looking at responses from a 5 times prayer, and Hindus...

Just makes me ever so glad and thankful that we were given a separate homeland, and we are trying to make it an Islamic Republic.
You can do "Chandra Namashkar" at night, in your islamic republic?? :)
Its just a name of a streching exercise, most people will probably do it indoors.
First of all the Govt. decision says its not compulsory; I dont have a problem if somebody issues a fatwa, after all a fatwa itself is a guidance system not a compulsion (correct me if i am wrong) :azn:. Ultimately it should be left to the individual decision.

However If that fatwa is issued after interpreting the fact in a twisted manner then everybody has the right to question the validity of it. :angel:

Those who consider "surya namaskar" as a religious belief should first understand the meaning of sanskrit word Namaskara.

From Cultural perspective :

Namaskara is derived from word "Namaskriya", (means: "Performing a salutation"); for the purpose of "swavadhika utkrishtapooravaka jnananukoola Vypara" (means: acknowledging opposite party's superiority than myself while we are in need to trade certain benefit/knowledge from him)

Thus its a cultural thing rather than a religious one. So whats wrong in acknowledging Sun's Superiority than us while we are taking so much benefit from that entity. No need to consider him/her/it as the supreme being/entity.

Kindly note that Salutation is different from Worship. For worship of sun god there different words such as puja, upasana, havana etc.

IF we go by Literal Menaing: Namaskar means a form of salutation.

Salutation: A gesture or utterance made as a greeting or acknowledgement of another’s arrival or departure. (From Oxford Dictionary)

Do these Mullas have problems in acknowledging the existence of Sun ?? If true, before issuing fatwa on surya namaksra these Mullas should issue it for the the activity of "Greeting" !!! :hitwall:

best explaination..couldn't have done it better myself...thanks for it bro..

muslims should understand that yoga,surya namskar are not at all hindu things...they are totally scientific exercises and not at all sun worship...vedas do not promote worship of any god/deity/gods except supreme ishwar..

most of the confusion about vedas started when word deva was translated to god/gods when it actually means an entity that gives us something without asking anything in return from us...surya is a deva in that sense and vedas say that all devas are created by almighty ishwar and they all are part of him..and Ishwar alone should be worshiped..
after looking at responses from a 5 times prayer, and Hindus...

Just makes me ever so glad and thankful that we were given a separate homeland, and we are trying to make it an Islamic Republic.

So are you saying muslims can't coexist with anyone else?
So are you saying muslims can't coexist with anyone else?

coexisting does not mean- to worship each other Gods-
To coexist respect is essential and one have that if you understand each other religious sentiments- and dont try to impose any thing- what you gona get by making Muslims do surya namaskar?- or by making them say Vanday Matram?- Heaven?- NO-
it just shows how much intolerant you lot are to your minorities beliefs-
after looking at responses from a 5 times prayer, and Hindus...

Just makes me ever so glad and thankful that we were given a separate homeland, and we are trying to make it an Islamic Republic.

Yeah, and you started as a Secular nation. Great progress! :cheers:
As muslims , its obligatory for us not to workship another deity except Allah or God , is it clear enough ?

Do you know the meaning of mantras that you chant daily or you just repeat it ? Why not just do the exercise and omit the parts that are polytheistic ? :azn:

Mantras are not used in daily prayers by everyone. They are spoken at rituals by pandits and they tell you the meaning of each mantra after it is read. Whereas, I've heard muslims pray daily and many of them don't know what they are praying. :disagree:
coexisting does not mean- to worship each other Gods-
To coexist respect is essential and one have that if you understand each other religious sentiments- and dont try to impose any thing- what you gona get by making Muslims do surya namaskar?- or by making them say Vanday Matram?- Heaven?- NO-
it just shows how much intolerant you lot are to your minorities beliefs-

Jon bhai,
First of all,
1. Nobody is forcing muslims to do surya namaskar. Even if muslims are made to do surya namaskar as an excercise,whats the problem?
2. Whats the problem in saying VANDE MATARAM!?
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