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FATA Situation

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This story is indeed of the same attack as of al LIBI, but with a new twist just released---we had discussed this issue in detail when it happened but thios info was not available then. To my understanding the crux of the news is not three weeks old but recent---unless you have read it somewhere---. Previous news / rumour was that it was either a pakistani operation or a pakistani assisted op---it was niether---it was truly a dollar and cents operation / paid operators in action.
Kayani hails 'normalcy' in tribal areas

ISLAMABAD (AFP) - Army chief on Thursday hailed his troops for bringing “normalcy” to the tribal region bordering Afghanistan, where Taliban and Al-Qaeda linked militants have been active.
General Ashfaq Kayani visited the South Waziristan tribal district and handed out bravery awards to officers and soldiers, a military statement said.
“He (Kayani) appreciated the efforts of security forces which helped restore normalcy in the area,” the statement said.
More than 1,000 troops have died in fighting with Al-Qaeda and Taliban militants since Pakistan joined the US-led “war on terror” following 2001 attacks on the United States, for which Al-Qaeda claimed responsibility.
The army has said Kayani declared 2008 the “Year of the Soldier” after he took over from President Pervez Musharraf as army chief in November. Army morale has been hit by casualties in the ongoing fight against militants in the tribal areas and the surrender of more than 250 troops to insurgents in the region last year.
Allies of Musharraf suffered heavy losses in parliamentary elections on Monday.
Analysts say Western allies will anxiously eye country’s new political set-up for signs of backsliding in the “war on terror,” but a democratic government will likely help their cause.
Kayani is reportedly close to Musharraf but keen to reduce the army’s role in politics.

The Nation
It is very sad to see how some of us have bravely quoted the killing of our own people in FATA....... maybe I am wrong as most of the stuff seems to be based on reports...... The fact is that Pak Army is been used by the foreign forces and the so called allies in such a way that it has created instability for us...

I am not blaming the soldiers... they are doing the job.....but i am blaming the think tank.... the so called Generals which are participating in this massacre.... I will strongly held Mr. Mushy (friend of Bushy) accountable for all what is happening in our tribal belt..... Negotiations and dialogue was and is the best way to solve this issue....

I hope both the parties sit and solve this damn problem.....

We have tried dialogues on every point in swat,fate,lal masjid but no out comes. Their demand from pakistan is to let them use the land of Pakistan to fight americans and we can't afford this. they have to make the choice. (but being pakistan i feel the pain but i would certinly not blam Mushraff for this at all he is doing what any senceable person would have done. if you dont belive that they were not given chances come back to me ill back my points where we offerd them peace but they used the time for devilish acts):pakistan:

It is very sad to see how some of us have bravely quoted the killing of our own people in FATA....... maybe I am wrong as most of the stuff seems to be based on reports...... The fact is that Pak Army is been used by the foreign forces and the so called allies in such a way that it has created instability for us...

I am not blaming the soldiers... they are doing the job.....but i am blaming the think tank.... the so called Generals which are participating in this massacre.... I will strongly held Mr. Mushy (friend of Bushy) accountable for all what is happening in our tribal belt..... Negotiations and dialogue was and is the best way to solve this issue....

I hope both the parties sit and solve this damn problem.....

Please, sure.... show me what have you offered them...??

I can prove it that the operation in Lal Masjid was done to make the western powers happy..... It was not required and plz remember that when you fight with your own people... don't expect roses.... Have you been to Waziristan ?? Have you been part of a truce??? You talk about devilish things..... My dear brother please don’t say like that..... Try to see ... coz seeing is believing....

I know the Pak Army was forced to break the truce in Waziristan.... just coz Mushy (friend of Bushy) wanted.... to show that he is required to be in power.... in order to deal with people like that.... It really hurts to see that who we use to call Mujahedeen in 80's are today declared as terrorists... just coz the Americans ... don’t feel safe anymore.....

You spoke about Lal Masjid..... Ok tell me why it was that when they said that we are ready for a peace deal.... the Pak Army was told to go ahead with the operation......??.....

Have you ever met any soldier who came back from Waziristan??..... Please I am not blaming the Army in this.... a soldier has to take the orders and perform his duty.... I am blaming the think tank and the government for how they deal with a situation...... We are following the Agenda of War on Terror which is not in our favor..... There are other ways.... of fighting this war......

