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FATA Situation

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^^^ KB,

We addressed this video on another thread.

One must remember that since the Bajaur operation started, a large number of Pakistani and foreign media outlets have been covering the ops.

Almost all of them have their journalists in the region reporting on each days events, how many casualties for each side, displaced people, destroyed structures etc.

Almost all of those reports, by different journalists working for different media outlets, have confirmed the military's accounts about their op.s and casualties through Tribal sources etc. Nowhere have any doubts been raised as Hamid Mir does in this Taliban appeasing video - so is Hamid Mir correct and everyone else reporting from the region lying?

Listen to his arguments as well, and tell me if they make sense - There is a conspiracy to destroy Pakistan, and as part of this conspiracy the US is killing innocent tribesmen. The PA (whom most of Hamid Mir's ilk accuse of domestic interference to keep themselves in power) is in fact going along with this plan by deliberately bombing innocent Tribesmen and their homes?????

WTF - If the PA is so heavily vested in this country to keep itself in power, why on earth is it going along with an American conspiracy to destroy Pakistan?

The Op.s in Khyber Agency were a farce, and the media called the PA on it. The militants just faded away and the FC strolled into villages and towns lazily and blew up a few of Mangal Bagh's structures. If the PA was going to conduct another farce, that would have been the model it followed.

Lets not forget the bloody battle at Loisam at the beginning of the Bajaur Op.s, and the close escapes of both Maulvi Umar and Maulvi Faqir Muhammed (the latter is considered to be seriously injured - and come to think of it, haven't heard much from either of the two recently in the media).

This operation is real by all indications - Hamid Mir and his Taliban appeasing cohorts in the Media are trying their best to cast this in as bad a light as possible, a repeat of the treachery that occurred in the aftermath of the Lal Masjid operation.
^^^ KB,

We addressed this video on another thread.

One must remember that since the Bajaur operation started, a large number of Pakistani and foreign media outlets have been covering the ops.

Almost all of them have their journalists in the region reporting on each days events, how many casualties for each side, displaced people, destroyed structures etc.

Almost all of those reports, by different journalists working for different media outlets, have confirmed the military's accounts about their op.s and casualties through Tribal sources etc. Nowhere have any doubts been raised as Hamid Mir does in this Taliban appeasing video - so is Hamid Mir correct and everyone else reporting from the region lying?

Listen to his arguments as well, and tell me if they make sense - There is a conspiracy to destroy Pakistan, and as part of this conspiracy the US is killing innocent tribesmen. The PA (whom most of Hamid Mir's ilk accuse of domestic interference to keep themselves in power) is in fact going along with this plan by deliberately bombing innocent Tribesmen and their homes?????

WTF - If the PA is so heavily vested in this country to keep itself in power, why on earth is it going along with an American conspiracy to destroy Pakistan?

The Op.s in Khyber Agency were a farce, and the media called the PA on it. The militants just faded away and the FC strolled into villages and towns lazily and blew up a few of Mangal Bagh's structures. If the PA was going to conduct another farce, that would have been the model it followed.

Lets not forget the bloody battle at Loisam at the beginning of the Bajaur Op.s, and the close escapes of both Maulvi Umar and Maulvi Faqir Muhammed (the latter is considered to be seriously injured - and come to think of it, haven't heard much from either of the two recently in the media).

This operation is real by all indications - Hamid Mir and his Taliban appeasing cohorts in the Media are trying their best to cast this in as bad a light as possible, a repeat of the treachery that occurred in the aftermath of the Lal Masjid operation.

wonderful post. Glad to see logic still prevails in certain quarters of Pak population
Taliban suffer losses in Bajaur

KHAR: The security forces’ attacks on Taliban strongholds in Bajaur Agency caused them heavy causalities and financial losses, sources said on Thursday. At least eight Taliban were killed and several others injured in the operation. Their command and control system was also destroyed. According to the sources, the security forces arrested five Taliban and shelled their strongholds in Loyesam, Tang Khata, Kausar, Rashkai and Kerala areas. staff report

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

Pakistan forces kill nine Taliban along Afghan border

From correspondents in Islamabad, Pakistan, September 20, 2008
Pakistani security forces killed at least nine Taliban militants in a clash in the country's lawless tribal areas along the Afghan border, an army spokesman said late Friday.

'In the Bajaur tribal district today, a militants' attack in Rashkai area was successfully repulsed. Nine militants were killed and around a dozen more injured,' Major Murad Khan told DPA.

Militants' hideouts at Damadola and Loe Sam areas were also engaged with gunship helicopters and artillery fire. Heavy casualties are reported to be inflicted on insurgents but the exact losses are not ascertained yet, he added.

The clashes in Bajaur, a known sanctuary of Al Qaeda and Taliban fighters, have been going on since August when scores of militants attacked a checkpoint on a strategic hilltop along a route used by militants to cross into Afghanistan and attack international forces.

Around 800 militants have been killed in the fighting, according to official data. But it does not include civilian casualties, which remain unaccounted for because of the difficult geographical and security situation of the area.

