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FATA Situation

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Tribal elders express support for military operations

Updated at: 1640 PST, Saturday, February 07, 2009
GHALNAI: Chief of Army Staff, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani (COAS) today visited troops in Mohmand Agency of Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA).

During a day long visit Chief of Army Staff was given a detailed briefing on operational preparedness and prevailing security environment in the area by Commandant Mohmand Rifles.

COAS informally interacted with the troops and appreciated their high morale. He also met with tribal elders and appreciated the efforts by tribes to evict foreign elements from their area and said that support of local people was critical for success of these operations to purge area of miscreants and terrorists.

The tribal elders expressed their full support for the military operations. They demonstrated their resolve to eliminate these militants from their area and bring back peace and security. They said that they were, they are and they will always remain the first line of Defence for Pakistan.

COAS directed local commanders to extend all possible help in providing medical facilities and looking after victims of miscreants’ atrocities. Earlier on arrival in the area, COAS was received by Lieutenant General Muhammad Masood Aslam, Corps Commander.
Kiyani is wroking on right strategy,local puston and tribes should not fight with PA ,If they have real jazba jehad they should go Afghanistan fight with US and NATO forces.

Tribes should develop understanding with PA and should not give chance to US to attack pakistan .This will weaken the resistance movement of talaban in Afghanistan
pA should also give pardon to millitant agreed for peace talks,our common enemy is Israel, we should focus on their moves desprately wanted to target pakistan nuke facilities .
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I hope the Pakistani Army finally gets the chance to just go in and kill all these damn al-qaeda and talibani bastards. All of theme are just animals, they are not even human. We must save pakistan, and annihilate these demons!
I hope the Pakistani Army finally gets the chance to just go in and kill all these damn al-qaeda and talibani bastards. All of theme are just animals, they are not even human. We must save pakistan, and annihilate these demons!

First of we need to crush the network of jehadi mullah groups ,which were developed by previous governments for Afghan Jehad ,otherwise it will be difficult to control activities.

Al QAEDA was developed by CIA ,now US should not blame Pakistan but help PA to flush them out from our soil.

1.5 Bill US economic support for Pakistan is extremely low , because US is spending 860Bill US on WOT in which 20% they are spending in Afghanistan War.

This is main reason for failure of Bush regime.
Villagers up in arms against Taliban

* Committees organise patrols by volunteers to guard against possible attack to avenge killing of nine Taliban

By Daud Khattak

PESHAWAR: The hujra (community guest house) of a union council (UC) nazim is abuzz with activity in Bazidkhel village, on the outskirts of Peshawar, where villagers had killed nine Taliban last week.

On February 4, the villagers had killed nine Taliban, who had come in two cars from the neighbouring Bara tehsil of Khyber Agency to abduct UC Nazim Fahimur Rehman, who is behind the villagers’ uprising against a Taliban group from Khyber Agency.

Following the Taliban’s killing, their group’s chief had warned the people of Bazidkhel, through his illegal FM radio, of a bloody revenge.

To guard themselves against a Taliban attack, the villagers have taken up arms and have started patrolling the streets of the village, 20 kilometres from Peshawar.

Speaking on his FM channel, the group’s chief had warned the villagers to hoist black flags on their houses, to show they were not involved in the killing of the nine men, or face a bloody revenge.

Volunteer groups: However, the villagers defied the threat and formed volunteer groups to patrol the streets to guard against a possible attack.

A six-foot-high wall has been constructed just behind the main entrance of the UC nazim’s hujra. “This wall has been completed to avoid an abrupt assault from the front entrance,” said Rehman. On the roof, labourers were busy erecting a boundary wall, usually used by villagers to take cover during a clash.

Praising the courage and cooperation of the villagers, Rehman said, “Let them attack and we shall come out with a tougher response.”

With an AK-47 assault rifle slung over his shoulder and his cell phone constantly ringing, Rehman claimed he had the support of the people from 28 union councils.

Nearly two dozen armed men sat in the compound of his hujra. Others guarded the front gate while another group sat alert on the rooftop.

Rehman was happy with the cooperation and support provided by the government and the police. “We’re going to meet the NWFP governor on Monday,” said the bearded nazim, in his late 30s.

He said Bazidkhel and the surrounding areas were known for their long-standing blood feuds “but the group’s attack threat has brought us together”. He said all tribesmen had set aside their personal enmities and had joined hands to face ‘the common enemy’.