There was a time... when ppl use to be proud of the Pak Army... today they are not proud... What’s the reason??? Don’t come back with your own theory.... The reason is my brother, that we have seen... our own Army killing Pakistani Citizens.... Lal Masjid operation started and it was declared that there are 4 to 5 foreign militants.... where did they go?? And still ppl complain that body parts are found...??/ Why was that area sealed? Why did Shaukat Aziz the PM at that time said..."I am sorry the orders are passed from the GHQ"...... Obviously it’s not the whole GHQ to be blamed.... Defiantly some or most of them had opposed such an operation.... but who said that no we have to carry it.....

I am talking about those culprits who have played the role... not of the whole Army.... How many Pak Army soldiers were captured in Waziristan ?.... Why didn’t they fight ?... if the opposing people were so devilish ??..... They were not and a soldier is also a human my bro.... he also has a heart..... A mind and a soul.... just like anyone of us.....

I am not trying to argue with you.... all I am trying to say is.... Using Force is not the solution..... And you might come up with a question of suicide attacks with in Pakistan........ Well I can clearly ask you to please contact Mr. Javed Iqbal Cheema and ask him this question in person.... and hear it yourself what he has to say..... Who is involved and why the identity of the most suicide bombers are kept hidden.... whereas the identity of the suicide bomber who attacked Shaukat Aziz.... was traced so quickly......??.....

Most of the work is again done by our neighboring country and for the last few months time.... our spokesman has also started quoting it....??... Suddenly a U Turn or some facts.....??..... They are using both sides bro... They are not our people.... if you are going to show force... things will go out of hand... that’s all what I am trying to say.......

Please check your facts Hammad - The Pakistan Army did not break the Ceasefire, it was unilaterally broken by the militants - they admitted it, and do you know what their reason was? According to theSouth Waziristan militants, the Army had set up "check posts", and they used "check posts" to justify suicide bombings and martyring our soldiers, it was then the Army started retaliating.

In North Waziristan as well it was the militants who unilaterally broke the "deal" - their reason was not even related to them, They did it because of the Lal Masjid Operation, and their response was to start conducting suicide bombings against the Security Forces. What business do these people have with events in Islamabad? FATA does not accept the laws and constitution of Pakistan, therefore dealing with the LM issue was the responsibility of Pakistanis in Islamabad, and elsewhere, which you could argue they did through the elections.

I would suggest based on the above that the military did everything it could to maintain the ceasefire - as you can see it was the militants who broke the deals for no reason.

On the Lal Masjid issue, the LM Mullahs Kidnapped people, they threatened suicide bombings, and refused to surrender even when Abdul Sattar Edhi, Chaudhry Shujaat, Ijazul Haq etc. went in to negotiate for their surrender, which is when the operation started. Are you forgetting the last press conference by the above mentioned people, where Chaudhry Shujaat expressed his dismay at not being able to convince the Mullah to surrender? I even remeber Sattar Edhi's interview where he said that "This Mullah is a very stubborn man, who does not want ot listen to anybody". SO when so many attempts failed, what was the GoP supposed to do.

Stop twisting things to suit your agenda. When someone threatens to carry out suicide bombings and conducts kidnappings, and threatens people - they are considered criminals and terrorists, and should be dealt with as such
Ok... I would like to answer you one by one.....

South Waziristan: The Army had no rights what so ever to set up check posts after the deal was signed and my dear bro it was part of the deal.... Ask Shukat Sultan to give you a copy and incase he does not have one... give me your mail address or P.O Box number.... I will send it to you.... If the Army had wnated such a step even after signing the deal they could have taken the Tribal Elders and the militant representatives in confidence before doing so .....

North Waziristan: What business??/ ....Dear brother... they are part of our country so plz don’t say that they have nothing to do.... I agree they are not governed by the Pak Constitution but then y do u have POLITICAL AGENT??..... What is he doing over there ??.....They played an active part in making our country…. Today you say they mind their own business….. What sort of ideology do you follow??...