Pakistan forces kill nine Taliban along Afghan border

From correspondents in Islamabad, Pakistan, September 20, 2008
Pakistani security forces killed at least nine Taliban militants in a clash in the country's lawless tribal areas along the Afghan border, an army spokesman said late Friday.

Around 800 militants have been killed in the fighting, according to official data. But it does not include civilian casualties, which remain unaccounted for because of the difficult geographical and security situation of the area.

And here is the swift reply. The situation gets worse. Pakistan is creating its own Indian Kashmir.


12 killed in suicide attack on security forces convoy in N. Waziristan

MIRANSHAH: A security forces convoy was targeted by a suicide bomber on Bannu Road in North Waziristan, which resulted in the destruction of two vehicles, leaving 12 dead and several wounded.

Sources said that the security forces convoy was targeted near the Essa check post on Miranshah-Bannu Road five kilometers away from here. Sources further said that security forces caravan was on way to Miran shah from Bannu, when suicide bomber rammed his explosive laden vehicle with the convoy, which left two vehicles of the security forces destroyed with over 20 personnel on board. Sources said that 10 security personnel and two civilians were killed. The injured and the dead were shifted by helicopters to Bannu, while the security forces have cordoned off the area and Bannu-Miranshah Road has been closed for traffic
And here is more swift reply
:) well my dear you need to remove neutral here from your ID.

Why and doesn't the same things happen in Indian Adm. Kashmir ? Hard to face the truth or does the editor pay people to be scared ostriches.

Why and doesn't the same things happen in Indian Adm. Kashmir ? Hard to face the truth or does the editor pay people to be scared ostriches.


Dear Always no the situation in your Indian Held Kashmir and our FATA is not the same.

Kashmir is disputed area on UN resolutions, while FATA is part of Pakistan not a disputed area.

In Kashmir, people are struggling for freedom and their own land.

In FATA millitants of Al-qaeda are targeting Pakistan for sidding with US for its war on terrorism.

There are too many sharp differences.

But ok for a minute we assume you are saying that what Pakistan is doing to Al-qaeda is not fair then it means you are not in favor of this war against al-qaeda so it means next you should not be asking Pakistan to go after them.

But my dear i am dead sure you also knew your intention of being biased in this case.
Dear Jana,

My reply in bold.


Dear Always no the situation in your Indian Held Kashmir and our FATA is not the same.

Why people are dying every day ? Please post all the headline from Dawn or Jang for the last month and you will see more than 300 people have died in the last month as bad as Kashmir.

Kashmir is disputed area on UN resolutions, while FATA is part of Pakistan not a disputed area.

Yes its disputed but the killing ratio is as good or probably worse than Kashmir.

In Kashmir, people are struggling for freedom and their own land.

In Khurram what are they doing care to enlighten me O Oracle ?

In FATA millitants of Al-qaeda are targeting Pakistan for sidding with US for its war on terrorism.

Yes and I am the King of England. Face it they believe in their tribes first, their tradition second and then Pakistan. Nationhood is their last priority same as the Kashmir valley.

There are too many sharp differences.

Why Islam believe in oneness ?

But ok for a minute we assume you are saying that what Pakistan is doing to Al-qaeda is not fair then it means you are not in favor of this war against al-qaeda so it means next you should not be asking Pakistan to go after them.

AQ is bad for the world I am concerned why they donot have such an extensive base in the world as they have it in your border areas ?

But my dear i am dead sure you also knew your intention of being biased in this case.

That is below the belt but since I am fond of you I will not reply to it. When you come to UK you may be suprised who I am.
Don't even compare Kashmir to FATA. Kashmir is heaven compared to FATA.
Dear Jana,

My reply in bold.


That is below the belt but since I am fond of you I will not reply to it. When you come to UK you may be suprised who I am.

Well since you quoted your post for obvious reasons, i could not reply to it the way i wanted too however there is just one thing i would like to give you an answer too. You asked why there are AQ extensive bases in Pakistan as compared to anywhere in the world, let me give you an answer as short as possible, because the world does not have a neighbour by the name of afghainstan with no physical border attached other then just a line to represent a border.

Also as much as you like to criticize Pakistan and her capabilities in fighting AQ, a reality check that NATO and US has proved to be even far worsed in containing the AQ and talban then Pakistan. Ever wondered from where these militants enter into Pakistan?
If its heaven care to enlighten me why for the last one month the whole town of Srinagar paralysed ?


Its better than living in a tribe with no law and order or administration, and being aerial bombed by Americans. Better than being illiterate with no education and no future.

Also, I did not say it is heaven.
Don't even compare Kashmir to FATA. Kashmir is heaven compared to FATA.

I guess that is why kashmires were raising Pakistani flags. Such an unthankful breed of people.:disagree:
Also as much as you like to criticize Pakistan and her capabilities in fighting AQ, a reality check that NATO and US has proved to be even far worsed in containing the AQ and talban then Pakistan. Ever wondered from where these militants enter into Pakistan?

Okay but we have been there for 6 years and you for 60 so who is to blame ?

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