The local Taliban chief had said the nine men had gone to the village to attend a condolence meeting. However, the UC nazim claimed he had received threats from the group in Khyber a week before the February 4 killings. Rehman said the group had a support base in Bazidkhel before the February 4 incident. However, all the people were now united against the group, he added.

Locals said night patrols had been increased in the area and committees had been formed to oversee patrols by volunteers. Cell phones had been distributed among the village elders and heads of the committees for coordination and quick reaction to any eventuality, they said.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Actuall situation on Pak-Afghan border

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Was that old guy at the end on his way to give Kamal Haider a hiding with his cane or what! :lol:
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Smoke and Mirrors show for the benefit of Press and the Government authorities.

Poor Mohammed Akbar Kharoti reminds me of:

Mehsud’s aide succumbs to injuries

LAHORE: Syed Nabi, a close aide of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) chief Baitullah Mehsud on Sunday succumbed to injuries caused by a landmine explosion on February 9, a private TV channel reported. The channel quoted TTP sources as saying that Nabi was seriously injured in the landmine attack staged by a rival group in South Waziristan and succumbed to his injuries on Sunday. daily times monitor

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Losses may force Al Qaeda to vacate Fata: US report
By Anwar Iqbal

WASHINGTON, Feb 15: Losses sustained since 2008 could force Al Qaeda to vacate Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas, says a US intelligence report prepared for Congress.

This year’s annual threat assessment by the US intelligence community shows how a concerted military effort to uproot Al Qaeda from Fata has weakened the group the US blames for the Sept 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

“In Pakistan’s tribal areas, Al Qaeda lost significant parts of its command structure since 2008 in a succession of blows as damaging to the group as any since the fall of the Taliban in late 2001,” says the report.

“Sustained pressure against Al Qaeda in Fata has the potential to further degrade its organisational cohesion and diminish the threat it poses.”

Exploring the possibility that the losses sustained since 2008 could force Al Qaeda to vacate Fata, the report notes: “It is conceivable Al Qaeda could relocate elsewhere in South Asia, the Gulf, or parts of Africa.”

The terrorist group would look for a place where it could “exploit a weak central government and close proximity to established recruitment, fundraising, and facilitation networks,” the report adds.

“But we judge none of these locations would be as conducive to their operational needs as their location in Fata.”

The US intelligence community also points out that if forced to vacate Fata and locate elsewhere, Al Qaeda would be vulnerable to US or host-country security crackdowns as well as local resistance. It probably would be forced to adopt an even more dispersed, clandestine structure, making training and operational coordination more difficult.

“Without access to its Fata safe-haven, Al Qaeda also undoubtedly would have greater difficulty supporting the Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan.”

According to the annual US intelligence report, key Al Qaeda leaders killed in Fata over the past year include Khalid Habib, the group’s military chief and the fourth man in its chain of command; Abu Layth Al Libi, who directed cross-border attacks against US forces in Afghanistan and was a rising star in the organisation; Abu Khabab Al Masri, the group’s leading expert on explosives and chemical attacks and a driving force behind its terrorist plotting against the US Homeland and Europe; and Usama Al Kini who was involved in the bombings of US embassies in East Africa in 1998 and later became the chief planner of Al Qaeda’s terrorist attacks in Pakistan.

The loss of these and many other leaders in quick succession has made it more difficult for Al Qaeda to identify replacements, and in some cases the group has had to promote junior figures considerably less skilled and respected than the individuals they are replacing.

The US intelligence community, however, warns that the primary threat to Western interests comes from Europe-based extremists affiliated with Al Qaeda who return from training in Pakistan to conduct attacks in Europe or the United States.

The report notes that Al Qaeda is not using Pakistan only to plan attacks against others but is also trying to destabilise Pakistan.

“Al Qaeda and its extremist sympathisers in Pakistan have waged a campaign of deadly and destabilising suicide attacks throughout Pakistan,” the report warns.

The US intelligence community places much importance on India-Pakistan relations for countering the threat of terrorism in South Asia.

Losses may force Al Qaeda to vacate Fata: US report -DAWN - Top Stories; February 16, 2009
10 killed in US drones raid in Kurram Agency
Updated at: 1025 PST, Monday, February 16, 2009

PARACHINAR: Ten people have been killed in US drone attack in Kurram Agency.

According to reports, US drones fired two rockets at suspected militants hideouts in Sarpal area in lower Kurram Agency. Ten people have been killed in the attack.