Yes they broke and they had the right to break it..... coz the military never took them in confidence..... it was said a thousand time that the peace deal might be in danger coz of the Lal Masjid operation but.... as usual the think tank of Pak Army thought that they can deal with any sort of issue.... very easily.... When you kill one .... you are giving life to hundreds of them.... so its better to negotiate as the other is also your brother from another mother.... of the same Pakistan....

Yes I had heard the press conference of all these ppl.... infect i was there... but my dear bro... What happened.... when the so called MULLAH's were ready for a deal..... ??? Where did the Pak Army's or Political Negotiation team of the government went??.... Everyone knows what was broadcasted on the private TV Channels... and what did the Mullah's negotiation team (Government Sponsored) said.... on the TV CHANNELS..... and today the same people who were part of that government are admitting that steps taken.... for the Lal Masjid issue were not right......

Bro I know what the Pak Army did.... to a certain extent I support but when it comes to.... fighting with your own people.... I disagree....with anyone who supports operations.... that’s not a good way to solve internal problems.... you are asking for trouble and i think we all have witnessed the amount of trouble we are asking..... The Lal Masjid people never….. Kidnapped anyone who was insane…. What the issue if they took some prostitutes… and closed their hell center…… Just coz some Ministers were also involved in these acts….. today we say it was kidnapping…

Again I would say.... plz... stop the operations against your own people.... sit and talk.... and don't try to sign deals with hidden agenda.... be open... u can't hide from your people......

The Lal Masjid people never….. Kidnapped anyone who was insane…. What the issue if they took some prostitutes… and closed their hell center…… Just coz some Ministers were also involved in these acts….. today we say it was kidnapping…

Again I would say.... plz... stop the operations against your own people.... sit and talk.... and don't try to sign deals with hidden agenda.... be open... u can't hide from your people......


Ahhh the rebirth of Mr concerned

And who on earth gave that insane Maulana Rashid to arrest what you called few prostitutes ???? was he entitles to do that.

And intrestingly you forgot that the amount of weapons they used against the police and forces. where that came from ???

Dint that R.AT who died in that operation himself stated on TV when asked about the weapons

he said "hamara kuch dost hain jinhoon ne humain provide kia ha"

who were his friends ???

Indeed Baitullah Mehsud and his anti-Pakistan friends.

Soon after LM operation the suicide bombers let loose by Maulana Rashid spread across Pakistan like rats and killed hunderds of innocent people.
Ok... I would like to answer you one by one.....

South Waziristan: The Army had no rights what so ever to set up check posts after the deal was signed and my dear bro it was part of the deal.... Ask Shukat Sultan to give you a copy and incase he does not have one... give me your mail address or P.O Box number.... I will send it to you.... If the Army had wnated such a step even after signing the deal they could have taken the Tribal Elders and the militant representatives in confidence before doing so .....

Aray bhaiu, I am not arguing that the "check posts" were part of the deal, but how do you justify retaliations to the setting up of check posts with suicide bombings, beheadings and abductions of soldiers? In what world is this acceptable? The answer would have been to continue negotiations with the GoP through the Jirga's. The militants wanted bloodshed and violence, that is why they chose even a flimsy issue like check posts to start bombings.

The GoP decide to set up check posts again because the Americans were complaining that attacks over the border were increasing (and stopping such attacks was also part of the deal). When the deals collapsed, the attacks in the area adjacent to the Pak-Afghan border went down forty percent! So the militants were not completely innocent in their adherence to the "deal". But regardless, suicide bombings in retaliation for "check posts" are only justifiable for terrorists.

North Waziristan: What business??/ ....Dear brother... they are part of our country so plz don’t say that they have nothing to do.... I agree they are not governed by the Pak Constitution but then y do u have POLITICAL AGENT??..... What is he doing over there ??.....They played an active part in making our country…. Today you say they mind their own business….. What sort of ideology do you follow??
They don't have any right to criticize any action taken by Pakistani security forces to deal with any threat by terrorists in Islamabad. That decision rests with the GoP. If they want to criticize, then accept the constitution and Pakistan's laws, otherwise shut up. And they definitely do not have the right to carry out suicide bombings against troops, because the GoP chose to deal with an issue in a manner they saw fit. Like I said, if you do not like the way the Gop handled the LM issue, you express it through the ballot box, which people did - not through suicide bombings. The North Waziristan Taliban chose the illegal route of bombings and violence, they broke the Peace Deal, not the GoP - they therefore are terrorists.

You are so willing to send me a copy of the agreement with Mehsud, in what agreement with the North Waziristan Taliban does it say that Lal Masjid should not be attacked?
Yes they broke and they had the right to break it..... coz the military never took them in confidence..... it was said a thousand time that the peace deal might be in danger coz of the Lal Masjid operation but.... as usual the think tank of Pak Army thought that they can deal with any sort of issue.... very easily.... When you kill one .... you are giving life to hundreds of them.... so its better to negotiate as the other is also your brother from another mother.... of the same Pakistan....

Where in the peace deal does it say that Lal Masjid should not be attacked? Next they will pick some other issue and say "GoP don't do this or peace deal will break". You cannot just issue threats and say the "deal will be broken". LM was not part of the deal. The military only had to take them into confidence over issues in North Waziristan, not in Islamabad or anywhere else in Pakistan. So their demand was completely unjustified.

Yes I had heard the press conference of all these ppl.... infect i was there... but my dear bro... What happened.... when the so called MULLAH's were ready for a deal..... ??? Where did the Pak Army's or Political Negotiation team of the government went??.... Everyone knows what was broadcasted on the private TV Channels... and what did the Mullah's negotiation team (Government Sponsored) said.... on the TV CHANNELS..... and today the same people who were part of that government are admitting that steps taken.... for the Lal Masjid issue were not right......

The Mullah's were not ready for the deal. The last contact was made by Shujaat and Company - they came out and said Mullah refused to surrender, and the operation went in to affect. What "deal" are you talking about? I need a source and a link.

Bro I know what the Pak Army did.... to a certain extent I support but when it comes to.... fighting with your own people.... I disagree....with anyone who supports operations.... that’s not a good way to solve internal problems.... you are asking for trouble and i think we all have witnessed the amount of trouble we are asking..... The Lal Masjid people never….. Kidnapped anyone who was insane…. What the issue if they took some prostitutes… and closed their hell center…… Just coz some Ministers were also involved in these acts….. today we say it was kidnapping…

Again I would say.... plz... stop the operations against your own people.... sit and talk.... and don't try to sign deals with hidden agenda.... be open... u can't hide from your people......

DId you know that there are Pakistanis who are rapists, murderers, dacoits and kidnappers? Should the security forces not capture them and put them in jail? Should they not fight them in encounters? What kind of rationale is this? If you have criminals you fight them. Sometimes you have to bring in the military because the police cannot handle the situation.

The operations can be stopped if the militants lay down their weapons, and choose to follow peace and a political process - not suicide bombings and attacks. It is up to them.
Agno you had posted in detail i should not be adding more but let me post the news of bomb attack on a wedding party by these moroons whome this Mr Hammad is supporting.

About 13 people were killed the terrorists attacked the vehicle carrying wedding guests thinking it was forces' vehicle.

And this mr hammad says that these kinds of moroons should be spared.

I am not at all in favour of holding talks with Baitullah Mehsud.

Rest talks can be carried out with those who are not in hand in glove with our enemies.
Wedding party blast kills eight in Pakistan: ministry

Fri Feb 22, 7:55 AM ET

PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AFP) - A roadside bomb ripped through a vehicle carrying wedding guests in northwestern Pakistan Friday, killing at least eight people and wounding a dozen others, the interior ministry said.


The blast in the troubled Swat Valley, where Islamist militants linked to Al-Qaeda and the Taliban are active, was the first since Pakistan held largely peaceful parliamentary elections on Monday.

"The vehicle was carrying people from a wedding ceremony when it was hit by an improvised explosive device in Swat region," interior ministry spokesman Brigadier Javed Cheema told AFP.

"At least eight people were killed and a dozen others wounded," in the blast, which happened near the town of Matta, he said.

The Swat Valley was a famed tourist spot until the middle of last year when it became a flashpoint for violence between the military and followers of a hardline pro-Taliban cleric who tried to establish Islamic sharia law.

The military launched an offensive in the Swat valley in November against the cleric, Maulana Fazlullah, killing and arresting hundreds of militants but failing to capture Fazlullah.

But militant activity has continued in the area.
Ok... I would like to answer you one by one.....