This was the first US drone attack in Kurram Agency, however, drones made regular flights in these areas in the past.

10 killed in US drones raid in Kurram Agency
Losses may force Al Qaeda to vacate Fata: US report
By Anwar Iqbal

WASHINGTON, Feb 15: Losses sustained since 2008 could force Al Qaeda to vacate Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas, says a US intelligence report prepared for Congress.

This year’s annual threat assessment by the US intelligence community shows how a concerted military effort to uproot Al Qaeda from Fata has weakened the group the US blames for the Sept 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

“In Pakistan’s tribal areas, Al Qaeda lost significant parts of its command structure since 2008 in a succession of blows as damaging to the group as any since the fall of the Taliban in late 2001,” says the report.

“Sustained pressure against Al Qaeda in Fata has the potential to further degrade its organisational cohesion and diminish the threat it poses.”

Exploring the possibility that the losses sustained since 2008 could force Al Qaeda to vacate Fata, the report notes: “It is conceivable Al Qaeda could relocate elsewhere in South Asia, the Gulf, or parts of Africa.”

The terrorist group would look for a place where it could “exploit a weak central government and close proximity to established recruitment, fundraising, and facilitation networks,” the report adds.

“But we judge none of these locations would be as conducive to their operational needs as their location in Fata.”

The US intelligence community also points out that if forced to vacate Fata and locate elsewhere, Al Qaeda would be vulnerable to US or host-country security crackdowns as well as local resistance. It probably would be forced to adopt an even more dispersed, clandestine structure, making training and operational coordination more difficult.

“Without access to its Fata safe-haven, Al Qaeda also undoubtedly would have greater difficulty supporting the Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan.”

According to the annual US intelligence report, key Al Qaeda leaders killed in Fata over the past year include Khalid Habib, the group’s military chief and the fourth man in its chain of command; Abu Layth Al Libi, who directed cross-border attacks against US forces in Afghanistan and was a rising star in the organisation; Abu Khabab Al Masri, the group’s leading expert on explosives and chemical attacks and a driving force behind its terrorist plotting against the US Homeland and Europe; and Usama Al Kini who was involved in the bombings of US embassies in East Africa in 1998 and later became the chief planner of Al Qaeda’s terrorist attacks in Pakistan.

The loss of these and many other leaders in quick succession has made it more difficult for Al Qaeda to identify replacements, and in some cases the group has had to promote junior figures considerably less skilled and respected than the individuals they are replacing.

The US intelligence community, however, warns that the primary threat to Western interests comes from Europe-based extremists affiliated with Al Qaeda who return from training in Pakistan to conduct attacks in Europe or the United States.

The report notes that Al Qaeda is not using Pakistan only to plan attacks against others but is also trying to destabilise Pakistan.

“Al Qaeda and its extremist sympathisers in Pakistan have waged a campaign of deadly and destabilising suicide attacks throughout Pakistan,” the report warns.

The US intelligence community places much importance on India-Pakistan relations for countering the threat of terrorism in South Asia.

Losses may force Al Qaeda to vacate Fata: US report -DAWN - Top Stories; February 16, 2009

Al Qaeda is international organisation organised by CIA .They know eah other very well .

Al Qaeda should not make base camps in muslim countries to destroy their peace ,they should fight with US in battle fields in Afghanistan and Iraq and Palestine,if they are really believe in jehad

Why they are not fighting with Israel killing innocient kids and womens?
It is shameful to gloat over the US drone strikes in FATA, because FATA is an integral part of Pakistan.

Even more shameful is the fact that the drones are reportedly operating from Pakistani bases. Such operations are aided and abetted by the Government and the Army.

Drone strikes do not make any real difference to the ground situation; the “bad guys” have lived with them for good 3 years now. Attacks on the US/NATO forces in Afghanistan have registered a 40% rise this year.

However the Drone strikes have had a devastating impact on the general population, women, children, senior citizens. A sizeable percentage of people have taken shelter in caves and the mountainous terrain. They are surviving in freezing temperatures with no shelter.

US Drone strikes appear to serve three (3) basic objectives:
1. To humiliate Pakistan. A constant reminder that Pakistan is devoid of sovereignty, a mere surrogate State, working for a paltry salary.
2. A constant reminder to the Army that you guys are our coolies and camp followers. Your sole mission is supporting “War on Terror”, you have been stripped of your responsibility to defend the Pakistani territory.
3. To impose collective punishment on the General population in FATA so they withdraw any kind of support to the “bad guys”.
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