South Waziristan: The Army had no rights what so ever to set up check posts after the deal was signed and my dear bro it was part of the deal.... Ask Shukat Sultan to give you a copy and incase he does not have one... give me your mail address or P.O Box number.... I will send it to you.... If the Army had wnated such a step even after signing the deal they could have taken the Tribal Elders and the militant representatives in confidence before doing so .....

North Waziristan: What business??/ ....Dear brother... they are part of our country so plz don’t say that they have nothing to do.... I agree they are not governed by the Pak Constitution but then y do u have POLITICAL AGENT??..... What is he doing over there ??.....They played an active part in making our country…. Today you say they mind their own business….. What sort of ideology do you follow??...

Yes they broke and they had the right to break it..... coz the military never took them in confidence..... it was said a thousand time that the peace deal might be in danger coz of the Lal Masjid operation but.... as usual the think tank of Pak Army thought that they can deal with any sort of issue.... very easily.... When you kill one .... you are giving life to hundreds of them.... so its better to negotiate as the other is also your brother from another mother.... of the same Pakistan....

Yes I had heard the press conference of all these ppl.... infect i was there... but my dear bro... What happened.... when the so called MULLAH's were ready for a deal..... ??? Where did the Pak Army's or Political Negotiation team of the government went??.... Everyone knows what was broadcasted on the private TV Channels... and what did the Mullah's negotiation team (Government Sponsored) said.... on the TV CHANNELS..... and today the same people who were part of that government are admitting that steps taken.... for the Lal Masjid issue were not right......

Bro I know what the Pak Army did.... to a certain extent I support but when it comes to.... fighting with your own people.... I disagree....with anyone who supports operations.... that’s not a good way to solve internal problems.... you are asking for trouble and i think we all have witnessed the amount of trouble we are asking..... The Lal Masjid people never….. Kidnapped anyone who was insane…. What the issue if they took some prostitutes… and closed their hell center…… Just coz some Ministers were also involved in these acts….. today we say it was kidnapping…

Again I would say.... plz... stop the operations against your own people.... sit and talk.... and don't try to sign deals with hidden agenda.... be open... u can't hide from your people......



You do not hold the government at ransom regardless of your demands. There is the law of the land and you follow that. Regardless of the prostitutes and regardless of the Government setting up checkposts.

The Saudis (had they faced a situation such as LM) would have passed fatwas and bulldozed the entire compound.

Government, as bad as it may be perceived to be, should be the final authority. If you do not agree, take it to the courts but you cannot start policing the streets, setting up parallel judicial system etc.

The fitna incurred by taking things into your own hands is much greater than the problem of allowing women of questionable character running around.

The day Pakistanis understand this, that day onward, we would realize the potential of our country.
Brother i know where you are coming from ;) ill show you even what you listen to and talk about. You listen to that PPP lawyer the bullcrap guy his name is not on the top of my head. Well Pakistani GOV warned the Terroriests for 9 mounths WAIT DID I SAY NINE MONTHS LOL BRO DO YOUKNOW WHAT NINE MONTHS ARE a baby will stay in wome and ready to come out and cry lol being serious its a loooooooong time. What responce did we get from terroiests nothing. The went after a brothel went after chinies ladies, they went after video stores in the heart of Pakistan !!! islamabad. If they were so good and wanted some god dam change they should off gone after Corrupting police, wapda,PTCL, they would off cleaned the corruption because everything starts witht e corruption, Few examples **** videos are illegel in pakistan but who should impiment this POLICE right? they should off gone after corrupt police, Pak GOP tried all the means to solve the problem with peace man we even used Mulana abdul sitar ehide come on.!!!!!. ill give you the speech of Pakistani PRESIDENT MUSHRRAF o4B17D3dDs4[/media] - President Musharraf Address to Nation on Lal Masjid and here _RfA5mZiiZU[/media] - President Ge.Pervez Musharraf Warns Lal Masjid how much a man can try. Now come to your question why we didnt stop the operation when they asked for talk while opperation? 1st GOP know by know that all they wanted more time for just to gain more time to go after GOV these terrorist has decived us so many times we showed them mercy and they came back to bite our *****. POINT 2 talking about taliban? brother i dont know where did you get this thing that pakistani was forced by GOP to break the peace deal!!!!! wow how do so explain me that please. Man this is Pakistan and you are talking about PAKISTAN AND THE PRESIDENT OF PAKISTAN so stop accusing PRESIDENT OF PAKISTAN FOR SOME BASLESS POINTS PLEASE. you are talking about MR PRESIDENT. Pakistan made truce and peace deal with taliban when the entire world wanted to blow talibans. we showed mercy. what they did in return!!! used that time to gain weapons and attact the state of Pakistan. I will tell you now that what is the problem WE NEED TO HAVE THE RIT OF PAKISTAN ON EVERY SINGLE INCH OF PAKISTAN WE MUST if we dont then we will face terrorism thats it. watch this aswell 4VTXMmld2jc[/media] - President Pervez Musharraf vs. Syed Adnan Kakakhel - 1.3 dAPII9ogaNM[/media] - President Pervez Musharraf vs. Syed Adnan Kakakhel - 2.3 4VTXMmld2jc[/media] - President Pervez Musharraf vs. Syed Adnan Kakakhel - 1.3
Thanks :pakistan::sniper:

Please, sure.... show me what have you offered them...??

I can prove it that the operation in Lal Masjid was done to make the western powers happy..... It was not required and plz remember that when you fight with your own people... don't expect roses.... Have you been to Waziristan ?? Have you been part of a truce??? You talk about devilish things..... My dear brother please don’t say like that..... Try to see ... coz seeing is believing....

I know the Pak Army was forced to break the truce in Waziristan.... just coz Mushy (friend of Bushy) wanted.... to show that he is required to be in power.... in order to deal with people like that.... It really hurts to see that who we use to call Mujahedeen in 80's are today declared as terrorists... just coz the Americans ... don’t feel safe anymore.....

You spoke about Lal Masjid..... Ok tell me why it was that when they said that we are ready for a peace deal.... the Pak Army was told to go ahead with the operation......??.....

Have you ever met any soldier who came back from Waziristan??..... Please I am not blaming the Army in this.... a soldier has to take the orders and perform his duty.... I am blaming the think tank and the government for how they deal with a situation...... We are following the Agenda of War on Terror which is not in our favor..... There are other ways.... of fighting this war......

There was a time... when ppl use to be proud of the Pak Army... today they are not proud... What’s the reason??? Don’t come back with your own theory.... The reason is my brother, that we have seen... our own Army killing Pakistani Citizens.... Lal Masjid operation started and it was declared that there are 4 to 5 foreign militants.... where did they go?? And still ppl complain that body parts are found...??/ Why was that area sealed? Why did Shaukat Aziz the PM at that time said..."I am sorry the orders are passed from the GHQ"...... Obviously it’s not the whole GHQ to be blamed.... Defiantly some or most of them had opposed such an operation.... but who said that no we have to carry it.....

I am talking about those culprits who have played the role... not of the whole Army.... How many Pak Army soldiers were captured in Waziristan ?.... Why didn’t they fight ?... if the opposing people were so devilish ??..... They were not and a soldier is also a human my bro.... he also has a heart..... A mind and a soul.... just like anyone of us.....

I am not trying to argue with you.... all I am trying to say is.... Using Force is not the solution..... And you might come up with a question of suicide attacks with in Pakistan........ Well I can clearly ask you to please contact Mr. Javed Iqbal Cheema and ask him this question in person.... and hear it yourself what he has to say..... Who is involved and why the identity of the most suicide bombers are kept hidden.... whereas the identity of the suicide bomber who attacked Shaukat Aziz.... was traced so quickly......??.....

Most of the work is again done by our neighboring country and for the last few months time.... our spokesman has also started quoting it....??... Suddenly a U Turn or some facts.....??..... They are using both sides bro... They are not our people.... if you are going to show force... things will go out of hand... that’s all what I am trying to say.......

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Well in simple i would only say to wait and see how Pak Army is going to take a U turn on tribal areas..... As far as deals and other things are concerned plz read the history..... Our own governments have spared ppl...... who were even worse then the so called militants....

You can have your own views and support on WAR ON TERROR.... or in other words... WAR ON YOUR OWN PEOPLE.........

I support.... both the militants and the Pak Army..... it was said several times that they do not wish to fight with Pak Army.....

For the Mushy (Friend of Bushy) I hate him and nearly everyone in the Army hates him.... ....

I have the right to show my view point.... and i think i have... yeah for some of you a hardliner.... a mullah.... and may be even a person who doesn't know whats going on in Pak......

Brother i am a muslim. Brother i am also not happy with all this ar on terror but i will blame militants for it not that GOP. Brother i know about islam more then normal muslim Alhumdullillah i can back my points same way by Hadits etc. All harliner people of pakistan deosnt see the good side of this gov they only see mush shaking hands with bush thats it and they burn over this but its not the case man i think mush has more been hard on bush then mush has ever gotton hard on mush., Mush is the only president of Pakistan who acctually showed middle finger to USA so many time but brother he is a one man faceing the entire world including Pakistani people FOR PAKISTAN AND ISLAM remember LOOK FOR THE LONG TERM PROFIT THAT ISLAM AND PAKISTAN WILL GET BECAUSE OF HIS POLICIES MATTER OF FACT THE POLICIES OF PAK ARMY I HOPE YOU GET THIS. WE PAKISTANI OUR GOV SHOULD IMPIMENT THE RIT ON EVERY INCH OF PAKISTANI SOIL THATS IT.:pakistan:
Well in simple i would only say to wait and see how Pak Army is going to take a U turn on tribal areas..... As far as deals and other things are concerned plz read the history..... Our own governments have spared ppl...... who were even worse then the so called militants....

You can have your own views and support on WAR ON TERROR.... or in other words... WAR ON YOUR OWN PEOPLE.........

I support.... both the militants and the Pak Army..... it was said several times that they do not wish to fight with Pak Army.....

For the Mushy (Friend of Bushy) I hate him and nearly everyone in the Army hates him.... ....

I have the right to show my view point.... and i think i have... yeah for some of you a hardliner.... a mullah.... and may be even a person who doesn't know whats going on in Pak......

Mr Ahmad,

It would have been better if you had done some research on siege and hostage ituations like that of the Lal Masjid, elsewhere in the world present and past history. Interestingly almost all of them resulted in a millitary cleanup operation. If you go by traditional islamic history---all the men of the Lal masjid would have been publicly beheaded immediately after the take over as some of the outspoken participating female members as well.

Here is a problem with Musharraf right from the begining---he has been trying to RE-INVENT the wheel by talking to these people for too long---trying to resolve these issues peacefully. Check out the history of muslim rule in the sub-continent or elsewhere---any insurgency in any form was crushed and an example set out for others---to have good governance---examplary punishments need to be given to the culprits so that others can live in peace and harmony.

Musharraf's weakness in not punishing the criminals harshly, has resulted in most of the problems that we have today---I am a great fan of Musharraf and have a lots of praise for him---but when it comes to justice, I will say it on his face that he does not have it in him to be a ruler---you need stronger balz.

Now I don't understand what kind of jihad these lal masid fanatics were doing---where was this jihad when women were being gang raped and nobody listened to them, when the famillies of weak opponents were made to walk naked on city streets---where was the islamic jihad at that time---where was the islamic jihad in stopping drug smuggling---where was the jihad to stop the smuggling of wheat and other essentials---where is jihad against the kidnappers---highway robbers---corruption and a thousand other things---If these fanatics wanted to give away their lives then at least do it for a cause that the nation can stand behind you---rather than getting into confrontation with the govt over petty issues---isn't it the same masjid the parts of it are constructed on a haram land acquisition---its expansion was illegal construction---a mosque on a haram land is a haram mosque---a part of it was knowingly constucted on a property that was not theirs---that made it a haram land---regardless of any justification it stays haram. Any prayer offered in that place is haram---and any people praying in that place knowingly are doing something haram. If it is knowingly constructed on a land not their own partially or otherwise---the reason behind the construction is to manipulate the situation so that one day they will force the others to give that place to the mosque---as there was deceit in the hearts of the builders from the begining---that deceit does not go away just by agreeing on a later date and forcing the legal owner into submission by putting fear of Allah and peer pressure to give into something they would not have other wise. That is land grabbing in the worst form---and land grabbers are criminals.
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